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RanganAtha Temple Ceremonial Digging

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Sri :


Srimate Sri Lakshmi Nrusimha Para Brahmane Namaha


Srimate Sri RanganAyaki sametha Sri-

RanganAtha Para Brahmane Namaha


Srimate ShatagopAya Namaha


Srimate Bhagavad RAmAnujAya Namaha


Srimate NigamAntha MahAdesikAya Namaha


Srimate Sri Lakshmi - Nrusimha Divya PAdukA Sevaka -

Srivan Shatagopa Sri NArAyana Yateendra MahAdesikAya Namaha



Dear bhaktAs of RanganAtha perumAL,


Namo NArAyanA . kindly accept adiyen's pranAmams.


The BhUvarAha PoojA (Ceremonial Digging) for the construction of Sri

RanganAtha Temple (PomonA) was performed in a grand manner on 8th March

,which was also the thirunakshattiram of Sri Kulasekara PerumAL . Adiyen

was HIGHLY FORTUNATE to get the blessings of the Divya Dampati. Frankly

speaking , Adiyen didn't had any inclination to go to PomonA . But , Sri

Keshava PrasAd of Connecticut called just the day before & asked adiyen to

accompany him & his wife . Adiyen was filled with joy (got a ride...) &

realized about the greatness of the mercy of bhAgavathAs & RanganAthar.


Thirumanjanam to Sri RanganAthar , Peria PirAti , Sri Devi & BhU Devi

was performed with great devotion by Sri Venkat KanumallA swAmi, starting

from 7.30 AM ,at his residence. PerumAL & PirAti being highly pleased with

the Abhishekam ( PanchAmrutam) , accepted the alankAram . Wonderful Flower

garlands were adorned by the Divya Dampati.


Since it was the thirunakshattiram of Sri Kulasekara perumAL ,

mukunda mALA was recited for the pleasure of the Divya Dampati , apart

from other hymns glorifying Sriman NArAyanA.


After SAtrumurai ,the bhaktAs were blessed with theertam & shatAri

of the Divya Dampati. shatAri for Peria PirAti was made from 0.5 Kg Gold ,

contributed by a bhAgavathA during January. PrathistA for shatAri was done

in Ahobila Mutt , India. ( PirAti's concern(dayA) for Her shatAri is

clearly evident. She wanted it to be of top class . Our ranganAthar is

still thinking about it !! ). The blessings of the divine pAdukAs of 44th

patta Azhagiyasingar Srivan Shatagopa Sri VedAnta Yateendra MahAdesikan

& 45th patta Azhagiyasingar (Current Jeeyar ,Ahobila Mutt) Sri Lakshmi

Nrusimha Divya pAdukA sevaka Srivan Shatagopa Sri NArAyana Yateendra

MahAdesikan & Sri pAda theertam made adiyen ecstatic . Then , the sacred &

delicious PrasAdam were distributed to the devotees .


RanganAthar & Peria pirAti , then left for the temple site alongwith

the priest , Sri Venkat KanumalA swAmi , Sri SrinivAs TanikellA swAmi and

other bhAgavathAs. In the temple site , proper arrangements were made .

Divya Dampati were greeted by few bhAgavathAs there . A Rectangular fence

( made of cloth) was arranged & the top was also covered (sort of tent),

to make the stay of RanganAthar, Peria PirAti & bhAgavathAs comfortable

during the ceremony.


After Sthala Prokshanam ,Vishwaksena ArAdhanam was performed.

( For the auspicious start , devotees of Sriman NArAyanA perform

Vishvaksena ArAdhanA. Those who aren't matured in true devotion , pray to

Lord GaneshA for any auspicious start)


The water in the kalasam was thus highly sanctified. Prokshanam of

this mantra Jalam to all the articles to be used in the service of Sri

RanganAThar & as well as the bhAgavathAs was done. Sudarshana Homam was

duly performed to please the Divya Dampati . The blessings of PerumAL &

PirAti was there with the bhAgavathAs to perform the BhUvarAha PoojA .

