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The Best arcA mUrti Discussion.

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Dear BgAgavatottama-s:


I was on the sidelines on this discussion because I had hoped that there

will never be a conclusion and judgment for this discussion. And I still

hope that this will be the case. I saw SrI T. V. Venkat's suggestion to

conclude this discussion, and so I am reacting. Echoing SrI Anbil SwAmi's

thoughts, this is one healthy case where floor-crossing only enriches the

delight in a positive direction. I have not even entered into the

discussion The Great ArAvamudan of tirukkuDantai. I will get to present Him

some day if there is need to present Him at all, and if this discussion will

be "closed". There are 51 pASuram-s sugn by at least 7 of the AzhvAr-s on

the One and Only ArAvamudan. And since He is the nArAyaNa that is

everywhere else, I did not see a need to "argue" His case. So let the

discussion continue. This is the first "argument" we have had where defeat

is as sweet as victory, and on one is the "loser".


-dAsan kr*shNamAcAryan

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SrimatE GopalArya MahadesikAya Namaha:


Dear Bhaktas,


The debate on the foremost Divya Desham is getting increasingly

fascinating with each passing day. Let me present a few more

points in support of my favorite Perumal Tiruvenkatan.


(1)Daya has been glorified as an attribute of this Emperumaan alone.

(Na DvitIyOsti Kaschit). Swami Desikan's 108 verses of the Daya

Shatakam and the Venkateshwara Suprabatham salutation "Sri

Srinivasa JagadEka DayaIka SindhO".

(2)His nature is to overlook the faults of his Bhaktas and bless them.

(Bhavitam Srinivasasya Bhakta DoshEshvadarshanam). He is again

unparalleled in this regard.

(3) The logical foundation stone of Our Sampradayam was laid at

this Kshetram-composition of Sri Bhashyam by Sri Ramanujacharya.

The title Sri Bhasyam was itself accorded at this Kshetram

It is well known that no construction can survive without a

rock-solid foundation. It is the Anugraham of this Emperumaan

alone which enabled our Sampradayam to flourish. But for this

there would be no Sampradayam to cherish!

(4) The only form Perumal to incarnate as an Acharya (Swami Desikan)

and erect an impregnable fortress of logic in defense of our

Sampradayam was the Lord of Seven Hills. Testimony in support of

this fact can be seen from the Desika Mangalam salutation

"VenkateshAvatArOyam TadGhantAm ShrohavAdbhavE"

(5) Lord Srinivasa again demonstrated his love for his Parama

Bhagavata, Sri Ramanujacharya, by incarnating himself (as

Swami Desikan) to reveal again the path of Sri Ramanujacharya.

Testimony in support of this fact is seen from the Desika Mangalam

salutation "Sri BhashyakAra PanthAnam AtmanA Darshitam Punaha".

(6) Swami Desikan has glorified the benevolent glances of Lord

Srinivasa as the panacea for absolving every individual of three

kinds of RuNams (Pitru RuNam, Rishi RuNam, and Deva RuNam).

No other form of our Lord has been similarly glorified.

Kulashekara Perumal in the fourth decad of Perumal Tirumozhi

points out excellent ways of obtaining this blessing.

(7) The unifying train of thought of all the Azhwars, who sang the

glory of Lord Srinivasa, is that of SharaNagati to his Lotus feet

-this has been described as the Upaya and UpEya for Moksham by

Swami Desikan.

(8) That the Lotus feet of Lord Srinivasa constitute the source as

well as the ultimate destination for Sri Vaishnavas can be seen

from the Guru Parampara salutation of Swami Desikan's Daya

Shatakam (VigAhe Teertha BahulAm SheetalAm Guru Santatim

Srinivasa DayAmbodhi: ParivAha Parampara) and from the opening

salutation of the Daya Shatakam.


