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Thiruvaaimozhi 6.6- She lost her beauty by falling for His Beauty!

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Dearest Sisters and Brothers,


AzhwAr's last decad was from the friend of ParangusanAyaki and the

friend, too agreeing to the condition of status of ParangusanAyaki. This

set of ten is from the mother of ParangusanAyaki, who is deeply

concerned, worried and cries seeing her daughter suffering and

languishing for Emperumaan. She sees her darling daughter getting pale,

thin, loosing her weight, loosing her hair, etc., due to her being

separated from Emperumaan. It is the worried mother's words on her

darling daughter's sufferings.


1. My daughter, who has got the beautiful, curly, long hair, that is

supplemented by most fragrant flowers, has lost herself totally in the

most auspicious attributes and guNAs of Emperumaan and His

leelAs/beauty. That Emperumaan "Azhagiya MaNavaaLan" is the One who came

as Vaamanan and measured the entire universe. He is of dark, black cloud

similar to that of dark clouds. She has lost in Him and has even lost

her bangles (due to her body getting thin, they have fallen off!)


2. Bhagawaan has got the five weapons (panchAyuthams). In His hands, He

has sanghu (Conch), Bow, Sword, ChakrA, Maze, etc.. He has got the red,

beautiful, round, lips like bimbhA fruit and the Most Beautiful red

lotus like large eyes. He has the Most fragrant honey dripping ThuLasi

maalai in His Head. My daughter has lost herself in His ThirumEni

azhaghu (Divine Beauty). Due to that, she has lost her beauty and has

lost her "ma niRam" ("maamai niRam) beautiful brownish complexion. She

has become pale due to her languishing. (Bhagawaan, with the Beauties of

His ornaments, of His limbs, and of His GuNAs, has made her beauty less

and become pale with failures in front of His beauty/complexion!)


3. That black coloured emperumaan during the Cosmic cycle end, had

swallowed the entire universe and retained it to protect the same.

Within such a small space in His stomach, He had retained the vast, Big

universe. He was so small as Kutti Chinna KaNNan, but He has the Great,

Big calibre and capacity as His guNA to save all of us and protect us

and He has the Divine ChakrA in His hand. He is the small butter thief!

My girl has lost her heart for that little, Big beauty! For that Great

Lord, my girl has lost her greatness and pride! ( Beautiful! One can

visualize the mother of a teenage girl who has fallen in love with the

Lord and is suffering so heavily! It is a great anubhavam! If it is some

human being, the mother would have brought him to the girl! Alas! she is

looking for the Lord!- ANdAL says: maanidavarkkenRu pEcchupadin

vaazhgillEn"- Even if there is talk to link (marry me off) to a human

being, I can not live. It is not "I will not". It is "I just can Not".

Automatically, my jIvan will go off!- ANdAL ANdAL thaan. so sweet!

Afterall our mother! She has to be so shweet like us!


4. Bhagawan, created BrahmA in His Navel. He is the MaNavaaLan, who

measured the entire wealthy universe. My girl has lost herself in Him,

who went as a messenger for Pancha Paandavaas. She has lost her beauty

by falling for His Beauty and she has lost her character even, by

thinking of His character/guNAs.


5. Emperumaan Sriman Narayanan, taught brahmA the vEdAs, (that proclaim

the Primordial Chief as Sriman Narayana). That Great peerless Lord

brought the Earth up during His Varaaha avataar. He lied down on the

waters when the water surrounded everywhere during PraLaya kaalam. For

such Greatest Deva piraan, my girl has fallen in love and lost herself.

The Beuatiful long haired girl of mine, whom everyone envies for her so

beautiful and knowledgeable, now has lost her knowledge(means she has

become foolish.)


6. Emperumaan has got the four broad shoulders that can grant anything

like the kaRpakaa tree of DevalOkA. He has got the most fragrant flowers

adorning His head. His hands are like the freshly just bloomed Lotus

Flowers and are so Beautiful and lovely. (Looks like the maamiyaar

(mother-in-law) also has fallen for the maappiLLai). My creeper like

beauty, my girl, has lost her beautiful eyes in Him (means her eyes have

lost their charm due to her suffering and spending sleepless nights).

Now her body is no more under her control due to her mad love for Him.


7. Bhagawaan has got various most beautiful ornaments most matching to

His body. He lies down on AdhisEshA as His Bed. For that KaNNan, who has

got the most Beautiful Red Lotus like hands and legs, my girl has fallen

in love! and has lost her beauty! (NampiLLai tells so beautifully about

this pAsuram: By showing Himself the ornaments that can be removed,

Emperumaan has trapped her captured her and she has lost her

"irremovable" Beauty of her body, languishing for the Lord- adadaaa!



8. The asurA went inside the tree and hence, KaNNan befelled the

"kuruttha" tree itself and killed the asurA. He also kicked and killed

the sakatAsurA, who rolled in the guise of wheel. The same MaNaaLan,

sucked the life of BhUthanai, as if He is sucking her breastmilk, (when

she came in to kill the infant KaNNan with her poisonous milk). For His

such wonderful, marvelous actions and leelAs, she has lost her greatness

( her character!) (He showed all His masculine strength and valour and

she lost all her femininity!)


9. Bhagawaan did His make-up and dressed so well as a little cute

Brahmachaari during His Vaamanavataar and came in wonderful Vesham. He

has got the huge, mountain-like shining, Divine Body. He is the Most

Beautiful Lord to be looked at enjoyed and has got unbounded, limitless,

infinite amount of Beauty and greatness in His guNAs. He is Sri

Ramapiraan. For such a great beauty, my beautiful, cute girl has lost

her Beauty.


10. Emperumaan has got the Most Fragrant garland on His long haired

head. He fought with Mushtikan and chANUran and killed with His valour

and strength of His shoulders. He is inside all beings and non-beings as

the in-dweller (antharyaami). But still, He never gets bound by the

karmAs of those beings. For that wonderful, mysterious Lord, the Most

respected One, My daughter has lost her respect. (by falling in love

with Him)

(Here NampiLLai says: AzhwAr, through' the mother of ParangusanAyaki,

explains the Parathvam, Archai, Antharyaami and mentions that He is the

Only One to save us!)


11. About Emperumaan, Sri VenkatEsar, who is at ThiruvEnkatam, the place

surrounded by most beautiful, most fragrant gardens- Sri SadagOpar has

sung in praise of Him. Out of those 1000, readers of these ten will get

mahAnubhavam of Nitya sUris.


NammAzhwAr ThiruvadigalE SaraNam



Ram Ram


With Best Regards


NarayaNa dAsan madhavakkannan




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