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Thiruvaaimozhi 5.1- The Merciful Emperumaan is everything to me.

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Dearest Sisters and Brothers,

iniya putthANdu VaazhtthukkaL. (Happy Tamil New year)

In Thiruvaaimozhi first hundred (mudhal patthu), AzhWar ascertained that

only kaimkaryam to Emperumaan is the ultimate. In the second hundred,

nammAzhwAr removed the hurdles that stand in the way to perform such

kaimkaryam. Third Patthu, he declared that it does not stop with only

Emperumaan; the kaimkaryam is equally applicable to ALL HIS BhAgawathAs,

too. In the fourth, he explained that on the way, one will face the

enemies of kaimkaryam i.e. Aishwaryam and kaivalyam; they should also be

set aside and ignored. Now, with the blessings of our sweet NammAzhwAr

and the grace of Emperumaan, we are entering into the fifth hundred,

where the essence is it is He who removes all these enemies from our

path towards the eternal kaimkaryam; Emperumaan and AzhwArs should give

us enough strength and blessings to see us through the entire

Thiruvaaimozhi (and then the FOUR AAYIRAM- Aren’t we extremely greedy?)

In the first decad of Fifth patthu, AzhwAr wonders at the NirhEthuka

krupai of Emperumaan (The mreacy and dayA of our Lord on us without any

special great effort/reason or cause). AzhwAr feels elated about His

grace in spite of his past deeds and errors; For ages, azhWar claimes

he has been bogged down with five senses and their pleasures; But now,

Emperumaan has removed all that vibharIta jnAnam and blessed him.

1. ‘kaiyaar chakkaratthu en karu maaNickkamE enRu enRu /

poyyE kaimmai solli puRamE puRamE aadi/

meyyE peRRozhindhEn vidhi vaaykkinRu kaappaaraar/

aiyO kaNNapiraan! ARaiyO! InippOnaalE!"


What a lovely song! Beautiful Tamil. Oh KaNNA! The One who has the

chakrA in His hand! -Like that for just telling something I was calling

You with no bhakt or involvement in what I say. But You have believed my

sugar coated words and fallen into the trap. You have enabled me to

obtain the Great blessings from You similar to what Your truthful

devotees also get. What a Bhagawath krupai! When You have decided to

shower Your grace, who can stop that? "En bhAgyamE bhAgyam."

2. When You were a child KaNNan, You went in between the two big

marudha trees; YasoDhA got scared that it may harm You and spoke some

soothing words with full of love and affection; I spoke the same words

without a semblance of bhakti and love for You and pretended to speak

with complete involvement; Oh MaNickkamE! Honey! My Dearest Lord,

Sweetest AmudhamE! You are so gullible and believed my words and entered

into my heart unconditionally; Hence, the sky, the earth, pancha bhUtAs

and everyone and everything has come to my side.

3. When my mid was loitering and wandering after the materialistic and

sensual desires, my mouth uttered some words like MaNickkamE! AmudhE!

Etc., and pretended them to be full of truthful utterances; Don’t You

know that when You are staying in me as antharyaami? As if You can not

know that, I cheated You, My Lord! Even then, in spite of that, You

stole me heart and captured my mischievous mind; Now all my pretensions

have gone and been removed by You and I am saved; Oh EmpiraanE! The One

who sleeps on ThiruppARkadal! Hereafter, I will not desire for anything

but YOU. You are the only hold for me;


4. KaNNA! There is no one for me except You; _Even though I utter this

statement, I am not able to control my mind running after the worldly

matters. Though my mind still thinks of You with my eyes welled in tears

longing to see You, I am not able to get over the bodily attachment.

Hence, You have to remove my connection / relation to this body. Please

call me and show mercy; (azhwAr in the earlier pAsurams says that he has

been just cheating the Lord with outwardly pretensions and finds that it

is due to the bodily attachment and vibharIta jnAnam; Due to connection

with prakriti, the mind runs after "other" matters; Hence, he appeals to

the Lord to remove the enemies (body), and take him to His Lotus Feet-

Bhattar interprets this way)


5. EmperumaanE! You came as KaNNan, in the Most Beautiful Form, the

beauty that was enjoyed thoroughly by NityasUris; Black Emerald Beauty!

