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Thiruvaaimozhi 6.4- KaNNA! KaNNA! kaNNA! What else do I need?

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Dearest Sisters and Brothers,


we enjoyed AzhwAr's Oppiliappan pAsurams in the last ten. Now, AzhwAr is

fully immersing himself in KaNNan's leelAs during His KrishNAvataar. He

enjoys the incidents and bhagawaan's wonderful plays as if they happened

in front of his eyes. He claims that there is none equal to him for his

most extensive enjoyment of His KrishNa leelAs.


1. Bhagawaan, when He appeared as KrishNA, He joined His hands with the

cowherd girls and danced with them. He lifted the huge, big, Govardhana

mountain, with His little finger and protected His people and the cattle

during the heavy rains. In the middle of deep pond, He danced on the

thousand heads of KaaLinghan and drove away that snake. (Sri KrishNa

prEmi in his upanyaasam, used to narrate ver interstingly this kaaLinga

nardhanam: When Kutti KrishNan was fighting with that big snake with its

1000 heads, He caught hold of its tail in His one hand and stepped on

its one of the heads. The snake got so much angry and exhaled venomous

air and with a big hisssss, raised its other head to lick Him.

Immediatley Bhagawaan stepped on that head. Then some other head, and

step on it- That is why it was such a lovely dance. Sri KrishNa prEmi

adds with a moving, tearful, smiling face, "when one head was touched by

the Lord's littel reddish Lotus Feet, the other heads naturally get

jealous and each one vies with the other to get touched by His Feet and

hence the dance. enna aRputhamaan anubhavam!- I am sure your eyes well

with tears!). Talking such Great deeds of Bhagawaan KaNNan, my days and

nights are being spent. I am able to enjoy His such wonderful deeds, of

the One who lies down on AdhisEshan and am able to get rid of my

diseases. Hence, there is absolutely no grievance for me.


2. KaNNan, playing His mellifluous music from His flute, took care of

the cattle (which also enjoyed the Divine music from His flute-

"kaRavaiyin KaNangaL kaal paRappittu kavizhindhiRangi seviyaatta

gillavE"- Periyaazhwaar- when He plays, the cows and calves that are

eating the grass, freeze their actions in order not to let those

munching sound even disturb His Divine music and wish to get the fullest

enjoyment). He hugged the shoulders of Nappinnai, who has got the most

beautiful eyes like fish (keNdai meen) and who has got the most fragrant

flowers in her hair. Contemplating such great, lovely plays of KrishNA,

my mind has been melting. Thinking of Him and only Him, and thinking of

my desire for Him, my time is being spent. There is none equal to me.

(nampiLLai says: Because I am able to think what I wish and am able to

enjoy fully what I think, even those who are Parama Padham are not equal

to me.)


3. KaNNan, won over thos countless rAkshasaas and killed them. The Child

kaNNan, killed the Kuvalayaapeetam (elephant). Singing such wonderful

acts of Kannan, I am blessed with spending my time talking about Him.

Thinking of leelAs of Emperumaan KaNNan, who has the most beautiful

Divine Body, I have no grievances or pains/sorrows. There is nothing

like "I don't have this; I don't have that, etc.. (I have Him and His



4. What else do I need when I can keep thinking of KaNNan's

ThiruviLaiyaadalgaL (leelAs) and enjoy thinking of the same. When the

Kutti KaNNan, (small KaNNan) does so many mischiefs and when

neighborhood ladies complain about the stealing and mischeifs of this

butter thief, YasOdhA, (the Most luckiest mother the world has ever

seen) get so much vexed and angry, that she decides to tie the Lord

(kutti - chinna kaNNan)'s stomach with a "ural". (Imagine Dearest

sisters and brothers, Soft, tender, lovely, smooth, skin of that darling

child kaNNan's body (stomach) was tied with a hard rope and that too

tightly with a granite stone (ural). How painful it shoudl have been! -

AzhwAr say "nova aaycchi uralOdaarkka irangiRRum"- ) Our darling KaNNan

weeps silently, with eyes full of tears, red,coral, lips shivering due

to fear and pain, (ot was acting the whole scene so naturally!). He

also, deceived as an infant, bhUtanai, who came in to breast feed Him

with her posisonous milk and kill Him, sucked hr whole life along with

her poisonous milk.Great indeed is His leelA! The asura - sakatAsurA,

who rolled in as a wheel was kicked and killed by the darling KaNNan.

What wonders He did and How marvelous are his leelAs as a child! He is a

"Deva kOlap piraan" (the Devas' Lord). They are not at all possible by

humans. Afte getting myself immersed deeply in His leelAs and the

enjoyment of the same, there is nothing that I need to attain. (In this

pAsuram, Namjeeyar, while singing this pAsuram, gives more emphasis on

the first word "nO......va aayacchi..." . nova means: pained. The pain

that Lord as achild underwent getting Himself tied down to the "ural",

and Namjeeyar loses Himself at that word and stops with that remorse

with tears. That is narrated by his sishya, NampiLLai. AzhwAr feels the

pain in his body when he writes "nOva" : says NampiLLai.)


