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Sri :


Srimate Sri Lakshmi - Nrusimha Divya PAdukA Sevaka -

Srivan Sadagopa Sri NArAyana Yateendra MahAdesikAya Namaha


Srimate NigamAntha MahAdesikAya Namaha

Srimate Bhagavad RAmAnujAya Namaha


Sriyai Namaha ; SridharAya Namaha



Dear bhAgavathAs of the bhakthi /prapatti group ,


Namo NArAyanA .

Kindly accept adiyens pranAmams .


Adiyen is basically from Madras. Adiyen is highly fortunate to have

the greatest VidvAn of this Century ,"Abhinava Desika Sri UttamUr

VeeraRAghavAchAryAr" as adiyens maternal grand-gather . Adiyen's father

Sri KG Krishnan is also known to many of the members .


On the contrary , adiyen persued modern education (kali ! ).


Adiyen finished B.E.(Hons) Chemical Eng & B.E.(Hons) Computer Science

from B.I.T.S., pilani in 5 years . During adiyens 3rd year in the college

, blessings of adiyens Grand father slowly made the transformation .


Adiyen was inspired to leave out Western Music at first . Then Coffee

, tea . Then follows a long list : TV ,Cinema ,Sports, Outside foods



Adiyen started reading about the supremely glorious AzhvArs and

their unparalleled soul - stirring devotional outpourings. Then , adiyen

was directed by my Grand father from paramapadA, to know about the

achAryAs and the VisistAdvaitA philosophy .


Day by day , devotion increased.


I was fortunate to hear the kAlakshebam under Sri U.Ve. PayyambAdi

VenkataVaradAchAriAr ( Brother Of UttamUr Swami ) for Swami

Desikans "Chillarai Rahasyam ". Unfortunately , enough time wasn't there (

College problem : Only Holidays at Madras ) to learn completely .


Last 7 months was spent at Madras itself under the pretext of

Industrial Project . That was really a wonderful time for adiyen .


The 45th Patta Azhagiya Singar "Sri Lakshmi Nrusimha Divya PAdukA

Sevaka Srivan Sadagopa Sri NArAyana Yateendra MahA Desikan" was highly

merciful to initiate( SamAsrayanam) adiyen as his sishyA.


Adiyen thoroughly enjoyed the Centenary Celebrations Of Abhinava

Desikan .


Adiyen was fortunate to hear the KAlakshebam on "GItA BhAsyam " by Sri

U.Ve. V.S. KarunAkaran SwAmi . Again the time factor . Only the 3rd

chapter ( Karma Yoga )was covered in detail.


Adiyen was fortunate to learn Swami Desikans magnum - opus " Srimad

Rahasya Traya SAram " from Sri U.Ve. V.N. GopAlaDesikachAryA (Oppilliappan

Sannidhi ) . In 14 days , he just covered the important aspects .



Its really a great transformation for adiyen within a span of 2and 1/2

years .Its a surity that whomsoever listens to the kalyAna gunAs of the

Supremely Merciful Sriman NArAyanA from our AchAryAs , with sincerity ,his

life will be changed .Adiyen is one such living example.


Adiyen learnt the recitation of many PAsurams from Divya Prabandham in

the traditional Deva GAnA . Regular classes both in morning and evening

are being held by the blessings of AzhvArs.Its one of the kainkaryams

done by adiyens father.


Adiyen repented for wasting the time with the so called Engineering .

Adiyens quest for the real Knowledge increased . But adiyen feels that

this Engineering Degree can be utilized in a wonderful way , as a service

to the Divya Dampati . Plans are there . Hope that Bhagavad Sankalpam

approves them .



Adiyen knew about the Bhakthi group, a year back, from Sri

V.Sadagopan . He was kind enough to send 2 postings that time .


Sri Anbil RAmaswAmy was kind enough to grace "Sri Ranga Padmam " (

adiyens house at Madras). Adiyen thus learnt lots more about the group

..Sri JagannAth BharadwAj was also kind enough to grace "Sri Ranga Padmam

" . Again adiyen was inspired more .



By the blessings of Swami Desikan , adiyen was made to write a

commentry on " VairAgya Panchakam". Unfortunately , adiyen didn't bring a

copy of it to US. Sri U.Ve.V.S. KarunAkaran Swami did the katAkshA on

that work and was happy about the same . Adiyen's father will be sending

it to US after the katAkshA of some more vidvAns .


Adiyens knowledge in philosophy is not much ( Sri BhAsya etc ).


Adiyen is at present a new graduate student at Univ Of Connecticut,

Storrs ( M.S. Chem Eng) .


Adiyen is again fortunate to be one amongst the members of the

Bhakthi Group . By the blessings of the BhAgavathAs , adiyen hopes to

relish the Bhagavad Vishaya .

Please do bless adiyen for getting more knowledge and devotion unto the

lotus feet of the Divya Dampati , and thereby indulge only in Bhagavad

and BhAgavadha kainkaryA.


Namo NArAyanA




anantha padmanAbha dAsan


sarvam sri krishnArpanamastu




* *

* U-200 , BOX #173 , UCONN , *


* STORRS , CT 06269 *

* *

* TEL :(860) 427-6579 (RES) *


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