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Thiruvaaimozhi 5.10- AzhwAr's anubhavam- Anandham, Anandham AnandhamE!

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Dearest Sisters and Brothers,


AzhwAr, in the last ten pAsurams, desired to enjoy the sowndharyam of

Thiruvallavaazh Emperumaan. He emphasized that it is His grace and mercy

that enables us to even talk about His kalyANa guNAs. AzhwAr now

concentrates more on His avathaars than on His archai forms and tries

his luck to enjoy Him. Especially AzhwAr immerses himself in

KrishNAvataar. (parathvam and sowlabhyam of Emperumaan is present

abundantly in KrishNAvataar). AzhwAr, keeps thinking of Emperumaan's

KalyANa guNAs and exerts himself in his appreciation and enjoyment of

the same. AzhwAr, being unable to bear the exertion, prostrates on the

ground and begs Emperumaan for His mercy to grant him strength to enjoy

Him and His guNAs ceaselessly. What an anubhavam!


NampiLLai narrates three subtly different interpretations about this

aspect in this set of ten pAsurams.


KooratthAzhwAn's anubhavam: Since AzhwAr lost himself while admiring the

great acts of KrishNAvataar, surrenders to Him and begs for His mercy to

grant him more strength to sing in praise of Him.


EmbAr's anubhavam: AzhwAr, while longing for Emperumaan, pleads

"BhagawaanE! Your GunAs are kept lingering in my mind and are killing

me; I am suffering terribly due to that. Please make me get rid of all

these sufferings and make me reach Your Lotus Feet and be with You

always and enjoy You endlessly".


ThirukkurugaippiLLaan's anubhavam: SarvEshwaran is born at AyarpAdi-

AzhwAr heard of that and immediately desired to reach Him and attempted

to see Him. But he hears that Emperumaan has come and reached SrI

Vaikuntam, as a jyOthiswarUpI. AzhwAr prostrates on the ground

immediately longing to see Him and begs for His grace.


The verses are so good and are great outpourings that they have made

these four Parama bhAgawathALs interpret in such most beautiful

inferences. Let us have a look at their rich meanings:


1. EmperumaanE! (Without getting bounded by KarmAs, just to join the

bhakthAs and devotees, for making Your Divya ThirumEni, (which gets

NEVER entangled with prakritti) commonly and easily accessible to all

bhakthAs and a source of tremendous enjoyment for all devotees) You were

born here in this place. When I think of that sowlabhya guNA of yours,

the ParamAtmA, to appear amongst us, the lowly selves, my heart melts,

Lord! Is Your birth alone a wonder and marvel (for having released Your

parents devaki and VasudEvar instantaneously)? the way You grew up, was

yet another marvel. (bhUthanai's life itself was sucked by You; You grew

up and were taken care affectionately by YasOdhA; How nicely You were

brought up!) Then You made the KurukshEthra battle get called The

MahAbhAratha Yudhham" and took so many strategies and wonders for Pancha

PaaNdavaas to win; (You said You will not take the weapon; But it is not

essential for You to use weapon for winning; even your smile is enough!)

After completing the purpose of Your avattars, You have disappeared to

SrIvaikuntam. When I think of all such wonderful events and Your

marvelous acts, they all refuse to leave my mind and are torturing me to

see You; I am greatly moved by such acts of Yours; Oh Most beautiful,

Illustrious Lord! When will I join You?


