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> the letter that u wanted!


> ************************************************************************


> whatever God does is good for us -

> let our hearts be impregnated with this faith.


> practice your sadhana intensely. circumstances are not always favourable

> in everybody's case. therefore in whatever condition the lord keeps you,

> you must continue your sadhana. there is no other way to blessedness than

> to remember Him constantly and to depend on Him fully. the fullest degree

> of benefit comes from the fullest degree of dedication to God - this is

> the truth. reason supports this truth and all great souls are also

> unanimous on this point. the wise man remembers God amidst unfavourable

> circumstances and thus transcends them all.


> In this world a person has no resort except the grace of God. the more

> one is able to realize this, the more one will be at peace.


> the lord only knows where he will take me. wherever He takes me, may i have

> devotion to Him - that is my earnest prayer. whatever the lord wills,

> happens, and it is undoubtedly for our good. but the problem is that we

> neither understand it, nor have we any patience. indeed, there is no

> better way to peace than if we could only believe that whatever the lord

> does for us is good for us! if one does not have this understanding, one

> cannot have peace of mind. happiness and misery, disease and grief - these

> are all inevitable as long as one lives in the body. but it is not right

> to think that what gives me happiness is good and what causes me pain

> is bad. this is sheer selfishness. may the lord always keep us unperturbed

> in happiness as well as sorrow, in disease and in grief. may we never be

> devoid of right understanding in every situation. that is my sincere

> prayer to the lord.....


> the nature of the body is to grow, to decay, and to die. but there is One

> inside the body who neither grows nor decays. try to see Him.


> you have dedicated yourself to the lord; therefore, all responsibility

> is now His. He will get everything done thru you. be an instrument in His

> hand, and follow the path which He has selected for you - then you will

> be relieved of fear and worry. those who have taken refuge in God have

> nothing to fear. "o brother, always stick to God, gradually you will be

> divine".


> everything will turn out alright in time. don't worry. don't be impatient.

> the lord does His own work and He is doing it. blessed are they whom He

> makes His instruments. you are capable of working as God's instruments-

> that should give you great joy. may the lord imbue your heart with this

> idea:


> o lord, o thou the inmost self of all, i tell thee the truth:

> i do not cherish any worldly desires in my heart.

> do thou grant me intense devotion unto thee.

> do thou also free my mind from passions and other impurities.

> [tulsidas:ramayana,v.2]


naanyaa spR^ihaa ragupate hR^idaye.asmadiiye

satyaM vadaami cha bhavaanakhilaantaraatmaa |

bhaktiM prayachchha raghupu~Ngava nirbharaaM me

kaamaadidoSharahitaM kuru maanasaM cha ||


[raamacharitamaanasa - sundarakaaNDa - 2 ]

> this very prayer will bring the hope of perfect peace to our heart. if one

> can experience this prayer, one's attainment of perfection becomes

> imminent.


> He alone is safe who is always prayerful to the divine lord. if one can

> be absorbed in the thought of the divine, one need not worry about the

> external things. in this respect His compassion is one's mainstay.


> always be prayerful. you should constantly talk to the lord about the needs

> of your heart. He alone is our own - if this feeling is established

> deeply within you, you will be free from fear and anxiety.gradually,

> the lord will make everything known to you.


> God is the benefactor of all beings and takes care of each and all - this

> knowledge leads to peace.


> ***********************************************************************>

> regards

> sudha

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