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Sec3/Part I Myths

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Dear Bhagavatas,


I am thankful to all those who had sent words of appreciation for my postings

on the background of Myths in our religion in Section 1, as also the various

anecdotes from our scriptures in Section 2, which I had been presenting under

Part I Myths.


I propose to present a few topics that have been the subject of some

controversies in Section 3 of Part I Myths. Hope you will find them



May I invite your valuable inputs?



Anbil Ramaswamy


Part I : MYTHS






We have so far alluded only to a few anecdotes and examined the morals we

could derive from them. There are innumerable other episodes in our scriptures

that could not be included for want of space. In fact, as we remarked earlier,

each and every personality appearing in the various Puranas, Itihasas etc is

unique and has a lesson to convey.


In discussions on religion , we generally find three kinds of topics being

debated with fervor. viz.,

(i) Which one of the various religions is the best?. This goes by the name of

'Study of comparative Religion'.


(ii) Even within a religion, pitting one sect against another or adjudicating

between the different streams of philosophy and


(iii) Questioning the behavior and statements of personalities in certain

intriguing circumstances, tearing them out of context and passing subjective

judgments on them.


(I) Discussions on Comparative Religion


These discussions though begun with the best of intentions to learn the

various viewpoints ultimately turn out into acrimonious debates as each would

dogmatically hold his / her religion as the correct ones terming all the rest

as heretical. The attitude of ' Give and take' soon deteriorates into an

attitude of ' Take it or leave it', none of the participants emerging saner or



All religions are true and valid and are agreed on the basic problems of

human suffering and how to solve them and how to reach Godhead - call it

Salvation, Liberation, Moksha , Nirvana or what you will. The unanimity of all

religions in defining the goal is shattered by the diversity of opinions and

interpretations of the adherents on the means to achieve the goal.


So, we do not propose to embark on such an unedifying exercise that can end up

only in a cluttered mind and confused thinking defeating the very purpose of

the inquiry.


(ii) Discussion on different streams of philosophy within a Religion


The same remarks hold good while trying to adjudicate between the

interpretations of different masters because ultimately, they are also agreed

on the basic concepts. It is futile to revile others without first knowing the

basic tenets of one's own doctrines. Understanding one's own religion itself

is a stupendous task involving a process that would take a lifetime or more.

We have enormous material to learn but have pretty little time at our

disposal and too many obstacles on the way. A little knowledge is dangerous

and a discussion based on half-baked smattering would indeed be devastating

and self defeating. The prudent course , therefore, would be not to indulge in

polemics but rely on faith and intuition which alone can lift us from the

cogmire of petty wrangling.


(iii) Conduct of certain characters in peculiar circumstances coming under



When we attempt to learn about the morals from the various stories, it arouses

a natural curiosity to adjudicate, with reference to our present day

perceptions, between the rights and wrongs of certain characters and actions

in intriguing circumstances in a bygone age.


It is not proper for us to take positions as "Advocatus Dei' and 'Advocatus

Diaboli' in assessing the correctness or otherwise of the courses adopted in

situations peculiar to those ages. Any attempt to dissect the events for the

purpose can lead only to a kind of intellectual arrogance, as if we are

competent to judge them by our standards

(if, standards we have!).


Still this favorite pastime never fails to lend an irresistible temptation to

the protagonists and the antagonists. We shall allude to a few such standard

controversies and try to see what could have influenced the kind of action or

stance we encounter in the episodes. Where we are not able to discern any, we

leave it to the readers to enlighten.


The topics will follow.



Anbil Ramaswamy


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