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Sri Stuthi-Retransmittal

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Dear Friends,


Several members wrote to me indicating that they had trouble with

the uuencoded transmission that I sent yesterday. Therefore, I am

retransmitting the text version of the Sri Stuthi.


Muralidhar Rangaswamy


Sri Mahalakshmyai Namaha


Sriman VenkatanathArya: KavitArkika Kesari I

VedAntAcharya VaryomE SannidattAm SadAhrudi II


>Dear Friends,


>At the outset, I would like to wish all of you a very happy Pongal. =

>With the onset of=20

>Makara Shankaranti, I shall commence a summary of Swami Desikan's S=


>Stuthi . Swami Desikan was an extremely learned scholar, a poet beyon=

>d compare, a=20

>logician of uncanny ability and above all a supreme devotee of Lord N=


>An outstanding feature of his life was a total disdain and disregard =

>for worldly=20

>possessions, material wealth and property as is very eloquently evide=

>nced by the five=20

>verses of the Vairagya Panchakam. Although, he lived in near penury b=

>arely able to make=20

>ends meet, Swami Desikan led an extremely content and peaceful life-v=

>erily the=20

>embodiment of an ascetic.=20


>Swami Desikan returned to Kanchipuram from Tiruvaheendrapuram, after =


>the blessings of Bhagavan Hayagriva. A poor Brahmin, who lived in Kan=


>was longing to get married. Since he did not have money to meet the w=

>edding expenses,=20

>he sought the help of a few persons, who out of malice decided to pla=

>y a cruel trick on=20

>Swami Desikan. Despite knowing very well that Swami Desikan was penni=

>less, they=20

>advised the Brahmin lad to seek his help by portraying the Swami to b=

>e extremely

> wealthy. The na=EFve youth was easily taken in by these words and a=

>pproached Swami=20

>Desikan and did as he was advised. Swami Desikan saw through the=20

>mischievous trick planned by his detractors and decided to give them =

>a fitting reply.=20

>Without uttering a single word, he proceeded to the Sanctum-Sanctorum=

> of Perundevi=20

>Thayar (the consort of Varadaraja Perumal) and poured out his heart i=

>n twenty five=20

>delightful and extremely moving verses in praise of Thayar. To the =

>amazement of all,=20

>gold coins rained as Swami Desikan completed his eulogy. Swami Desik=

>an instructed=20

>the Brahmin to use the gold coins for the wedding. The young Brahmin =

>was thrilled to see=20

>the bountiful treasure and left after profusely thanking Swami Desika=



>Although Acharyas like Sri Alavandaar, Sri Ramanujacharya, and Sri Sr=

>ivatsanka Misra=20

>(Kuresha) have saluted Mahalakshmi Thayar in the Chatushloki, Sharana=

>gati Gadyam=20

>(opening salutation) and the Sri Sthavam, respectively, Swami Desikan=

>'s tribute in =20

>this set of twenty five exquisite verses brings out the Svarupa, Rup=

>a, Vibhava and=20

>Aishwarya of Mahalakshmi Thayar with consummate effect. Swami Desikan=

> beautifully=20

>establishes that Periya Piratti is both the Upaya and Upeya for the B=

>addha JivAtma.=20

>This becomes evident only when one understands the inner meanings tha=

>t lie buried in=20

>these verses. My summary is based on a translation of these verses=


>in Hindi by U.Ve. Sri N.S. Rajagopalan.


> =20








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