2. When You heard that only the One who tames the seven oxen and kills

them will be able to marry Nappinnai, You immediately fought and killed

the seven oxen to establish Your valor. The asurA, who came in disguise

as a horse (kEsi)- was killed by You. Oh KaNNA! Maayavaa! You danced

with those beautiful gOpis; one can not categorize Your acts as this

type, that type, or neutral, etc., and add value to them- (they are

beyond analyzing). Oh Lord! The One who protected the Old Universe

during PraLayam! When will I be able to join You? (Means: You protected

the one that is old; the universe; but now, I am alive, struggling,

suffering, lamenting; yet, why don't You protect me? - as interpreted by

Periyavaacchaan PiLLai)


3. KaNNA! Your wonderful, valorous acts stupefy me and are killing me;

bhUthnai came and acted as if she is so fond of You and breast fed You

with her poisonous milk to kill You; but You are simply GREAT. You

sucked the poisonous milk along with her life even! What a wonderful

infant, kutti KaNNA! You destroyed the One who came as a wheel of a cart

to run over You! You established Your bAla paraakramam by kicking that

wheel with Your small, rosy, lovely, cute, Red Lotus like Paadham

(foot)! The moment yasOdhA heard that You stole the butter and ate form

others' houses, she scolded You (the small lovely boy) with angry fear

some eyes and with a sharp stick in her hands and You looked at her with

tears rolling down the tender soft cheeks from Your beautiful eyes, and

pleaded innocence- this scene even today is melting my heart, KaNNA! (It

is melting us, too. Isn't it? Sisters and brothers, Aha! what a poet

and what an enjoyment! The same feeling and enjoyment one gets when we

listen to Sri KrishNa prEmi's upanyaasam- SUPERB and full of Kannan



4. (In the last pAsuram, AzhwAr narrated about the mischiefs He did in

His bhakthAls' homes- here in this pAsuram, how He did mischief in the

enemies' group, too). EmperumaanE! You are a Great Lord! You deceived

people by telling some interpretation against vEdAs and took the vEsham

of BhuddhA to mislead people who are of nature of asurAs by giving wrong

religious upadEsams from BuddhA. You made them go against Vaidheeka

shraddhai. When I think of such marvelous mischievous acts of Yours, I

can NOT understand them; this makes me suffer even more with Your

wonderful acts; not just that. You have even granted a portion of Your

body to Sivan also, who was created by You. These acts are really

melting my heart and my AthmA. (NampiLLAi and Periyavaacchaan PiLLai

also mentioned this bhuddhA tatvam)


5. KaNNa PerumAnE! When Aayar kulam was worshipping IndrA and offered

food to him, You, as a boy, started eating before the food was offered

to IndrA; You protected all of them including the cattle by lifting

GOvardhan Giri with Your little finger when it rained cats and dogs (as

per the command of angry IndrA). You kept the entire universe in Your

stomach during Cosmic cycle ending and spat them after. Are Your wonders

just that? No. You took TrivikramAvataar and measured the entire world

in one step. You brought the same earth back during Varaaha avataar.

When I think of all such marvelous acts, my heart has been melting like

the burning wax.


6. Oh BhagawaanE! The One who saved the world during PraLayam! I can NOT

think and understand Your greatness; You stand, sit, lie down- Your

postures are never fully understandable; Your acts are so wonderful and

marvelous. Even though I melt thinking of these excellent marvels of

Your mischief, I still am NOT able to completely capture You. The

Greatest sinner, I am. How can I dare expect to see You and understand

You? Please bless me and show me Your mercy on me to get to know You.


("ninRavaaRum irundhavaaRum kidanthavaaRum"- the first line of this

pAsuram means: the standing, sitting and lying down posture at

Thiruvooragham, Thiruppaadagham and Thiruve:gaa respectively, as per



NampiLLai says: ninRavaaRum- SrI Rama stands victoriously at lankA

entrance; iRundhavaaRum- SrI Rama sits most gracefully at Chithrakootam

along with His consort SItA; kidanthavaaRum-at ParNasaalai SrI Rama is

lying down and relaxing)


There are also interpretaions from KrishNAvataar: 1. Govardhan Giri-

ninRavaaRum; 2. With aaycchi Gopis, sitting with the- iRundhavaaRum; 3.

lying down on the lap of Gopis- KidanthavaaRum.


