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Translation of few tamil/sanskrit words requested

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Dearest Sri KrishNa susarla,


It is so nice of you that you read my posts and attempted to understand

the words. I am like a child attemting to speak few words (after

listening to elders). Naturally, one can not expect grammar from the

kid. And that is why many adults and scholars like you, Sri Sadagopan,


Following are the translations for some of words that you had asked for.


1. pAsuram: pA + suram : (in Tamil) PA means: poem; suram: set to music.

The AzhwAr (Alwaar) 's verses (pAsurams) were sung by Sri Nathamuni in

musical tone and are called pAsuram. (Please correct me if I am wrong)


2. Emperumman: (in Tamil) Em + Perumaan: Em means: our; Perumaan: Lord

i.e Our Lord.


3. Parathvam:(in sanskrit): The Supremacy (of our Lord)


4. Sowlabhyam: (Sanskrit): sulabh (in Hindi/ Sanskrit) means easily

accessible- easy. The Lord, Such Supreme Primordial Chief is making

Himslef so easily accessible in His KrishNAvattar and in His RamAvataar

and other avattars. Such Graetest nature / compassion of His for being

so easily accessible to us is glorified as Sowlabhyam. Sri Ramanuja

Siddhaantham is ALL praise for His Parathvam + Sowlabhyam. Sri RamanujA

brings together the upanishadic idea of Brahmanwhich is the Spupreme

Reality and the ecstatic outpourings of AzhwArs and envisions the Divine

as possessing Parathvam and Sowlabhyam (easy accessibility) at the same

time. When there is no avaar, the archai form (at the temple) becomes a

priceless help.


5. anubhavam (in Sanskrit) : enjoyment / feeling ecstatic


6. Embar: Embar was the conferred name to Sri Govindhar, cousin and

sishyA (Disciple) of Sri RamanujA and the AchAryA (Guru, teacher) of

Paraasara Bhattar.


7. BhAgawathAL: Devotees


8. ThirumEni: (Tamil) mEni means body. ThirumEni denotes the body with

due respects and regards


9. upanyaasam: Spiritual Discourse




Ram Ram


With Best Regards


NarayaNa dAsan madhavakkannan




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Hare Krishna!


Madhavakkannan V <srivaishnavan




>Dearest Sri KrishNa susarla,


>It is so nice of you that you read my posts and attempted to understand

>the words.


This is only because you are kind enough to speak them. I am trying to have

faith in Shrii Shukadeva Gosvaamii's words: yatkiirtana.m yatsmaraNa.m

yadiikShaNa.m yadvandana.m yachchhravaNa.m yadarhaNam / lokasya sadyo

vidhunoti kalmaSha.m tasmai subhadrashravase namo namaH // bhaagavata

puraaNa 2.4.15 // "Let me offer my respectful obeisances unto the

all-auspicious Lord Shrii Krishna, about whom glorification, remembrances,

audience, prayers, hearing and worship can at once cleanse the effects of

all sins of the performer." Hence, my thinking is that even a rascal like

myself can benefit from hearing such nice Hari-katha, so please keep up the

posting of these wonderful paasurams!


I am like a child attemting to speak few words (after

>listening to elders). Naturally, one can not expect grammar from the

>kid. And that is why many adults and scholars like you, Sri Sadagopan,



Vishnu! Vishnu! Vishnu! I'm no scholar! All those translations I quoted are

those of His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhuapada. I'm only the

parrot repeating the words of other great Vaishnavas, so please don't praise

me. Also, when I responded to R. Dinakaran's question about the criticism of

Vishishtaadvaita philosophy, it just occurred to me that I didn't clarify

one thing: I am not actually very knowledgeable about Vishishtaadvaita

philosophy in particular. I only know some Gaudiiya Vaishnava philosophy,

and not even very much at that. But actually I was raised in a Telugu

Smaartha family, and there have always been many aspects of Shrii Vaishnava

culture that have permeated our own, so I am looking forward to learning

more about it from the erudite members of this very forum. Still, I should

take this time to thank yourself, Murali Kadamban, and R. Dinakaran, the

latter two for writing to me personally and expressing very kind words. I

will try to be more worthy of their good association and of yours as well.




-- HKS

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