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ashtAksharam & dvayam - 4

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Srimate Sri Lakshmi Nrusimha Para Brahmane Namaha

Srimate Sri Lakshmi Nrusimha Divya pAdukA sevaka Srivan shatakopa -

Sri NArAyana Yateendra MahAdesikAya namaha


Dear Sri Ram GopalswAmy & other bhaktAs of Sriman NArAyanA ,


Namo NArAyanA . kindly accept adiyen's pranAmams .




Dvaya mantram : This mantram has two lines . Both these lines

appear in the Katavalli portion of vedAs , but separated by few

passages . Thus, these two lines doesn^Òt appear together in vedAs .

But it is enjoined as fit to be meditated on with the two lines

together . This katavalli portion & other pramAnAs glorifies

Dvayam that a single utterance of this mantrA by a believer

preceded by a knowledge of its meanings as a whole will secure

moksham . The imports of Dvayam become very clear in the nyAsa

vidyA prescribed by Upanishads . The illustrios AchAryA nadAdUr

ammAL in Prapanna pArijAtam , points out the Taittriya Upanishad

mantram starting with "vasuranya :" which enjoins nyAsA (prapatti)

together with its modulus - operandi . Dvayam & prapatti ( nyAsam

ie. SaranAgati ) are highly inter related & is evident from the

pramAnAs as well as from the esoteric meanings arising out of

Dvayam .


Sri Prashna SamhitA ( pAncarAtrA) discusses in length about

the number of syllables in Dvaya mantrA etc ( number of letters ,

sentences , their order etc ) . Thus , Dvayam is a tAntrIka mantrA

based on sruthi . Ahirbudhnya samhitA also explains about Dvayam

while extensively naratting about prapatti , its angAs , angI ,how

it is to be performed ie. Its modulus operandi .


Sriman NArAyanA Himself extols the glories of Dvayam , the

AchAryA who initiates this most sacred mantrA & prescribes

prapatti to all the jIvAtmAs in the SAtyaki tantram :


" After prostrating before the guru , this sacred mantrA (

literally : the king of mantrAs ) should be learnt. The guru is

himself the Supreme Brahman ; the guru is himself the great upAyA

; the guru is himself the great vidyA ie. Form of meditation ;

the guru is himself the sacred siddhopAyA ; the guru is himself

the mokshA ; the guru is himself the great wealth of jn~AnA

and bhakti because he initiates ( one ) into the mantrA , the guru

is most venerable . This mantrA does not require any suitability or

any auspicious position of the stars for its initiation nor any

purity attainable from baths in holy waters . Nor does it require

for its successful initiation any japam , homam , daily

repetition and the like . First , one should prostrate in full

before the guru three times and touch his feet with one^Òs head

(*) and receive the mantra like a poor man expecting a hidden

treasure Having thus received the mantrA , one should seek

refuge ( prapatti) under Me . ** By this mantrA alone should

one surrender one's self to me **. He who has done so becomes

one who has done what one ought to do " .


(*) : One can't easily touch the lotus feet of a sadAchAryA . One

should have great qualification first of all . One should humbly

get the permission from the AchAryA before touching his feet. It

needs lot of strict anushtAnams & purity in body & mind before one

can even possibly think of requesting AchAryA for this .



Adiyen feels that the above declaration by Sriman NArAyanA is

the pinnacle of all His merciful deeds . Anyway , He has been

telling this in His varAha , RAmA & Krishna avatArams apart from

revealing vedAs etc .The path is prescribed . The most merciful

AchAryAs are ever waiting to uplift & save us. Only thing left

is our desire in the right direction .


Dvayam is considered to be even superior to ashtAksharam in

the sense that UpAyA & UpeyA are made amply clear , with distinct

lines by Dvayam whereas in ashtAksharam it is present in a

concise form .


The glories of ashtAksharam & dvayam are boundless . Their

esoteric meanings mark the topmost knowledge & whomsoever

understands them by the mercy of a sadAchAryA is the most

fortunate one . It is adiyen's humble request to bhaktAs that

whenever they go to India , they should certainly get the most

invaluable upadesam on the meanings of these sacred mantrams

along with the charama slokam from a sadAchAryA apart from

getting samAsrayanam & prapatti performed .


All the pramAnams quoted in this posting are invariably taken

from the grantha far supreme - the unparalleled one , containing

the ocean of insatiable nectar delineating all the things a

mumukshu needs to know ( tattvA , hitA & purushArthA ) , presented

in such a commanding authority through pramAnAs & logic , which

once heard would vanish all the sufferings & turmoils undergone by

a jIvAtmA & make it have the unshakable faith on the saving grace

of the most merciful Lord Sriman NArAyanA , thereby perform

prapatti & attain prapatti nishtA with the impeccable jn`Anam

obtained from this granthA completely controlling all its actions

, thereby engaging completely in Bhagavad & BhAgavatha kainkaryam

for the pleasure of Divya Dampati with no more burdens to be

worried about . The grantha is none other than "Srimad Rahasya

Traya sAram " the magnum opus of the most illustrious AchAryA -

kavitArkika simha ubhaya vedAntAchArya sarvatantra svatantra

thoopul piLLai alias VenkatanAthA ( SwAmi VedAnta Desikan ) , the

ghantA avatArA of ThiruvengadamudayAn.


Adiyen would like to conclude this posting with due

salutations of Sri NayanAchAryA ( KumAra vadarAchAryA ) to our

dearmost SwAmi Desikan , as in PiLLai andAdhi :


" The Lotus Feet of the Thooppul chief ,

Will they adorn our heads and bend them ?

Will our eyes be ever moistened

With droplets of joyous tears ?

Ye men of this wide open world ?

Will our future hells be quashed ?

Will we ever hope to taste

The bliss of Sri Vaikuntam in this life ? " (2)


" My sins ! Off you go and lodge elsewhere

No more can you tarry at my place .

No more will I bear your overtures

And succumb to your temptations .

For my mind and heart are ever filled

With thoughts of Thooppul^Òs purest soul

Who followed the teachings of RAmAnujA

No fear have I in this transient world " (7)


" Help me please to shake off the inevitable

Twin - fruits of good and evil deeds .

O shinning chief of Thooppul race !

Bereft of support I stand before you

And I know not about my morrows .

Help me then to grasp the meaning

Of the Most Sacred Eight - Syllable Word

Which leads to steady & intense devotion " (15)


Srimate NigamAntha MahA DesikAya Namaha


Namo NArAyanA


anantha padmanAbha dAsan

sarva sri krishnArpanamastu

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At 06:44 PM 7/14/98 -0400, Anand K Karalapakkam wrote:


> Sri:

> Srimate Sri Lakshmi Nrusimha Para Brahmane Namaha

> Srimate Sri Lakshmi Nrusimha Divya pAdukA sevaka Srivan shatakopa -

> Sri NArAyana Yateendra MahAdesikAya namaha


> Dear Sri Ram GopalswAmy & other bhaktAs of Sriman NArAyanA ,


> Namo NArAyanA . kindly accept adiyen's pranAmams .



Dear Devotees,


THese 4 articles of Sri Anand Karalapakam are EXCELLENT. I hope devotees

read these articles several times and really get the benefit of rahasyas.

I have to congratulate sri Anand for his work and strict adherence to not

crossing the lines in writing these articles.


Let acharyas and Srimannarayana blessings be with Sri anand, all the

readers and others





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