The ceremonial Digging was first done by Sri Venkat KanumallA swAmi , in

the presence of the pAdukAs of 44th & 45th Patta Azhagiyasingars. The

first brick for the construction of the temple was laid down by Sri Venkat

swAmi , on behalf of his AchAryA.


Special mention has to be made about the climate. It was raining the

whole day.This clearly indicated that Sriman NArAyanA , AzhvArs &

other Nitya SoorIs , AchARyAs & other MuktAs & devAs were highly pleased

with the temple construction ceremony. The Ceremonial Digging has to be

done at a place which was at a distance from the tent. Sri Venkat swAmi ,

Priest , Sri SrinivAs swAmi & other bhAgavathA with AchArya pAdukAs went

to the site along with other bhAgavathAs . Eventhough adiyen was with

jacket & other things , it was really shivering. But , Sri Venkat swAmi &

other bhAgavthAs involved in the ceremony never seemed to be perturbed

because of the climate ( eventhough they were in the sAstric dress of

dhoti & uttriyam ; drenching in rain ; bare foot etc etc).


One has to sincerely learn a lot from these bhAgavathAs regarding the

spirit of Kainkaryam. The joy arising out in performing these Kainkaryams

which are obviously pleasing to Sriman NArAyanA , made them forget all

about their body & other materialistic things. The foot of these

bhAgavathAs were fully frozen by the time they returned to the tent ,

where Divya Dampati were present.


Adiyen was thinking that all the bhAgavathAs would be very happy that

the ceremony went off well. But, one bhAgavathA , Sri AnanthaPadmanAbhan

(from New Jersey ; not adiyen) was very sad & was highly perturbed. He

couldn't tolerate the prevailing climatic conditions which were

drastically affecting the thirumeni (divine body) of the Divya Dampati. He

had a very deep concern for Lord & started to complain heavily to Sri

SrinivAsa SwAmi , that the Divya Dampati should at once be covered with

shawls to prevent them from Shivering in the cold . Sri SrinivAsa swAmi

then told that the bhaktAs would be deprived of the glorious anubhavam of

seeing the Abhaya HastA of RanganAthA. This increased the intensity of

complain from Sri AnanthaPadmanAbhan. He told that , When his dear

ranganAthar is shivering , all the other things doesn't matter. Sri

SrinivAsa swAmy then covered the Divya Dampati with shawls & made the

bhaktA very happy ( obviously , RanganAthar must have been very very

happy) .


Eventhough if one learns lot of sAstrAs & is expert in telling

meanings etc etc , but doesn't have this 'love' towards Sriman NArAyanA,

ESPECIALLY FOR ARCHA AVATARAM , then he hasn't learned anything worth. The

archAvatAra Kainkaryam is the parama PurushArtam . All our AzhvArs &

AchAryAs have melted & repeatedly melted ( Urugi UrugipponArgal ) before

archAvatAram. This 'love' towards the archAvatAram is the hallmark of a

ParamaikAntin . PrapannAs , who are paramaikAntins ,having surrendered to

Sriman NArAyanA as their sole refuge , by performing Prapatti , spend

their life solely in performing almost uninterrupted & unconditional

kainkaryam to Sriman NArAyanA & their love towards the archAvatArams will

be limitless.


( Technically, uninterrupted & unconditional kainkaryam in the fullest

extent is possible Only at Sri Vaikuntam . Thats why , we want to get

moksham & thereby reach Sri Vaikuntam as soon as possible , ie. the

separation from NArAyanA & association with prakruti at present is

untolerable. A simple definition of kainkaryam is " That Act Which

Pleases Sriman NArAyanA & done solely for His Pleasure " ).


But , the anubhavams of AzhvArs & AchAryAs are simply marvelous .