5. As requested by dEvAs, Emperumaan, most willingly came down to the

Earth and appeared as KrishNA. In the middle of darkest night, He

appeared and as per Devaki's request, He made Himself tranferred to

YsOdhA immediately. He made Himself completely unseen and hidden from

Kamsaa, to fulfil His mission later and kill Kamsaa ultimately. Like

that, He perormed so many wonderful leelAs. All of them, I am seeing,

enjoying right from here in my place. There is no body equal to me (to

challenge my position).


6. KaNNan split the beak of the bird asurA (pakAsurA) and killed. He

fought with the seven oxen effortlessly and killed them to join His

heartthrob Nappinnai. KaNNan befell the big, huge "kurundha" tree and

killed the asurA who was inside. Such wonderful Maayavan KaNNan, also

measured the entire universe in one step, when He came as Thrivikraman.

Afte being blessed with such great enjoyment of his leelAs, I am now

blessed with singing in parising of Him and His guNAs day and night,

uninterruptedly. Since, I have been granted this great bhAgyam, there is

no sorrow/ grievance at all for me in my mind.


7. Seeing the greatest unbearable sufferings and samsaaric ills of the

earthly people, Bhagawaan, (parama kaaruNikO bhagawaan- the Most

merciful Lord) KrishNan, in order to save them from all their enormous

troubles, appeared in the body of lowly, dirty, transitory human kind.

(what a sowlabhyan is He!- Dear Sisters and Brothers, we, on the

contrary, after we live outside India for a year, when we go back home

on vacation/shor trip, we are not able to even digest the so-called

troubles/sufferings; "cchE... enna ooru idhu. anghellam idhellaam

kidaiyaadhu.."- - that is why He is the Lord and we are in this state.)

Still, He is not bound by karmAs and is not affected by them. He came in

human form to His liking, and more suitable to the occasion and in His

Divya mangaLa ThirumEni (divine body), only for our benefits. He removed

the enemies of His devotees and quenched His anger. Munching such

greatest, incomparable, marvelous deeds of Emperumaan maayavan KaNNan, I

am able to enjoy them to the fullest blissful happiness that I am

blessed with and hence, there is none equal to me. I am a "parama bhAgya

saali" (I am the Most Luckiest Man!). ("manap parippOdu piRanthu"- When

the child has fallen into the well, how hurriedly and worriedly, the

mother rushes to rescue the child, like that, the Lord, with a hurry,

rushes to the Earth, protects the suffeeing children of His- says



8.Emperumaan KaNNan, to the wonder and awe of even dAvAs, fought with

bhANAsuran and cut hsi 1000 shoulders. Is it jus that? He appeared as a

small bramachari boy and grew up so raipdly and exponentially to measure

the entire universe in one step during His Vaamanaavataar. I am blessed

with a bent of mind to sing and enjoy such Great deeds of my father, My

Emperumaan. What is my problem or confusion hereafter? None. (He is not

in this or that; Other Gods are equal; Others can save me; Will He

actually save me? -such silly doubts/confusions are NOT in me)


9. KannA! when You drove the chariot, the seven seas, seven mountains,

seven lOkAs were all shaking. You could get back the sons of Your

devotee. You have done such Greatest wonders, Lord! With my tongue and

my songs, I am blessed enough (by You) and am able to move You, who has

got the chakrA in Your right hand and sanghu in Your left hand, and is

of Dark blue hued colour. I am blessed with such a lucky tongue, and it

is Your grace.

Who can be equal to me? (None). (NampiLLai says: When AzhwAr is so much

moved singing in praise of Him, it seems even the Lord Himself is moved

and admires Himself!. adadaaa..... It seems, when Bhattar was telling

this pAsuram's meanings in his discourse, vaNthuvarai perumAL, a devotee

and disciple of Bhattar, asked him as to why AzhwAr had to say ChakrA in

right hand and Sanghu in left, etc., He could have simply said "maal

vaNNan was moved by my songs". Bhattar replied: " only when it is added

and supplemented by such Most strongest weapons and the possessions of

the same by SarvEshwaran, the strength and beauty of azhwAr's tongue and

its songs are brought out.- again adadaaaa...)


10. The embodiment of patience- BhUmi piraatti- even she could not

endure the sufferings of the world; Emperumaan KaNNan conducted the

KurukshEthra battle and the world have less burdens. He enabled the

gauravaas turn to ashes and at the end went to Sri Vaikuntam. Such

ParanjOthi, I am blessed to sing in praise of His Feet and hence, there

is none for me who is superior to Him. (From His birth, till His

reaching Sri Vaikuntam, I am blessed to enjoy His leelAs as KrishNA.)


11. Emperumaan is the Chief of seven lOkAs. He also ate those seven

lOkAs during PraLaya kaalam, and saved them, by spitting and bringing

them out after the Cosmic cycle. He is there just to save us and

undergoes all such wonderful acts to protect us. But, still, He is not

bound by KarmAs. About such marvelous Kesavan and His Feet,

Thirukkurugoor SadagOpar sings 1000 pAsurams (verses). Those who read

these ten out of those 1000, will become great bhaktAs of kaNNan.

("naayakan muzhu vEzh ulagukkumaay muzhuvEzhulagum than vaayagam

pughavaitthu umizhmthu....")


NammAzhwAr ThiruvadigaLe SaraNam




Ram Ram


With Best Regards


NarayaNa dAsan madhavakkannan




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