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SamAshrayanam - part 1

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Sri :


Srimate Sri Lakshmi Nrusimha Para Brahmane Namaha


Srimate Sri Lakshmi - Nrusimha Divya PAdukA Sevaka -

Srivan Shatagopa Sri NArAyana Yateendra MahAdesikAya Namaha


Srimate NigamAntha MahAdesikAya Namaha

Srimate Bhagavad RAmAnujAya Namaha


Sriyai Namaha ; SridharAya Namaha



Dear Bhakti group members ,


Namo NArAyanA . kindly accept adiyens pranAmams.



The mercy of Sriman NArAyanA has made adiyen to write an article on

SamAshrayanam. Adiyen will post it as a series.


Thanks to Sri VakhuLAbharanan ( Anand Rangarajan ) for encouraging

adiyen to write on this topic. Adiyens heartfelt gratitude to Sri

Sadagopan and Sri JagannAth for their valuable suggestions.


The references are :


1. SriVaishnavism - VishistAdvaita Research Center etal.


2. Pancha SamskAram (SamAshrayanam) I & II - ( Sri K.R.NArAyanan) (

Translation of the original in Tamil by Sri U.Ve. Purisai NadAthoor

KrishnamAchAryA swAmy)


* part I : Nrusimha PriyA Mag ; Samputam 55 ; Sanchikai 7.

* part II: Nrusimha PriyA Mag ; Samputam 55 ; Sanchikai 8.


3. AchArya SamAshrayanam (Resorting the preceptor) - Dr.S.PadmanAbhan ;

Nrusimha PriyA Mag; samputam 54 ; Sanchikai 7; Etazh 2 .



Actual credit goes to the AchAryAs who wrote these referred articles

/ book . Adiyen has simply assembled the various points presented by them

with some elaboration.


If someone senses any mistake in the article , it is due to adiyens

connection with prakruti. So , kindly pardon adiyen for the same . But ,

please do point out the mistake without fail .



For advanced learning , one should learn "Sath Charitra rakshai " of

SwAmi VedAnta Desikan. No subject is left untouched by our Desikan . Hope

that this article kindles further interest to learn the works of our

AchAryAs & more importantly to undergo SamAshrayanam (for those who

haven't had so).



Namo NArAyanA




Anantha PadmanAbha dAsan



Sarvam Sri KrishnArpanamastu

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