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Need Meaning Of Samskrit Words

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Could someone explain meaning of samaskrita words below ?


"sam-kalpa", "a-kalpa" & "vi-kalpa" .


What do the prefixes "sam-", "a-" & "vi-" mean, in general ?



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At 02:03 PM 10/27/97 EST, Ram Gopalaswamy wrote:

>Could someone explain meaning of samaskrita words below ?


>"sam-kalpa", "a-kalpa" & "vi-kalpa" .


>What do the prefixes "sam-", "a-" & "vi-" mean, in general ?






Sam - kalpa means decision or resolution to do something or to will. For

example satya samkalpah means one whose will itself is truth. ie. whatever

he wills is true. The word samkalpa can be broken as :


samyak kalpah. samyak means "well" kalpah = willing or thought.


vikalpa = options or alternatives. ie. for example one can attain

atmasakshatkara or get self realization through karma yoga or jnana yoga.

this means that there is vikalpa in the methods to attain self realization.


what is akalpa? beats me. I am not sure. the upasarga "A" means "no" or

negation. I am not sure akalpa means. I need to know the context in which

the word is used. I will try to do some research on this word tonight.


Adiyen Krishna Kalale

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I had posted the question about akalpaH etc. on sanskrit-digest.

Here is the reply


Siva Pandyaram <siva


Here is my .02c. Let me know where the akalpaH word is used and I'll

tell you whether this meaning is appropriate or not.


kalpaH = equivalent/competent


saMkalpaH = thought

equivalent to your intention, or when you

formed (expressed) it with language, you can call it thought.

vikalpaH = option

(visheshheNa kalpaH, equivalent in many ways)

na+kalpaH = akalpaH = not equivalent

(or "not competent" when used for comparison)



maharshhikalpaH = equivalent to Maharshhi


See R-B-5-23.txt:

taamagnimadbhirguNavadbhiraavR^itaaM dvijottamairvedashhaDa~NgapaaragaiH |

sahasradaiH satyaratairmahaatmabhirmaharshhikalpaiH R^ishhibhishcha kevalaiH

||23 ||




email: shree

website: http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Acropolis/8891/

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