Sri KulasekharAzhvAr bitterly bursts out in tears & cries towards

ThiruvengadamudayAn & pleads that he should either be a fish , or a tree

,or a stone or a doorstep of SrinivAsar ( anything sentient / insentient

at Thirumalai ). Please read again & again the recent nectarian postings

on Sri Kulasekara PerumAL by Sri Muralidhar swAmy (a devout & learned

bhaktA. Our bahkti list is fortunate to have his wonderful insights &

anubhavams shared), Sri NArAyanan swAmy (ie.Sri MAdhavakannan swAmy , our

favourite donor of amrutham ) & Sri Sadagopan swAmy ( needless to say ,

his writings form the the backbone of bhakti list . Adiyen is in loss of

adjectives here to glorify the writings of this most respected bhAgavathA

for his knowledge & devotion). One should atleast get a glimpse of how

much AzhvArs felt for archAvatAram .


Our ParAsara Bhattar declared that he would be highly ecstatic &

jump & roll all over , if he is atleast a dog in the streets of Sri



Our AchArya sArvabhoumA & KavitArkika Simhan Sri VedAnta Desikan

surpasses everyone in his deep anubhavam. As everyone knows , our thoopil

piLLai ( Sri VedAnta Desikan ) was highly devoted & madly intoxicated

by the splendor of the anantha kalyAna GunAs & divine beauty of KAnchi

VaradarAja PerumAL ( Please read VaradarAja PanchAsat , Adaikkala Pattu ,

Atthigiri MahAtmyam, Thiruchchina mAlai etc. Tons of Tears automatically

will pour down from one's eyes , by understanding the rich anubhavam of

SwAmi Desikan). Our Sarvatantra Svatantra SwAmi Desikan , lost himself

completely in the wonderful Uttsavams of PeraruLALan ( VaradarAjan).He

makes a Pratij~nA ( Affirms very strongly. Makes a pledge/oath , not a

mere wish ) that he would rather perform Kainkaryam to Kanchi Varadan

for eternity & would relish the various Uttsavams , rather than to perform

kainkaryam to Sriman NArAyanan at VaikuntA & affirmed that there is not an

desire EVEN for Sri Vaikuntam ( "Vaikunta vAse bhi na abhilAshaha " ).



Adiyen was filled with other train of thoughts regarding our various

other AChAryA's anubhavams with Sriman NArAyanA's archAvatArams .


Thirukkachi Nambigal did the "fanning" (visiri)kainkaryam for KAnchi

VaradarAjan. Our AChAryA did it with so much anubhavam that it melted the

heart of Varadan. It is well known that Varadan was speaking with our

AchAryA directly & unlike we who spend time in talking with mortals ,Sri

Thirukkachi Nambigal spent his time in conversing with VaradarAja

PerumAL. Daily during ThiruvArAdhanam , adiyen also does "fanning" for

NArAyanA (sAlagrAma PerumAL) during alankAra Asanam.It is only for name

sake. No proper anubhavam (even with repeated struggle) arises .An iota

of the exaltedness of Thirukkachi Nambigal is remembered daily by adiyen.


Who can forget our illustrious AchAryA NadAdUr AmmAL's motherly

affection towards VaradarAjan ? Our AchAryA used to see Varadan as BAla

Krishnan ( Kutti Kannan ). Since the food prepared for varadan (BAla

Krishnan) will be very hot , he used to cool them properly to the optimum

temperature which will be relished by BAla Krishnan . Our Varadan was so

much moved by our AchAryAs pure love that He came as BAla Krishnan in

front of our AchAryA. Our AchARyA's ecstacy knew no bounds & made his

darling KrishnA drink the milk (cooled to optimum temperature) that was

lovingly prepared by him . BAla KrishnA then called our AchAryA

affectionately as "ammA" (" mother") & had their divine conversations. The

title of "AmmAL" (respected mother) was given by Lord KrishnA Himself to

our AchAryA . Such were the pastimes of our AchAryAs.



Who can forget our "Dhayaika Sindhu" ( Ocean of Mercy ) Sri

BhagavAn RAmAnujA's kainkaryam towards KAnchi VaradarAjan & other Divya

Desa PerumALs ? If at all Divya Desam exists , it is purely due to our

EmperumANAr (Sri RAmAnujar). In his times , one can count in hands the

number of VaishnavAs present in India. The whole world was filled with

ignorance , either due to the rejection of VedAs or due to the

misinterpretation of VedAs ( which is more suicidal than the former). It

was our emperumAnAr who freely distributed the path of surrender &

love(Prapatti/SaranAgati) towards Sriman NArAyanA , to one & all

,irrespective of caste,creed ,sex etc.