When ThiruvarangapperumAL araiyar was singing this pAsuram, this line,

Sri Ramanujar was having his eyes closed and enjoying and uttered " all

happened at the craddle where kutti KaNNan was sleeping;- He tries to

get up to catch the bell that is tied at the top of the

craddle-ninRavaaRum; but, He loses balance and sits on it-

irundhavaaRum; getting tired and exhausted, He lies down there itself-



In fact, Thirumazhisai has sung a pAsuram also on the same words

enjoying these three- "ninRathu enthan ooraghatthu, iRundhathu enthan

paadagatthu.....anRu naan piRanthilEn piRanthapin maRanthilEn ninRathum

iRundhathum kidandhathum en nenjuLE- I was not born when He stood at

Thiruooragham; when He sat at Thiruppaadagham and when He lied down at

Thiruva:ghaa but after I was born, I simply can not forget. He stood,

sat and lied down - where? in my heart only-ThirumazhisaiAzhwAr enjoys



7.My KaNNA, The One who is like The Black Emerald! In my inner eye, in

my mind, You are showing Yourself so majestically, so brightly as a

jOthiswarUpi. But You are not seen outside and there is so much darkness

outside. (Also, for devotees, You are showering so much mercy and saving

them always and hence, are seen so conspicuously and so brightly by

them, while for the non-believers, You are NOT seen and You keep them in


doing EVERYTHING behind the stage. For my mind You have done so much to

enable NOT to forget me at anytime. There is no boundary or limit for

what You have done to me. I am SIMPLY MOVED thinking of all these Great

wonderful acts of Yours and Your mercy on me. (Even when my mind has

enjoyed You so much, my eyes are NOT able to see!) At least someday (one

day) Please bless me to enable me see and enjoy Your Lotus Feet



8. EmperumaanE! I am getting moved tremendously listening to Your guNAs

and wonderful acts. I am contemplating on Your lovely Beautiful Yoga

nithrA in Your Graceful lying posture during the PraLayam. You are the

antharyaamin of BrahmA, who appeared on the Lotus from Your Navel.

Having him as the sarIram (body), You are the One who is creating

everything. When I think of such Primordial nature and unmatched,

peerless, Parathvam of Yours and when I think of Your Glorious acts, my

heart simply melts longing for You, and admiring Your Lordship and my

eyes are welled with tears, that roll down the cheeks ceaselessly. What

will "adiyEn" do?


9. BhagawaanE! You went to mahAbhali and begged for three measures of

land, and immediately appeared as Trivikraman. The deep seas, the entire

earth, the dEva lOkam, etc., etc., - all You measured in Your two steps

with Your Feet and for the third, stepped on mahAbhali's head and

imprisoned him. What a marvel! What a wonder! What a Glorious act!

Hearing such acts, narrating such marvels my heart immerses itself in

those things and simply melts, Lord! I, The Greatest sinner- when will I

join You? (They all say that "naama sankheerthan" removes even Great

sins, - but uttering His names and guNAs are troubling me heavily and

are melting my heart, to the contrary!)


10. EmperummanE! Look at the way You churned the ThiruppaaRkadal (Milk

Ocean). You were unbiased and joined dEvAs and asurAs and helped them;

but ultimately You made only dEvAs eat the nectar (amirtham). You

appeared as The Most Beautiful mOhinI and cheated the asurAs to forget

the amirtham. I am greatly moved by such excellent glories of Yours,

EmperumaanE! Your such marvelous acts enter into my mind, my heart, my

jIvan (uyir) and are only eating me terribly. How will I know to get rid

if it? Oh NathanE! The One who lies down on AdhisEshA! Please bless me

the way to reach Your Lotus Feet.


11. Thirukkurugoor SrI SadagOpar has surrendered at the Lotus Feet of

Emperumaan (who lied down on AdhisEshA), and with that only thinking in

his mind, and sang 1000 pAsurams with great bhakti for Emperumaan. Out

of those 1000, readers of these ten are sure to reach the eternal SrI



AzhwAr ThiruvadigaLE saraNam


Ram Ram


With Best Regards


NarayaNa dAsan madhavakkannan




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