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Thiruvaaymozhi 7.6- When, How, Where will I able to see Him?

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Dearest Sisters and Brothers,


NammAzhwAr had enjoyed Bhagawaaan's guNAs, His glories and beauty in his

mind. Now in this ten he longs to see His Divine exquisite beauty with

his eyes, physically and enjoy to the fullest extent. He longs to see

the Lord in His lovely, naturally beautiful form and be blessed. AzhwAr

calls Him and longs for joining Him in these ten verses. He calls Him

with his heart melting for Him and His DivyamangaLa azhaghu Sowndharyam.


1. BhagawaanE! The One who has the lovely lotus in Your navel! Are You

NOT the One who created the vast three worlds? You are the One who

measure them too with Your feet! You are the same One who (mercilessly)

have lured me with Your Most Beautiful Lotus like Eyes, The long lovely

hands, and captured me, who is alone. When will I ever reach You, Lord!


2. Govindh! The One who lifted the Govardhana mountain effortlessly

above His Head with His little finger! The One who danced with the pot

(kudakkootthu)! The One created and exists in PachabhUthAs and all other

sentient and non-sentient beings, as antharyaami and directs them too!

The One who has everything in His SarIram (Body)! When will I be able to

reach Your Red Beautiful Lotus Feet, (The one that is praised always by

Sivan and BrahmA)? AiyO! (Alas!) Please show mercy on me, EmperumaanE!

(here AzhwAr calls the Lors as "KootthaavO!" means: the One who danced

so cutely that He calls Him "Dancer!".)


3. When there were rains cats and dogs, You protected the cattle by

lifting Govardhana mountain, GovindhanE! In as much as You are my "uyir"

(life) as the antharyaami in me, You are also the antharyaami in Sivan

and BrahmA too, and have them as Your SarIram (Body)! How will I ever

compose Your Greatness in such small verses? (and How will I ever write

that in this 26 lettered English language?) You are the Cause (kaaraNan)

for everything; At the same time, You, without any reason (i.e effort

form my end, - out of Your sheer compassion and dayA), have saved me

also! After all this, still I have Not reached You. You please do that

also and bless me.


4. GopalanE! The One who has sweetest Most fragrant honey dripping

ThuLasi Garland in His Head! You ARE the One, who is Most Beautifully

and in Most Grandiose manner, who is the Chief of all Three worlds

unambiguously! Sivan, The One who is much above and higher than all

Other Devas is also directed by You. BrahmA is also under Your ruling.

Indran, The One who has VaijrAyudham in his hands, and all his group of

Devas, are also in such positions with Your dayA and mercy. Such

Greatest Nathan- Nayakan- The Life of everyone- My Lord- My Emperumaan-

When and Where will I reach You?


5. My KovalanE! (King!) My BhagawaanE! My karuMaaNickkamE! (Black

Emerald!) I have been loitering in these worlds that You created and

have been hearing Your Glories. I have been searching You everywhere in

this vast land, (which was created by You, The Sarva sakthan). Having no

sadhana anushtaanam, how will I ever be able to see and enjoy You here?

You also, are staying comfortably at the inaccessible, far away, Sri

Vaikuntam as the Most Beautiful, unparalleled Greatest shining form!

When will reach Your proximity and reach Your Lotus feet?> How will It



6. What a shining, beuatiful Red Silk Dress (Sempattu) on His waist!

With that Divya Peethaambharam, adding to that beauty, the Red Lotus

like Feet, The Lovely, round, curvy, navel, the long hands, the broad,

Beuatiful Chest (where Sri mahAlakshmi resides most gracefully), the

lovely, large, ruddy line, shining, darting, large mouthed, long Red

lotus like eyes, - The combination and compound effect of these

unparalleled beautie- What a sight IT IS! His Divya SevA- is like

peerless, unmatching, invaluable Most precious Rathnam! The Blue light

and lustre spans everywhere- the Red lotus rays spread everywhere along

with the blue rays- mixing and intertwined with the blue colour- The

Blue hued Lord's lovely- cutest Simply excellent form- is raining beauty

form His body. Such Loveliest Lord- The One I whose chest Periya

Piraatti stays- I do not know how to reach Him and enjoy such an

unparalleled beauty! What will I do? (Here when AzhwAr says "oru

MaNickkam sErvadhu pOl", NampiLLai interprets that the MaNickkam

slightly at an inclined position is lying down on the ThiruppaaRkadal

(milk Ocean).


7. Periya Piraatti, The One who rules me- is also housed in Bhagawaan's

Chest. He is the One who has Sivan (who is always with Parvathi in his

body) in His SariRam; He is the Life and antharyaami of BrahmA, (who

always has Saraswathy in him). Emperumaan is the antharyaami for Indran,

and all other DevAs. He is the One who brought back the Earth in His

Varaaha avataar. He (as anthayaami of Sivan) could make Sivan burn

everything. He (as an antharyaami of BrahmA) enabled BrahmA win over all

five sense organs. He (as an anthryaami of Indran) made Indran rule the

Heaven. Such Akila jagadh Swamin- Asmath Swamin- when will I be able to

see Him? (or will I die without seeing Him at all?)


8. (In this ten, first two pAsurams say that Empereumaan is the Only one

who is capable of being reached and served. 3 rd to Seventh - say that

He alone is the ways and means to reach Him. This eighth and ninth talk

about His capacity to destroy His enemies.). In UpEndhra (?) avataar,

(can someone explain this avataar-?), When Emperumaan went to attack

maali, sumaali (asurAs), they got so much scared that they ran away

crying (with fear) like wolves and hid inside the caves. It was like the

fox running away at the sight of the Majestic Lion. Emperuman rode on

GarudA and chaed maali, sumaali and killed them. Will I be able to see

such Greatest Valorous Lord of mine?


9. RavaNan, the lankAsuran, was doing only wrong things and was carrying

out acts against dharmA. Bhagawaan Sri Rama, fought against this RavaNan

and killed the entire army of asurAs victoriously. Then He granted the

lankA city to his brother vibhIshaNan and made him the king. He went

back to AyOdhyA and after ruling it for many many years, He went back to

His JyOthiswarUpam at Sri Vaikunatam. Such a Lord of mine is like the

Lion in the midst of Nitya Suris. Oh Mind! Will I have the fortune of

seeing Him?


10. Emperumaan, when He appeared as Sri krishnan, did lots and lots of

wonders even as a small boy. When He grew up, He went to Kamsan's sabhA

with a lame excuse of playing in the Bow festival (vilvizhA) and used

that opportunity to kill Kamsan. He enabled the Pancha Paandvaas to win

aginst 100 Kauravaas in the KurukshEthra battle. Then He went back to

Sri vaikuntam, as JyOthiswarUpam and stayed like the Lion among

NityasUris. Such GREATEST Lord, will GRANT US the Sri Vaikunatm the

Parama Padham (that one CAN NEVER attain with their own effort at all).


11. SarvEshwaran, Narasimhan- tore HiraNyam's body and killed him by

taking the form of Lion. About this ChakrAyudhapaaNi, Emperumaan-

Thirukkurugoor SradaGopar has sung 1000 pAsurams. Out of thoese 1000,

readers of these ten will be praised at Sri Vaikuntam and be fanned

(saamaram) and sung by damsels in Paramapadham. (Here "pukka ari

vuruvaay" can also be interpreted as " Emperumaan, an antharyaami, in

HiraNyan, cam out of him by tearing his body into two as the Lion faced



NammAzhwAr ThiruvadigaLE SaraNam




Ram Ram


With Best Regards


NarayaNa dAsan madhavakkannan




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