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Sweet Thiruvaaimozhi-1.1

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Dearest sisters and brothers,

Let us enjoy NammAzhwAr's ThiruvAimozhi (akkAra vadisal) to the fullest

extent possible by getting to know the meanings (from layman-angAni's

view). If any of You –at least one of you after reading these posts, close

your eyes, take a deep breathe visualising – AzhwAr's great bhakti,

philosophy and the richness of anubhavam for Sriman NarayaNa- immeasurable

qualities and beauty of the Lord- forgetting the World for a second- then,

it is His blessing on these posts. Many scholars and AchAryAls have written

and are still writing vyAkhyAnams for this great work. It is with my "no"

knowledge, I have attempted to write free translation- It is much beyond my

capacity and understanding to do any justice to this excellent pAsurams of

"our" AzhwAr. I place my humble effort at the feet of Sri RanganAyika

sametha RanganAtha and at the feet of NammAzhwAr with great humility and in

the service to the Sri VaishNava brethern.


AnanthAzhwAn's thaniyan:

YEindha perungeerthi erAmAnusa munithan/

VAiyndha malarp pAtham vaNanghugiNREn- aAyndha perunj/

Cheeraar sadagOpan senthamizh vEdham tharikkum/

pEraatha uLLam peRa/


"I bow to the Lotus feet of Ramanuja muni, (who has got the equal GREAT

capacity to NammAzhwAr) to give me a mind that is strong enough to retain

the "Senthamizh vEdham" thiruvAimozhi, which was written by NammazhwAr who

is blemishless, and is full of GREAT attributes(guNAs)"


Let us immerse ourselves into the SWEETEST pAsurams, consumption of which

will never satisfy us fully and will only make us addicts (because it talks

about "AarAamudhan" – AarA amudhanai Aarap paruguvOm) .


1. Uyarvu aRa uyar nalam ….mananE. " Oh my mind! you attain salvation by

prostrating at the bright shining Lotus Feet of the One,- the unparalleled

one, who has got everything that is GREAT in Him- who has blessed me with

gnAnam and Bhakthi which destroys my "agnAnam" (ignorance and wrong

knowldege) completely- who is the Chief of immortal dEvAs."


2. manan agam malam aRa….ilanE.. "My "uyir" (AntharyAmi) is He, who is-

incomprehensible even by those yOgis, who are able to control their

desire(lust), anger arising in their minds,- immeasurable by the fullest

capacities of five sense organs, - has got such attributes and character, -

who has got no one equal to Him at all times (past, present and the

future)- who has got none greater than Him."


3. ilan adhu udaiyan…nAmE- " I have already attained that emperumAn.- who

can not said that He has this in Him and He does not have that in Him-

(means He has Everything in Him; yet He is attached to nothing) such a

great attribute He has- He has entered into the forms of everything in the

Universe and in "viNNagam" (dEva, Brahma, Vikunta lOkam)- at the same time

,He is of no form – Like that, even though He has mixed Himself with

everything that can be perceived by sense organs, He still can NOT be

perceived by our senses; _ He has got all that is spread everywhere- the

emperumAn- who has got such GREAT attributes- I have already attained



4.naam avan ivan uvan… avarE.. " The emperumAn is and has become that guy,

this guy and the one who is in between that guy and this guy- that lady,

this lady and the one who is in between that and this lady- those and these

people and ones who are in between them- that and this object and those

objects which are in between them- the one which is a question in our

minds; good things; bad things; past, present and future things; things

which are never permanent and are going to be perished;-


5. avaravar thamathamadhu…ninRanarE… " Those gnAnis, who, with their

knowledge and bhakti understand their Gods as "The One, who has no second"

and surrender at Those Gods' feet. Such Gods bless and give everything to

Their devotees and satify them – Not due to their poers; but due to the

Grace and mercy of Sriman NarayaNan who is present in those Gods as

antharyAmi in their Hearts. "


6. NinRanar irundhanar kidanndhanar…thidarE…" Those who are standing,

sitting, lying down; those who are NOT standing; NOT sitting and NOT lying

down- all of them are directed and guided by Him; Such as He can not be

thought of as one who is of same kind of form and nature at all times; At

the same time He has got same kind of GREATNESS and ATTRIBUTES at all

times; such as He, due to our vairAgyam (determination), has become mine."


7. thida visumbhu…unda suranE…"The sturdy agAyam, fire, wind, water and the

earth,(Pancha bhoothangaL) with those, He has become one Himself with

everything that is in those pancha bhoothangaL; In each of those

everything, He has hidden Himself as its life – Like that He has entered

and spread everywhere and in everything like the light that spreads

everywhere; Such a GREAT Emperumaan at the end of cycle, (yugam), He takes

and unites everything back to Him."


8. surar aRivu nilai….uLanE…" ParamporuL, the one who can NOT be even known

by devAs,(celestial ones); who is the cause of all that is created and is

the consumer of everything by eating and keeping them in His body at the

end of cosmic cycle; who takes the form of RudhrA and burns; who takes the

form of brahmaa and created the Universe and gives gnAnam to dEvAs; Like

that He enters into Rudran and Brahman as their antharAtmA."


9. uLan enil uLan…parandhE.."He exists" means He exists (for theists); He

does not exist also implies He exists; - He has got such attributes and

nature which can be described as existent as well as non-existent; He

takes the forms as well as NO Forms; With such sthoola sareeram and

sookshuma sareeram, He exists and is spread EVERYWHERE."


10.parandha thaN.. karanE.." Emperumaan exists and is in each atom of water

droplet of the Ocean which spreads everywhere as if the atom itself is and

spreads the entire cosmic universe; Like that, He fills entirely even in

the MINUTEST Microcosmic particles and their atoms; With such nature He

exists and at the END, He takes back everything back to Him and stays put




VISISHTADVAITHAM. We can very well imagine why Our Sri Ramanuja and all

other acharyALs fell head over heels in live with this GREAT TRUTH given by

the GREATEST AZHWAR- Sri Ramanuja is idhath thaai (Foster mother); and

NammAzhwAr is mudhal thaai- first mother)


11. kara visumbhu…veedE.."ParamporuL- the one who has become and is the

sound, burning capacity, strength, coolness and the endurance/patience- the

attributes of the pancha bhoothangaL (respectively aagaayam, fire, air,

water, earth); His Lotus feet are the topic of pasurams of kurugoor

sadagopan- which are rich in meanings and in literary sense- the ten

pAsurams of these full 1000 pAsurams can give mOksham (to all of us, dear



Vaasaka dOsha ; kshandhavyah:


Ram Ram


NammAzhwAr thiruvadigaLE saraNam


dAsan madhavakkaNNan

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