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bandhu-s & jantu-s

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srimathe lakshmi-nrsimha parabrahmane namaha

sri vedanta gurave namaha


Dear "bhAgavatOttamA-s",


Loren Eisely, an English scientist, (in a briliiant essay in the '94

edition of the "Britannica") refers to the human species as the "COSMIC



We must analyse and explain the term a bit to see how it fits into our

ongoing discussions on Swami Desikan's phrase,"bandhumakhilasya



I crave your patience for a moment, please.

>From a physicist's or biologist's view-point, all of vast, vacant Space

seems a terribly lonely, terribly barren, terribly cold place....


When he gazes into the starlit skies he sees grandeur and mystery; he

sees great forces of natural law at work; he sees the marvellous grace

and the perfect harmony amongst heavenly spheres as they all assemble

and dance across the floor of the gaunt, silent firmament... and he

wonders too at the secrets lying unfurled beyond dark galactic



The physicist sees all that and much more indeed in the skies... and

yet, quite ironically, he sees no "Life"!


To the physicist Planet Earth is the lone and only sanctuary in all of

vast, vacant Universe where this precious thing we call "Life" survives

....and still thrives. It is the one and only known place in all of the

solar galaxy where a human being can hope to survive, live and prosper.


Man, the poor creature ("jantu"), thus has simply no place else to go!


Every other place around him in the universe is beyond reach or knowing.

Every other place, in fact, is nothing but dark void or nameless



The biologist,like Loren Eisely, therefore is bound to ask: When and

wherefore did "Life" and, more notably, when did the human species first

come to inhabit earthly sanctuary --- this little oasis called the

"world" tossing about in the middle of nowhere in space amidst the stark

emptiness of a cosmic desert?


How did man come to inhabit this cozy little haven?


Did he chance upon it himself, many aeons ago perhaps, in the course of

trudging through a wearisome journey across a cosmic wasteland?


Did he wander out in some distant past in search of a home for himself

braving the rigours of a cosmic wilderness?


Or did some benign cosmic Being, bearing within its loins the unborn

seed of 'Life', and hastily seeking out some safe haven decide to

abandon its hapless infant to its fate on this earth...?


No, given the utter vulnerability of the species, our biologist

speculates, it is unlikely Man undertook his cosmic journey all by

himself. In some extremely distant past therefore, "Life" -- as we know

it today -- must have surely been first vested by some strange Force of

Vitality into an amorphous, atomic uni-cellular being called matter

("prakriti", in Vedic parlance).....


And thus, most likely (or so the biologist believes), did "Life" begin

life as a "cosmic orphan".. an infant of Eternity abandoned to its

forlorn fate in the sanctuary of Time...


Soon thereafter did unfold (our biologist speculates) the great

Darwinian story of the Origin of Species... of Man's advent and ascent

through the millenia of evolution. We know it to be a long and torturous

story indeed, with many plots and sub-plots of triumph and failure, in

which both Man's glory and pathos equally come to the fore: 'glory' in

that he triumphed against odds to become truly the 'Crown of Creation';

and 'pathos' in that Man, in spite of being the highest evolved

creature, still very much remained a grievously flawed, extremely

imperfect and in many ways a failed piece of nature's work.


To the biologist, thus, Man is a lovely piece of un-finished art..

lovely to behold, yes... but utterly un-finished in its workmanship, and

utterly incomplete in its essential spirit...


As un-finished,in fact, as an abject orphan.


>From the view-point of science, biology or physics therefore, Man is a

lost and "orphaned" species that understands precious little about its

own cosmic predicament and purpose -- and knowing even far less about

what to do about it. It is a predicament summed up in the 3 painful,

poignant questions every orphan in the world would surely ask itself:


Who am I ?

Where do I come from?

Where am I going ?


The World outside our world is an unfriendly place, black and empty,

inscrutable and intimidating... exactly as the ordinary world itself

often appears to a little, lost orphan.


Our brief journey through life on earth too is essentially a lonely one;

in a metaphysical sense it is an experience of sheer desolation. There

are no fellow-travellers along the way ... no "bandhu-s" to show us the

Way or to ease it, to lighten the tedium of journey or to show us where

it might all end and where we might arrive safely, and purposefully, at

a destination....

>From the viewpoint of science, we are, to use Loren Eisely's

unforgettable phrase, the "cosmic orphans" of creation...



We must ask ourselves now: but how does the foregoing relate to Swami

Desikan's equally unforgettable opening line in the 4th verse of his



"bandhumakhilasya janto-ho

bandhura paryanka bandha ramaniyam

vishama-vilochana meeDay

vegavati pulina narsimham"!!


Let's explore further in the next post.


srimathe srivan satagopa sri narayana yatindra mahadesikaya namaha


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