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Meanings of ThiruppANAzhwAr's AmalanAdhipirAn pasurams (as posted by Sri VS earlier)

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Respected bhAgavatOttamALs,


Subsequent to the earlier post of ThiruppANAzhwAr's AmalanAdhipirAn

(transliteration), Given below are their meanings.


Meanings: (as posted by Sri V.Sadagopan in his Dec 95 post- which is

temporarily not available in Archives)


(Thaniyan #1- Sanskrit): Let me contemplate on ThiruppAnAzhwAr (MunivAhana,

the saint who was carried to the precincts of the shrine of Lord

Ranganatha, by Lokasaranga muni on his shoulders), whose inner soul

(antaratma) became enraptured at the sight of the reclining Lord Hari

(Ranganatha) betwixt (the two streams) of KauvEri, and who, having

experienced (the vision of the Lord) from the feet to His head, declared

that his eyes would not see other objects (except the Lord).


(Thaniyan #2 - Tamizh):Let us sing in praise of the holy feet of Sri

ThiruppANAzhwAr, who entered (the holy shrine of Lord Ranganatha) riding on

the shoulders of the sage (Lokasarangamuni) saw (the Lord in full) and sung

(in praise of) HIM limb by limb, as the Lord showed to him, i.e, the Lotus

feet, the silk garment, the navel, the waist band of rare excellence, the

Holy chest, the neck, the red mouth, (with rosy lips), the eyes of unfading

(red lotus charm) and the (whole divine) Archa form.


1.AmalanAdhipirAn.... He, the Lord VishNu is blemishless, the foremost God,

and the resplendent one that has made me serve His ardent devotees; He,

the Lord of Nityasuris (celestial, eternal Arch angels) has taken His abode

at the Venkatam hill surrounded by fragrant grooves; He, the immaculate

Lord is ever pure, sacred God; (now I look at) Him, the overlord of Supreme

justful heaven (vaikuntham or Vaan), and the Divine God (ranganatha) of Sri

Rangam (girt with) long ramparts. (As I see Him), His sacred lotus FEET

enter into and become merged with my eyes.


2. Uvandha ULLatthanAy.... Lord Ranganatha (Arangatthu AmmAn) who has with

His heart full of pleasures, measured the worlds, (earth and heaven) (in

his descent as TrivikramA) shines with His tall and lofty crown. He, whose

sharp and piercing arrows destroyed (devoured) the demons (night-wanderers)

who came to fight Him that day (i.e in His descent sa Sri Rama), is the

scion of the race of kAkusthA. He is the Lord Sri Rangam full (of flowery

and) fragrant gardens; now my mind becomes immersed with the Lord's reddish

SILK GARMENT worn by Him around His waist.


3.Mandhi pAya vada vEnkata mAmalai.... The Lord, Ranganatha, who reclines

on the serpent couch (Adhi sEshA) in Sri Rangam, is the same Lord VishNu,

(Srinivasa) who has stood in the North at the Great Venkata Hills, where

monkeys jump from one tree to the other. Lord Srinivasa has stood for the

sake of Gods, who come to worship Him; the sweet core (inner soul) of my

heart rests on the twilight coloured garment of the Lord and on His

beautiful NAVEL, above it (the garment)-the GREAT NAVEL that created the

four faced God Ajah(BrahmA).


4.Chadura mAmadhizh soozh... The Lord of Sri Rangam (full of woods), where

sweetly singing bees hum and great peacocks dance (happily), is the same as

the Lord Sri Rama of (life-bestowing) ocean hue; Lord Rama vanquished

RavaNa, the king of Lanka surrounded by Massive and square ramparts; after

driving him out(once from the battle filed), Lord Sri Rama later aimed an

invincible sharp arrow at RavaNa and made his ten heads fall down

(simultaneously cut off); The WAISTBAND (of Sri Ranganatha) found on His

beautiful belly makes pleasant strolls within my heart.


5.BhAramAya pazha vinai...The Lord of Sri Rangam has cut asunder all my

byrdensome old sins (ripe and heavy); He has now made me His (exclusive)

servant; Further, He has also entered into my heart; Whata wonder! I do not

know how much severe great penance have I done to achieve such a great

fortune of the Lord's immense grace over me. the Lord's CHEST, beautified

by the Goddess Lakshmi and the Graet garland Vaijayanthi, enslaved me.


