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Tirunakshatram of Lord Srinivasa and Swami Desikan

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Kushyate Yasya NagarE Ranga YAtra Dine Dine

TAmaham ShirasAm VandE RajanAm Kulashekaram.


Dear Friends,


I am summarizing Sri Kulashekara Azhwar's Pasurams in praise of the

Lord of Seven Hills for the doubly blessed occassion of the

Tirunakshatram of Lord Srinivasa and his Ghanta Nada Svaroopi, Swami

Vedanta Desikan. In the fourth decad of Perumal Tirumozhi, Rajarishi

Kulashekara sings the glory of Lord Srinivasa and desires to be

something sentinent or insentinent associated with the sacred Hills of

Tirumala with the objective of serving the Lord. Each Pasuram reflects

the Azhwar's thought process in seeking increasingly better ways to

serve the Lord of seven hills. My summary is based on a translation of

these Pasurams by Sri Ananathanarasimhachariar (Bangalore), Sri Karyam

Srimad Paundarikapuram Ashramam.


1. I am interested only in the service of Lord Srinivasa, who in the

Krishna Avataram subdued the seven bulls to win the hand of Nappinai.

I do not care for human life with wealth and body comforts which are

transient in nature. The Panchajanya conch held by the Lord has opened

to express Bhagavad Anubhavam. I would like to be born as a stork

residing in the Pushkarani reserved exclusively for the Lord.


The reference to Panchajanya comes from the Gayathri mantram for the

Lord's conch which indicates that the Shanka Nadam dispels all

inauspiciousness and paves the way for reaching the Lord.


2. I am not interested in a life where I am surrounded by beautiful

young Apsaras, or the Lordship of the earth or heavens. Instead I

desire to be a fish in the hill streams of Venkatachalam with creepers

laden with nectar-filled flowers.


3. How I wish to hold the spit bowl of Lord Venkateshwara, who holds

the Sudarshana Chakram in his hand at Tirumala. The door of the

Garbhagriha resembles that of Sri Vaikuntam, which is difficult to

enter. Even Rudra with scattered hair, Brahma and Indra vie with one

another to have the Darshan of Lord Srinivasa.


4. I want to serve the lotus feet of Lord Venkateshwara, who is in Yoga

Nidra at the cool Ksheerabdhi, whose shore is scattered with precious

jewels. How I wish to be a Champaka tree in Tirumala (whose flowers are

offered to the Lord's lotus feet) whose flowers are visited by bees

humming to the tune of the music filling the air at Tirumala.


5. I do not aspire for the wealth and pleasures of a monarch riding an

elephant. Even the present kingdom, I do not desire. I would like to be

a tree in the beautiful Venkatachalam to serve the benevolent Lord



6. I am not interested in hearing the music or seeing the dance of

Urvashi, Menaka or other Apsaras with a beautiful waist and figure.

Instead, I would do penance to be a peak in Venkatachalam listening to

the humming music of the bees.


7. I do not consider it to be great to be an emperor flaunting his

wealth, occupying a huge area, walking under a royal umbrella resembling

the white moon, hearing the praise of courtiers and kings. I would like

to be a hill stream (to serve the Lord) in Venkatachalam hill laden with

creepers full of nectar-filled flowers.


8. Rudra with moon on his head and scattered hair, Brahma and Indra have

obtained their positions by performing big Yagas and Lord Srinivasa

gives them their positions as desired. I desire to be a path or road

traversed by Bhagavatas in the Venkatachalam hills with cool gardens of

fragrant flowers.


9. Oh Lord of Venkatachala with Godess Lakshmi seated in your chest

bestowing her grace! You give preferential support to those who have

surrendered (Prapannas) to destroy their sins that have grown like a

wild hedge. I desire to be a threshold in the Temple door trodden by

your Bhaktas, Devas and Apsaras like Rambha, while at the same time

have a glimpse of your lips looking like a pearl.


