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Sri Stuthi-5

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Dear Friends,


In this post, I shall present a summary of verses 7 and 8 of the Sri

Stuthi. In the seventh verse Swami Desikan pays a glowing tribute to

Lord Narayana, which echoes hoary Vedic declarations from the Narayana

Upanishad and also mirrors the message of Sri Ramanujacharya's

opening salutation of the Sri Ranganatha Gadyam. Verse 8 is a

glorification of Sri, the Ishwari as the consort of Perumal (Ishwara)

in the above context.


7. PashyantIshu Shrutishu Parita: SUribrindEna SArdham

MadhyEkrutya TriguNaphalakam NirmitasthAnabhEdam I

VishvAdhIsapraNayini SadA VibhramadyUtavrttoU

BrahmEsAdyA Dadhati YuvayOrakshasAraprachAram II


Swami Desikan describes Bhagavan's Leelas in this verse.

Prakriti which is a mixture of TriguNas is the game board for a

game of dice which is witnessed by the Vedas, Nitya Suris like Ananta,

Garuda, Vishvaksena and Muktas. Brahma, Shiva, Indra and other Devatas

, and Baddha JivAtmas are mere pawns in this game of dice. Bhagavan is

the prime-mover and the only player in this game which manifests

as His Leela. Implicit herein is the fact that Sri is ever associated

with the Lord in his Vakshasthalam and is therefore part of the

player (Bhagavan).


This verse resonates beautifully with Sri Ramanujacharya's opening

salutation of the Sri Ranganatha Gadyam "SvAdeena Trivida Chetana

Chetana SvarUpa Stithi Pravrutti BhEdam KlEsha KarmAdya Sesha

DoshAsamsprushtam". In this salutation, Sri BhashyakArar describes

Bhagavan as one who holds sway over the existence and activities of the

three varieties (Baddha, Mukta and Nitya) of sentinent and insentinent

ones and one who is unaffected by the five kinds of miseries (Kama,

Krodha, Lobha, Moha, Mada) that afflicts those who are inextricably

bound by Karma. The Lord is further glorified as ParipUrNam Bhagavantam

(Lord who is complete in all respects) in another Ranganatha Gadyam

salutation. In the NarayanOpanishad, the Lord is saluted as "NishkaLO

NiranjanO NirvikalpO NirAkyatha; ShuddhO Deva EkO Narayana: Na

DvitIyOsti Kaschit"


Swami Desikan, the undisputed master over Vedam and Bhagavad Ramanuja

Darsanam marvellously weaves in the cross thoughts in this verse. The

Leelas of the Divya Dampatis are akin to a game of dice in which

countless JivAtmas take part. Only the Divya Dampatis stand out amidst

the Jivatmas as the prominent players. The Vedas and Nitya SUris like

Ananta, Garuda and Vishvaksena are spectators in this game of dice.

Devatas like Brahma, Shiva and Indra are the dice. Thus Swami Desikan

establishes that the entire universe is a Leela of Lord Narayana and

even Devatas like Brahma, Shiva and Indra are bestowed with their

elevated status by Lord Narayana. One can also relate this tribute

with Kulashekara Perumal's outpourings in the fourth decad of Perumal

Tirumozhi, in praise of Lord Srinivasa. In it the Azhwar too echoes

the same sentiments as Swami Desikan. An important aspect to be noted

is the description of Mukta and Nitya Jivans. These are described as

spectators to the Lord's Leelas. The inner meaning here is that Mukta

and Nitya Jivans have surrendered (SharaNagati) to the Lotus feet of the

Lord. Therefore, they have been conferred the previlege of being by the

Lord's side forever and being constantly engaged in His service. The

reference to Vedas is also significant because it points to the

concluding salutation of the VishNu Sooktam "TadvishNOh Paramam Padagam

SadA Pashyanti Soorayaha".


The game of dice also has connections to the Mahabharata. Lord

Krishna graciously agreed to serve as Arjuna's charioteer during the

war. As soon as the Lord blessed Arjuna with his support, Balarama

in a conversation with Krishna mentioned that: "I know you Krishna.

Shakuni cheated the Pandavas in a game of dice using a loaded dice.

In the war that ensues you will play a game of dice with the Kshatriyas

of this earth as mere pawns. This time the dice is far more

potent than the one wielded by Shakuni. The fate of Duryodhana and

his cohorts has been sealed the very moment you agreed to support the



8. AsyEsAnA Tvamasi Jagata; SamshrayantI Mukundam

LakshmI PadmA Jaladhi TanayA VishNupatnIndirEti I

YannAmAni ShrutiparipaNAnyEvamAvartayantO

NAvartantE DuritapavanaprEritE Janma ChakrE II


The previous verse described the Lord's Leela as the Lord (Ishvara)

of the universe (BrahmAndam). In this verse, Swami Desikan points out

that since, Periya Piratti is the consort of the Lord, she is

automatically, the Ishvari. The reference here is to the fact that

the Lord as Mukunda is responsible for granting Moksham. His beloved

consort, Sri, pleads with the Lord on behalf of the Baddha Jivans to

confer upon them the boon of Moksham. Therefore, just like her husband,

Lord Vishnu, Periya Piratti Thayar is glorified by countless

names. These names include Lakshmi, Padma, JaladhitanayA, VishNupatnI,

and Indira. Those who glorify you have the same PramANam as the

SahasranAmams. The names of Periya Piratti mentioned above are

deep rooted in the Vedas. Those who engage in reciting these names

through the Vedas are unaffected by the six evil winds (Kama, Krodha,

Lobha, Moha, Mada and MAtsarya). They are freed from the cycles of

birth and death. One can note the subtle connection to NammAzhwar

through the usage "evil winds". Sri Tirukuruhoor Satakopan (NammAzhwar)

received this name since he conquered the six evil winds at birth.

NammAzhwar's work had a profound and deep rooted impact on

Swami Desikan. Several works of Swami Desikan contain tributes to

NammAzhwar. The Sri Stuthi is no exception! The Vedic tributes

referred to in this verse are the Sri Sooktam salutation "IshvarIgam

Sarva BhootAnAm TAmihopahvayE Shriyam" and the NeeLa Sooktam

salutation "AsyEshAna JagatO Vishnu Patni". These salutations establish

the Ishvari and Vishnu Patni aspects of Periya Piratti Thayar.

Therefore, the Shrutis assign equal importance to Lord Narayana and Sri.

For example in the Purusha Sooktam, the Lord is

referred to as HrIschatE LakshmIscha PatnyoU. The Shrutis,

glorify her as Lakshmi whereas the PuraNas eulogize her as Padma.


VishnupatnIm MahIm DevIm MadhavIm Madhava Priyam

LakshmIm Priya SakhIm DevIm NamAmyachyuta VallabhAm (cf: BhU Sooktam)


Namo Narayana,


Muralidhar Rangaswamy




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