Conclusion: Without the outstanding contributions of Sri Ramanujacharya,

there would be no Sampradayam to follow or discuss on

the Bhakti list for that matter. But for the colossus of Swami Desikan,

in the words of Sri Appayya Dikshitar, "VishistAdvaitam would be easy

fodder for ravaging Advaitins like cows grazing lush green pastures".

The four Vadakalai Ashramams and organizations like SDDS owe their

existence to Swami Desikan. The Lord of Seven Hills was responsible for

the most significant contributions of these two outstanding Acharyas.

There can be no VaishNavam without VishNu (Lord Srinivasa).

Consequently, the Lord of Seven Hills reigns supreme!


SridharAdi Nayakam SritApavargadAyakam

SrigirIsha mitram AmbujEkshaNam VichakshaNam

SrinivAsam Adidevam Aksharam ParAtparam

NagarAd GirIshwaram NamAmi Venkateshwaram.


VrishashailAdipatEva Daivatam Na: VrishabhAdrishwara Eva Daivatam Na:

PaNishailAdipatEva Daivatam Na: Bhagavan Venkata Eva Daivatam Na:

Sri Srinivasa Para Daiva Tam Na: Sri Srinivasa Kula Daivatam Na:

Sri Srinivasa Paramam Dhanam Na: Sri Srinivasa ParamAgatir Na:


Namo Narayana,


Muralidhar Rangaswamy






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Dear bhaktas -


I would like to second Sri Krishnamachari's view that the

debate on "number one DD" not be stoped, but continued (for ever).

I would also request him to post his side (on the greatness

of Aravamudan of tirukkuDantai). If anyone of us can boast of

being a "ubhaya-vEdantin", it is, thanks to this emperuman.


We have had earlier posts on His vaibhavam. But then, He is

afterall "Aravamudhan" (the nectar that never satiates) right?

so more posts are only in order. So please keep the nectar like

postings flowing.





On Fri, 14 Aug 1998, Krishnamachari, N (Krish) wrote:

> Dear BgAgavatottama-s:


> I was on the sidelines on this discussion because I had hoped that there

> will never be a conclusion and judgment for this discussion. And I still

> hope that this will be the case. I have not even entered into the

> discussion The Great ArAvamudan of tirukkuDantai. I will get to present Him

> some day if there is need to present Him at all, and if this discussion will

> be "closed". There are 51 pASuram-s sugn by at least 7 of the AzhvAr-s on

> the One and Only ArAvamudan. And since He is the nArAyaNa that is

> everywhere else, I did not see a need to "argue" His case. So let the

> discussion continue. This is the first "argument" we have had where defeat

> is as sweet as victory, and on one is the "loser".


> -dAsan kr*shNamAcAryan


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Sri Krishnmachari Swami wrote,

>I have not even entered into the

> discussion The Great ArAvamudan of tirukkuDantai. I will get to present Him

> some day if there is need to present Him at all, and if this discussion will

> be "closed".>

> -dAsan kr*shNamAcAryan


>Dear Sri Krishnamachari :

>Sri Rengarajan has written a moving

>tribute to Ari AarAvamudhan , which

>is in the queue waiting to be released.

>I had the bhAgyam to see some of it .

>It is beautifully written and you will

>see it soon making the case for

>Sri KomaLavalli Nayakan .

>Best wishes ,




Dear bAgwathAs,

adiyEn is on leave and hence I am not following the

debates clsoely . But I wrote all my posts atonec the

debate started and I submitted my

artciles (16 of them) 4 on Sri Arangan, next four on Sri Amudhan

and final 8 on than oppAr illappan to Sri Mani 10 days ago,

and as well to some friends simulataneously for advance

preview. It is being released in this

sequence and will appear in the net one by one in the next few days.

Sri VS has promised me to follow up my posts with his beautiful postings

after mine is completed (we both are making our argument

our Lord O... (?)). So I request bAgwathAs to

please wait for all my 16 posts

to come and then Sri VS's postings to follow, before

you can close this lively debate.


Sri Boomi samEtha Sri Oppiliappan thiruvadikaLE saraNam

Sampath Rengarajan

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