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We have been having an interesting as well as healthy

discussion on the Most Favoured Dhivya dhEsam. Along these lines I

thought of sharing an interesting thirumAlai pAsuram.


kudathisai mudiyai vaiththuk

kuNathisai paatham neetti,

vadathisai pinpu kaattith

then_thisai yilankai nOkki,

kadaln^iRak kadavuL enthai

aravaNaith thuyilumaa kaNdu,

udalenakku urukum aalO

enseykENn ulakath theerE! (2) (19)


In this pAsuram AzhvAr addresses the people(samsArIs) of this world.

He basically seeks advice from them. Here is his problem. He says,

"On seeing my beautiful Lord who has his head westward, his holy feet

eastward, his back northward and facing lanka in the south, sleeping

on the serpent bed, I can't control myself. I am moved by His immense

beauty and am rendered senseless. Dear samsAris, please tell me how to

regain my senses."


Superficially this looks like any other pAsuram talking about

the beauty of our dear Lord. But the vyAkyAna chakravarthi, parama

kAruNigar Sri periyavAccAn piLLai adds an interesting twist here.


Why does the AzhvAr ask the help of samsAris? He could have asked

the fellow AzhvArs or the Lord Himself. He himself gives an

explanation. The other AzhvArs themselves have lost control on seeing

Arangan. So there is no point asking them. It is like a broken ship

seeking help from an already sinking ship. ( "Ottai OdaththOdE

ozhugal OdamAm iththanaiyiRE!" - Odam - little ship, ozhugal -



Why not the Lord himself? Then it amounts to explicitly

expressing his inability to the perumAL. Also perumAL would feel

proud of Himself that He has defeated the AzhvAr. (This is to be

taken in a lighter vein...). So AzhvAr doesn't want to accept defeat

at the hands of even perumAL Himself.


So he asks the samsAris. Unlike the other AzhvArs, they are even

more stronger and stable after worshipping perumAL. They don't seem

to be moved as much as the AzhvArs. So he asks them to share the

secret on how to keep themselves stable. He says,"You seem to have

taken some medicine to keep your muscles tight. Why don't you give me

a handful so that I can also try it out. (uN^gaL iRukku vAdha

parihAraththilE enakkum oru chiRAN^gai idavalligOLE? iRukku vAdham -

a type of paralysis where one cannot move his muscles, chiRAN^gai - a



No other perumAL has made an AzhvAr go thro this much of

difficulty after just seeing Him. It drove the AzhvAr to such an

extent that he seeks advice from the lowly samsAris. Such is the

beauty of our dear araN^gan. Without any doubt Srirangam is the Most



thirumAlai aRiyAdhAr thirumAlai aRiyAdhArE

(One who doesn't know thirumAlai, the dhivya prabhandham,

doesn't know thirumAl, the Lord.)




(Vijay Triplicane)

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Dear Triplicane,

An excellent post. A spirited votary of Lord of Bhooloka Vaikuntam !. He can

now go sleep on his Adisesha with full confidence that he has able advocates

in you, Sri Sampath Rengarajan and others to take Vakalat for him and defend

his case! Keep it up.


Anbil Ramaswamy

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Sri Sampath Rengi, in his personal mail to me described an interesting

exporession of araN^gan. Thought I'll share that along with my reply with the

group. (Sorry this is in tamil. My limited translation skill would spoil the

mood and sentiment, I think ... :) )



Sampath Rengarajan wrote:

> dear viji,

> it is wonderful piece. no doubt ! no other perumAL

> make (TP) AzhwAr go through so much trouble. Having made him

> go through such, HE alsoe proivides HIM the bliss. No other perumAL

> has the similing face and comes to the entrance of the temple to receive HIS

> bhakthAS as well. Nice reading it.


As you said, He is the one who comes to the entrance to receive His

bhakthAs. Sri vELukkudi svAmi used to say,"oru bhakthan madraslEndhu vandha

udanE araN^gan romba poorichchu pOyiduvAn. "enna sowkkiyamA, prayANam ellAm

eppadi irundhadhu. Rockfort'la vandhELA? Madras'la thaNNi kashtam ellAm eppadi.

pEsAma iN^gEyE kAvEri karaila settle Ayida koodAdhO..." enRu visArippAn.

appERpatta soulabhyam.!!




> Regards

> SR





Vijay Triplicane

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Deare Viji,


That was an excellent writing on ThondaradippodiAzhwAr's kudathisai....


Lord Srirangan's compassion is beyond description inwords. Like Sri

vElukkudi Swami narrated, Sri Mukkur Laksmi Narasimhachariar also had

mentioned that it is Sri Rangan, who shows the "abhaya hastham", which

actually means "Enough, Enough". (pORum pORum) how many times can you

prostrate? I will definitely save you from all this. Go back and do not



Parama kAruNikO Bhagawaan..... Nam perumAL... The One who has His eyes

appear to have extended everywhere (so large they are so beautiful) that

they keep showering merciful glances on us ceaselessly.


Ranga Ranga


With Best Regards


NarayaNa dAsan madhavakkannan




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>MrAnbil wrote,

> He can(Sri Ranganathan) now go sleep on his Adisesha with full

confidence that he has able advocates...


Dear Friends,

Though Mr.Anbil's above statement is only a casual and purely in nature

of humour,i would like to share with you an incident of Sri Ranganatha



As such For Sri Ranganatha there is no sleep.

refer azhwar

1.uranguvan pol yogu seiginna peruman

2.ari kadal naduvul ari thuyil amarthanai.


Hence he is always in ari thuyil(yoga nithra)he knows what is happening

around. he keeps on performing his duty, still he is sleeping posture.


I heard form elders, once Sri Chandrasekara Swami(paramacharya) of

kanchi mutt who attained mokhsam 3years back , once casually remarked

that maya engulfs everybody. also Sri Ranganathan. and that is why he is

sleeping out of the tamasic effect of maya.


For this casual remark, Sri Annagarachar swamy of kanchi, condemed this

statrement left right and centre and asked whenthey refer God as

nirmala:, Nirguna: where is the question maya engulfing and Tamasic



Finally Sri Paramacharya had to give explanation.


MY posting is purely to share a old experience and not find fault with

Sri.Anbil's posting. I fully understand casual intention of his








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