All the perumALs in the divya desams were either left unattended or

worshiped in a way contrary to Agama sAstrAs. It was our EmperumAnAr who

brought back the glories of divya desams ( pAncharAtrA / VaikhAnasa AgamA

worship; Uttsavams with various vAhanams ; divya Prabandham recitation

etc etc). If we are able to meet any vaishnavA / BhAgavathA today , it

is entirely due to EmperumAnAr . If at all we hear any of the Holy Names

of Sriman NArAyanA today , its all due to EmperumAnAr only . The whole

bhakti movement in India which followed had full inspiration from our

EmperumAnAr & vaishnavAs (not only "Sri VaishnavAs" , but also

VaishnavAs following Sri MAdhvAchAryA , Sri VallabhAchAryA , Sri Krishna

ChaitanyA & other bhAgavthAs) started to flourish like anything in India

, with the gospel of love & surrender to Sriman NArAyanA being propagated

,with slight modifications according to the region of propagation.


Such EmperumAnAr , who is the Unparalleled Master of VedAntA ( Sri

BhASyA & other works ) , was most happy in performing the kainkaryam of

bringing water from a well which was a few miles away from temple ,for

daily ablutions to Lord VaradarAjA ( now a days , people tend to think

that such kainkaryams are reserved for uneducated devotees etc etc . On

the contrary , it is the Parama PurushArtam ie. Ultimate Goal)


Just think about each PerumAL in our Divya Desams :


RanganAthar : Appeared in Krutha yugA .BrahmA gave the Lord to Manu

for worship (rather NArAyanA chose to come to earth ) , passed on to

IshvAku VamsA in threthA yugA , ArAdhanA performed by Sri Dasarathar &

Chakravarthi thirumagan Sri RAmA , passed onto VibhishanA & finally stayed

at Sri Rangam .


SrinivAsar : Sriman NArAyanA's avathAram of SrinivAsA is glorified

by 14 of the 18 purAnams ( Still some fanatics dispute the presence of

NArAyanA there ) . His special avatAram for this kali yugA is well known

all over the world.


VaradarAjar : Appeared after being pleased by the Yaj~nA performed by

BrahmA . Adiyen doesn't know whether it was at Krutha yugA or ThrethA



RAmapriyar at Melkotte : Our SaranAgata Vatsalan Sri RAman did the

ArAdhanam to this perumAL in threthA yugam and was passed on till the

dwApara yugA. The princess in this lineage got married to a yAdavA in the

dvApara yugA . Since she was highly devoted towards RAmapriyar (

Affectionate to Lord RAmA) , her father sent the perumAL with her. Our

BalarAmar then got highly attracted by RAmapriyar . He started performing

ArAdhanA to the perumAL . Before going back to Sri Vaikuntam , Lord Sri

KrishnA ordered some of the yAdavAs to take RAmapriyar to the present

Melkote region & perform ArAdhanam properly ( since the whole yAdavA

dynAsty will fall down soon). KrishnA personally gave His most

beautiful Crown for RAmapriyar ( Affectionate to Lord BalarAmA !!) & it

is still preserved even to this day.


MAlolan & other forms of Lord NrusimhA at Ahobilam : The present

Ahobilam is the very place where the most wonderful incarnation of Sriman

NArAyanA as Lord NrusimhA took place ( Krutha yugA) . Lord NrusimhA

Himself ( during the Vibhava avatAram) did the prathistA for some of His

archAvatArams at Ahobilam .


ArAvamudhan at Thirukudandhai : Adiyen doesn't know the exact yugA ,

when Sriman NArAyanA descended to earth with His Chariot , as ArAvamudhan

at present Kumbakonam.


We can go on & on . All the glories of our perumAL at Divya Desams

are beautifully narrated in the 18 purAnAs ( the mahimA of many

popular divya desams are narrated simultaneously in many purAnAs, while

for other divya desams , atleast one purAnA narrates its glory ). ABOVE

ALL , we have the most nectarian mangaLAsAsanams from our dearmost AzhvArs

& AchAryAs.