You are the sweetest nectar that can give blissful happiness for ever

and ever at all times; Due to the jnAnam that You granted to me, I have

got You in my mind. Even then, due to my sarIra sambhandham, I have not

got You. Because, You have kept me in the middle and tied me tightly and

firmly with the body, and the tight ropes of anjnAnam, karmic diseases,

etc., and applied the skin on the top to covet them as the paint. You

have hidden Yourself and pushed me totally into the sensual pleasures.

You, The One who has pushed the ever permanent athmA in this temporary

body, are alone capable of bringing it out. I CAN NOT do any thing.

(nampiLLai says it is like sitApiraatti’s stay at asOka vanam- azhwAr’s

statement of swarUpa jnAnam and still staying inside the body)


6. (In the last pAsuram, azhwAr blamed the Lord for pushing him into

the "siRRinbham" the sensual pleasures. Immediatley Emperumaan shows

Himself the Divine Beauty fo His ThirumEni to AzhwAr. AzhwAr forgets all

the body attachments and sings "kaNdu koNdEn" I have seen Him). The

Beauty and the complexion combined in such an exquisite combination, so

gorgeously- Having seen Him with those broad big four shoulders, I have

got rid of all my sorrows. That Emperumman has stupefied me with His

Most beautiful Coral lips and mouth, Red Lotus eyes, that long hand that

has ChakrA (to establish the dharmA), His Most loveliest ThirumEni

(divine Body). He has robbed my heart with such a beauty. Since I have

seen my Swami, my disease of taking any more births is totally removed.

The most cruel puNya, paapams are the ones that tie us down to various

births and bodies of the AthmA and these ties can never be loosened or

untied. Since I have seen Him, all such ties are all removed and are no

more applicable to me. There will be no more body for me because I have

prostrated and paid obeisance to Emperumman’s most beautiful

body.(nampiLLai says "earlier this body hid that Body from "me" and now

that Body has hidden this body from me- WoW!)


7. (AzhwAr is totally excited and very happy about Emperumaan’s

kataaksham. He mentions that He is so merciful and dayAkaran that

persons of any amount of "ayOghya thanam"- wrong doings can also get His

grace and mercy. He says" please do not loose that.") . He, the Chief of

NityasUris, is somewhere far away beyond beyond this earth. He is so

great and can never be accessed or approached! I am a nitya samsaari who

is living in this material world and am such a lowly self. Bhagawaan has

blessed me, (who is so low) and showered His mercy on me. I just

mentioned (with absolutely no bhakti and true involvement) and called

Him "Oh Lord who saved GajEndrA" and acted outwardly as if I am longing

to see Him. he has believed me and fell on me to immediately save me

from this samsaaric ocean. When I can be saved any person of any amount

of sins can also be saved by Him. He is sure to protect us with no fail.


8. My Swami, Emperumaan is the Chief of NityasUris and is worshipped by

all dEvAs, all SrIvaishNavAs in this world and NityasUris. Such

Thirumaal, now has entered and firmly stood in my mind. Hence, He alone

is everything for me. The beautiful eyed damsels, enormous wealth, kith

and kin, children, the respected great mother and father are all My

Emperumman only hereafter.


9. When there is a ship about to sink and capsize, Who is our saviour?

The sailors worry and shiver with fear. Like that I wasshivering with

terrific fear and was drowning in Samsaaric Ocean. It was Emperumaan who

saved me from this Ocean of births and deaths. The Personification of

exquisite Divine Beauty- Emperumaan, came with ParipoorNa krupai to me

and said " I will save AzhwAr definitely" and saved me and joined me

(who is His property) completely. (ThiruvaLLuvar says in ThirukkuraL

"PiRavi perungadal neendhuvar neendhaar iRaivan adi sErAdhAr- means

-Will cross the ocean of births; and will not cross those who do not

surrender to the Feet of God. )


10. Emperumaan will enslave me make me His servant- Like that I was

just telling outwardly. He believed that and with no ambiguities,

completely mixed with me. He has taken me as His most sweetest things.

Such a blue hued Lord, has (due to His Great dayA on the world and its

people) has taken avathaars as fish, tortoise, Narsimhan, Vaamanan,

Varaaham et al. He will still appear as Kalki to save the people. Such a

Lord of mine has become everything to me.


11. Those who read these ten out of AzhwAr’s 1000 pAsurams on KaNNan

will REACH HIS FEET with SrIvaishnavA body.


AzhwAr thiruvadigaLe saraNam


Ram Ram


With Best Regards


NarayaNa dAsan madhavakkannan




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