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Samhita (fwd)

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Dear BhakthAs : there was a question about

Brahmanas and SamhithAs from a good friend .

The Questionwas about BrahmaNAs as being

part of SamhithA and particularly with respect

to my comments on TaitthirIya samhithA .


I am copying you on my response

to address any confusion that I might have created .



>BrahmaaNAs is that portion of the Vedas , which

>states rules for the employment of the hymns at

>the various YaagAs and Yaj~nAs , their origin

>and dtailed explanation, with some times lengthy

>illustrations in the form of legends and stories .


For instance , the conductance of AsvamEtha Yaagam

is in one of the BraahmaNAs .

>BrahmaNAs are also " Sruthis " .


>Each Veda has its own BraahmaNA(s).

>Rg Vedam : IytharEya, AasvalAyana , Kouseethaki

>Yajur Vedam : sathapatha BraahmaNam

>Saama Vedam : Pancha vimsa and Shad Vimsa

>Atharva Vedam : Gopatha BrAhmaNam


>Taittiriya samhitha contains many injunctions

>and guidelines like BrahmaNAs .That was the reasoning

behind my observation .



Question from the BhakthA



>>nAmaskAram Sir


>>I do not understand here. brAhmaNa-s are also part of veda-s hence it is

>>also shR^iti. But you say that taittirIya samhitA is closer to brahmANa-s

>>rather than shR^iti-s. Can you explain to me.



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