There is no doubt that Our Sri Vaishnavam is eternal. A simple thought

over our temples itself will reveal so much about our Sri Vaishnavam. This

is not a new religious movement of BhagavAn RAmAnujA , rather the oldest &

eternal. The Central & the important connecting factor for all of us is

our dearmost PerumAL in archAvatAram at Various Divya Desams .


Coming back to Celebration at PomonA , Lakshmi NArAyana PoojA was

then performed to thank the Divine Couple for their blessings ,which was

responsible for performing the cermony successfully. It was followed by

archanA to Sri RanganAtha PerumAL & Peria PirAti .After SAtrumurai ,

devotees were blessed with shatAri & prasAdam (fruits).


Around 250 - 300 bhaktAs got the blessings of the Divya Dampati that

day. Sri Venkat swAmi earlier at his residence was beautifully explaining

the significance of nAchiyAr's ( Sri AndAL) instruction for us - " Unakke

nAm AatcheivOm" ( "Surrender to one & only You - Sriman NArAyanan

").Adiyen could feel the pain in his heart , regarding some Sri

VaishnavAs( by birth ) of USA worshipping all demigods blindly by going to

many temples.


It is well known that Sri MahALakshmi Herself told 44th pata

Azhagiyasingar ( Mukoor Azhagiyasingar) to construct the RAjagopuram at

SriRangam & to construct the RanganAthA temple here . To fulfil the divine

instructions of his AchAryA, Sri Venkat KanumallA swAmi is working day &

night , with intense devotion .Other bhAgavathAs too are highly committed

to make the temple construction come out in a big way. Adiyen was

fortunate to meet a few of them ,but unfortunately doesn't remember their

names with 100% assurance.


This will be the only Sri VaishnavA temple at USA for atleast

during our life time. Being a once in a life time oppurtunity , everyone

of us should eagerly participate in this great kainkaryam for NamPerumAL (

Our PerumAL ).


Adiyen can forever cannot forget the wonderful anubhavam adiyen

had in the sannidhi of RanganAthar . Adiyen has full confidence that each

& every one of us will sail towards the peak of our devotion by the mere

sight of our RanganAthar & other PerumALs . The sevai of VenuGopAlan is

beyond words. Adiyen IMMENSELY thank Sri Venkat swAmi & other bhAgavathAs

for their great mercy in making even a worthless wretched soul like adiyen

get the blessings of the Divya Dampati , even when adiyen is so far away

from the punya BhArata bhUmi .




Namo NArAyanA




Vaishnava dAsAnu dAsan


Anantha PadmanAbha dAsan



Sarvam Sri KrishnArpanamastu

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I would like to thank Sri Anand (Sri. Narayana Swamy?).... being relatively

uneducated in the protocol, I'm not sure how to address him...for giving us

all the experience of participation in the Ceremonial Beginning of Our

RanganAtha temple. In Srirangam we always heard "Engum surri Ranganai

Sevi".....and now that I think of it, most of them didn't do the "engum

surri" part beyond Trichy unless, as is frequent, I'm missing some implied

meaning....now we have an opportunity to honestly say "engum surri Ranganai

sevithen...". I grew up with annual visits to Srirangam, (and there are some

luckier people who have grown up living there), to us the Pomona temple

opens up a whole new world...ah, if we could only direct a small portion of

the Kavery waters too to this shore...it would be closer to the real

"Bhooloka Vaikuntam"...


His compassion for our priests who brave all types of intemperate climate

while continuing their kaimkaryam spoke volumes, and along with thanking the

illustrious people he mentioned, such as the great, learned (and always

kind) Sri. Sadagopan, I thank Sri. Anand very much for generously sharing

his own experience and views....It was a very beautiful anubhavam...


Satchittasayee, Bhujagendrasayee....

Neelangasayee, Kamalangasayee....

Ksheeraabdisayee, Ksheerabdisayee...

O... Rangasayee....!


Adiyen (?),

Viji Raghunathan

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