6. Thunda veN piRaiyan... My master, Lord Ranganathar, has His abode in the

holy city of Sri Rangam surrounded by grooves, wherein live the swarms of

bees with fascinating wings; He is the One, who has removed the sufferings

of Lord Siva with the crescent moon on His head (when a skull got stuck in

His hand). Lord Ranganatha's throat (in days of Yore) consumed in full the

whole Universe comprising (a) many worlds inhabited by Andar (a category of

people) (b) the higherand the nether worlds © this massive and vast earth

(d) all the seven kulaachalas (ezhu maal varai, the seven mountains

balancing this earth); such a THROAT of the Lord indeed has saved me.


7. kayinAr suri sanghanalAzhiyar.... The Lord of the beautiful city of Sri

Rangam and the one supreme God, Mayan (beyond ken of all the ordinary

individual souls), who reclines on the serpent couch AdhisEshA holds on His

hands, the Conch Paanchajanyam with winding rekha and the chakra (Divine

sudharshanam) that emits firey sparks; His divine body (archa form) is like

a lengthy mountain range; He is our father and saviour, who has a very long

crown smelling exuberently with the fragrance of thuLasi leaves! His

beautiful RED MOUTH (with rosy lips), aiyO! has captivated and enraptured

my mind and heart.


8.PariyanAgi vandha.....The blemishless Lord of Sri Rangam is the Supreme

Being(i.e. the foremost creator and benefactor), who made the advent as

Narasimha and tore into shreds the massive body of the demon king

(HiraNyakasipu) that came to assault Him; Lord Narasimha was (and also is)

unapproachable and inaccessible to the Gods (BrahmA, Siva, IndhrA, and

others); in the face of Lord Ranganatha, there are those wide eyes, which

are very much black, broad and extensive towards the sides,

glittering(restless), with ruddy lines (rekhAs), running across and very

much lengthy; these EYES of the Lord have made me a fool (and I am



9.Aalamaa maratthinilai.... Lord Ranganatha reclining on the serpent couch

AdisEshA in Sri Rangam is the one who (long ago) having devoured the seven

worlds, was seen (by the Sage MarkandEya and found to be )lying on the leaf

of a great banyan tree as (an exquisite) Child, incomparable; the Lord

Ranganatha is adorned with beautiful garland studded with peerless gems and

pearl necklace; His Holy Body (Archa form) of blue diamond lustre is of

enormous beauty and excellent complexion; such a divine BODY of God has ,

aiyO! outweighed my mind( i.e, the Lord showing His whole BODY full of

beauty has taken away everything from me- my mind, heart and soul).


10. KoNdal vaNNan.... Lord Ranganatha is the Overlord (Supreme Sovereign)

of the whole world and all the people (residing there); Him- who is of the

black colour of the clouds as well as the nature of the clouds; who, as

Lord Gopala (KOvala alias KrishNa), ate butter with His mouth; who has

stolen my mind and heart; and who is my immortal ambrosia-; my eyes that

have looked at His beauty; (I swear) these eyes of mine, that have seen Him

,will NEVEr see anything else.



UNITED WITH THE LORD ARANGAN. (Only he and Sri AndaL united and merged with

the Lord directly in Arangan's sannidhi.)


(Thanks to Sri V.Sadagopan for his excellent meanings!)


ThiruupAnAzhwAr thiruvadigaLE saraNam


Ram Ram


dAsan madhavakkannan

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At 12:52 AM 11/7/97 -0800, V.MadhavakkaNNan wrote:



>UNITED WITH THE LORD ARANGAN. (Only he and Sri AndaL united and merged with

>the Lord directly in Arangan's sannidhi.)


I have a book from Alkondavilli Govindacharya on the lives of Alwars. In

that I remember to have read that Kulasekhara alwar's daughter was also one

such person who went to Srirangam and merged with the lord Sri Ranganatha.


I would like to know who has a copy of the "Divya Suri Charitam".


Adiyen Krishna Kalale

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