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Thiruvaaimozhi 5.9- The whole place is Divinely Beautiful and Graceful

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Dearest Sisters and Brothers,


In the last decad, NaamAzhwAr surrendered at the Lotus Feet of

Thirukkudanthai Emperumaan. Even then, his wish did not get fulfilled

and he is yet to see Him with his physical eyes. AzhWar goes to

Thiruvallavaazh and takes the role of ParAngusha nAyaki while singing

this set of pAsurams. Her friens seeing her proceeding to

Thiruvaalavaazh alone, advises her not to go alone as it is not feminine

to go out alone. Immediately, AzhwAr says, "In as much as you wish to

advise me against doing such acts, Thiruvallavaazh Emperumaan's beauty

and guNAs pull me to Him like a powerful magnet. Even the chill breeze

there invites me with His fragrance; The resonance and sound of vedic

hymns and vaidheeha kariyaigaL (auspicious performances and ceremonies

by scholars) call me "come here; come here" and how can I stop being

pulled by such Holy place? Let us have a look at such beautiful set of

verses! They are real poems! With so nice meanings!


1. Oh deer-eyed beautiful Friends! (You all should lovingly send me off

for going to Thiruvallavaazh with your lovely glances at me). With

tremendous pangs of separation, I have been thinning down languishing

for Emperumaan. At Thiruvallavaazh Divya Desam, tall grown up betel nut

trees add beauty to that place. When will I reach the Lotus Feet of

SarvEshwaran at Thiruvallavaazh, where the lovely gardens with most

fragrant honey dripping jasmine flowers, have flooded the entire place;

(nampiLLAi says: Like Emperumaan, even the garden have obtained the

nectarine quality of taste and fragrance; It is similar to this: when

jananAtha pramaraayar tried to axe one tree at ThirumudikuRai( in the

middle of ubhaya kAvEri) Embar immediately stopped him and said "allALa

perumAnE! This Iswara vibhUti, Please do not destroy!" he queried "Is

there any place where there is no Iswara vibhUti?" Embar said "It is

not just that. When Sarva bhouman, NamPerumAL and Piraati join Their

hands and enjoy at ubhaya kAvEri, the entire place gets Their magic

touch and so is this tree." Thus, for those who are graced with Parama

bhakti, the entire place will be Divine and Holy.


2. Oh My dear Girl friends! What is the use by making me feel sad and

depressed (by asking me to stay here)? What a lovely set of trees how

beautiful are they at Thiruvallavaazh! The most fragrant flowers are

filled everywhere at that place. Just bloomed Kurukkatthi plant,

embraces the breeze and it hugs me lovingly; In such a beautiful,

pleasant, cool Divya dEsam, when will I adorn my head with the dust

gathered from Those Beautiful Lotus Feet of Thiruvallavaazh Emperumaan?


3. Oh, my dear friends who wear the most fragrant flowers in your long

dark hairs! Are those vEdic scholars intentionally reciting vEdAs so

beautifully in praise of Him, to aggravate my languishing pains

(suffering from the pangs of separation from Emperumaan)? Those vEdic

hymns and their shabdhams reach my ears like the roaring sound of the

sea waves; The smoke that emanate from those Homams, are seen up in the

air everywhere attracting me to the greatest extent. At such a holy

place when will I see The Lotus Feet of Thiruvallavaazh Emperumaan?


4. What is the use of troubling me with your words, dear friends (by

advising me not to go to Thgiruvallavaazh)? The Palm trees, with green

leaves, the coconut trees, the jack fruit trees, banana trees, etc, have

all grown so tall that they touch even the top tier of the tall palaces;

At such a lovely place at Thiruvallavaazh, my jIvan has stayed at the

sight of Emperumman who is lying down on AdhisEshan. (Since my good,

nice, friendly jIvan has stayed here at that sight, there is no use in

taking to me any more, friends!)


5. Oh friends who are always my well wishers! At Thiruvallavaazh, since

the brahmins are performing homams, the thick smoke has risen everywhere

and filled up the sky entirely; At such a holy place, Emperumaan is like

a "vella katti" (a sweet stone of brown sugar); He is like the tastiest

fruit; Such a nectarine Emperumaan (with His exquisite beauty) has

captured me TOTALLY and COMPLETELY. When will I be able to see such a

brightest jYothi with my eyes?


6. Oh Girls of lovely reddish mouths! We can here the bees humming most

musically at Thiruvallavaazh; There the gentle breeze hugs us softly;

The tall trees, with long thick branches are filled everywhere at

Thiruvallavaazh; At such a Beautiful place, when will be blessed with

the sight of the Lotus Feet of Vaamanan?


7. Oh my dear beautiful friends! The ponds at Thiruvallavaazh are filled

with the pure water to the brim. There, at Thiruvallavaazh, the eyes of

women are bloomed like the Lotus flowers (beautified by their constant

glances at Emperumaan's Divya manghaLa vigraham). I long to prostrate at

the Lotus Feet of such Greatest Emperumaan at Thiruvallavaazh, who ate

the entire universe in one gulp. Will I ever be granted of that Divine



8. Oh Girls of beautiful forehead! Since at this Divya dEsam of

Thiruvallavaazh, there are lots and lots of sugar cane fields, they are

getting squeezed for extracting juices (and sugar). The rich paddy

fields are seen everwhere at this place and the land is so fertile. Not

just that. The ponds are so beautifully decorated with the flowers by

nature and look so gorgeous and graceful. At such a lovely place with so

much of natural beauty, (so explicitly seen due to Emperumaan's presence

at that Divya Desam), will it ever be possible for me to pay obeisance

to His Long Lotus Feet (that measured the entire universe in one step)?


9. The Honeybees are humming so musically at Thiruvallavaazh after

drinking and rejoicing the honey. They appear to hum like the flute and

the veeNA. Such lovely gardens are filled entirely at this place where

Emperumaan is gracefully staying at this Divya sthalam. Will I ever get

His mercy? If I can see Him and prostrate at Him, my bangles will stay

in my hands (which were earlier falling ofetn due to my thinning down)

with greatest joy. Will I ever experience that bliss?


10. Of friends! Emperumaan at Thiruvallavaazh nagar showers everyone His

natural mercy and grace. He blesses His devotees in this world in such

way that even NiyasUris and dEvAs praise them. There are thousands of

SrIvaishNavaas at this sthalam. They pay obeisance to Emperumaan singing

in praise of Lord's kalyANa guNAs. To such Dearest Emperumaan of mine,

can I obtain His grace and be blessed to enjoy singing in praise of Him,

utter His names and talk His kalyANa guNAs? (Look at that. To sing and

enjoy, Bhagawaan should shower His grace and bless us; every thing is

His command. Even discussing like this is His mercy and dayA.) (In this

pAsuram the last line is "nallaruL namperumaan nArAyaNan nAmanghaLE".

NallaruL- vaathsalyam. Namperumaan- Swamithvam, Parathvam. Means: The

One, who showers us His grace and mercy and is our Primordial Chief, is



11. Thenkurugoor SadagOpar has sung 1000 pAsurams on OUR Emperumaan's

Lotus Feet and His KalyANa guNAs in clear words and deep meanings. Out

of those 1000, these ten, about Thiruvallavaazh Emperumaan and the Divya

dEsam, will enable its readers the greatest people on earth, even if

they are born in this world of sorrows, caught is samsaaric ills.


AzhwAr thiruvadigaLE saraNam


Ram Ram


With Best Regards


NarayaNa dAsan madhavakkannan




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