Even today, the entrance to the Sanctum-Sanctorum is known as

Kulasheakara Padi. The Azhwar wished to be purified by the dust from the

feet of Bhagavatas coming to offer homage to Lord Srinivasa. However,

traditional Sri Vaishnavas never place their feet on this step. Instead

they jump over it as a mark of respect to Kulashekara Perumal.


10. Even if I get the kingship of the entire world or even the place

where Urvashi dances with full complement of golden ornaments (Indra

Lokam), I do not consider it as anything great. I desire to be something

in the golden Tirumala hills, where my Lord (Srinivasa) with lips like

red pearl resides.


11. These garland of Tamil poems, which meet the requirements of

Shastras, recited with understanding and respect to realize the cool and

beautiful golden feet of Lord Venkatachalapathy of the north were

composed by King Kulashekara, possessing a sharp trident to kill

enemies. Those who recite these poems will become Bhaktas and will

please the Lord.


In this set of ten Pasurams, Kulashekara Azhwar refers to the evanescent

nature of material and worldly pleasures. He firmly establishes that the

only thing of permanence is attainment of Lord Narayana's(Tiruvenkatan)

lotus feet. This can be related to the Narayana Sooktam salutation:

Patim VishvasyAtmeshvaragam Shashvatagam Shivamachyutam and the

Sriranganatha Gadyam salutation "Sthairya" (meaning fixed or permanent

one). The eternal bliss of attaining the feet of Lord Narayana is

described in the Narayana Upanishad salutation "Narayana

SayujyamavApnoti, Narayana SayujyamavApnoti", in the Taittriya Upanishad

salutation "Sa YekO BrahmaNAnanda:" and in the Vishnu Sooktam

salutation "TadvisNoh Paramam Padam Sada Pashyanti Soorayaha" Since this

is the "bull's eye" Kulashekara Azhwar shuns everything else that comes

in the way of his goal (material wealth, royalty and its associated

paraphernalia and pleasures, Indra Lokam, the status of Brahma, Indra,

Rudra). The import of the message of the Ashtakshara Mantram is

beautifully reflected in these Pasurams. The first Pasuram referring to

Shanka Nada can be associated with the PraNava Aksharam glorified in the

Narayana Upanishad as: OmithYekAksharam. This establishes the Parathvam

of Lord Narayana. The ninth Pasuram refers to the benefit of performing

SharaNagati to Lord Narayana and finally, Pasurams 8-10 reflect the

Azhwar's enthusiasm to enjoy Bhagavat and Bhagavata Kainkaryam. Thus,

the Azhwar succinctly presents Tatva, Hita and Purushartha for a Sri

Vaishnava. One can associate the Narayana Upanishad salutations "Nama

Iti DvaE AksharE" and "NarayaNAyeti PanchAksharaNi", with Pasurams 8-10.

Another important feature of the ninth Pasuram is the description of

Prapatti as Papa Nivrutti, i.e., the act of surrendering to Lord

Narayana immediately rids one of their

sins (Bharanyasam). The final Pasuram again refers to the bliss of

attaining the Lord's feet. It is instructive to observe the use of

"possessing a sharp trident to kill enemies". The reference here is to

the fact that all obstacles coming in the way of one's path to seek the

Lord are ruthlessly destroyed by the three Rahasya Mantras, i.e.,

Ashtakshara Mantram, Dvaya Mantram, and Charma Shlokam.


It is also possible to discuss at length, the Azhwar's thought process

as he seeks increasingly better ways to serve the Lord while delivering

these Pasurams. Limitations of time and space preclude me from

undertaking the task in this post. Perhaps, this could be a topic for

future discussion. In this regard, I welcome inputs from all members of

our group.


Everything correctly stated is entirely due to the grace of my Acharyan.

All errors and shortcomings are mine alone.


SrivenkatAchalAdeesham Shriyadyasita Vakshitam

Sritachetana Mandaram Srinivasamaham Bhaje


Bhavitam Srinivasasya Bhakta DoshEshvadarshanam


Namo Narayana,


Muralidhar Rangaswamy







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