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mAran maNam

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Dear bAgwathAs,

Some eyebrows were raised while reading

quotations from "AchAryA hrudayam". adiyEn

would like to provide some additional info

on this aboorva grantham.


It is a widely accepted fact that no one

has studied Sri nammAzhwAr's mind

so thoroughly as similar to Sri Azhagiya

maNavALa perumAL nAyanAr. His "nool" or grantham is

in manipravALam. It is said that Only a few have thoroughly

understood this aboorva grantham "AchArya hruthayam".

Sri purushOtthama Naidu took extraordinary efforts

to understand this and write a simple tamil literature

on this (ie., vyAkyAnam for vyAkyAnam) known

as AchArya hruthayam or in tamil "mARan maNam" (ie nammAzhwAr's



Coming to the debate, and the following argument


Sri Murali wrote

>The Azhwar has specifically

>stated that there is no difference between Parama Padam and

>Tiruvenkatan. This constitutes the necessary and sufficient condition to

>establish Tiruvenkatan as the foremost DD.


There may not be any difference between

parama padham and many other divya dEsams as quoted by not only

nammAzhwAr in several places but by other AzhwArs too. But as long

as we are on the other side of the viraja river, and not

under the "thAL nizhal" of the Lord, the

differences are only seen. ie ., as long as we are not given the

thanathAL nizhal. So, it is most important only to see

as to who elevates us to this perceptible mode and allow

us to enjoy HIS "sAmeebyam" in "thanathAL nizhal" by giving

HIS "thanathAL nizhal".


Besides the argument such as this, doesnot come anywhere

near the "pramANam" quoted from "AchArya hruthayam"

on "than oppAr illappan

thanthanan thanathAL nizhalE". I request

tamil scholars to quote if there are any other divya dEsam

that they can interpret as the one having the essence of

"saraNyatthuvam" all in one, and with the word "thanthanan".

adiyEn will provide more detailed meanings of this very word

"thanthanan" later.





Sampah Rengarajan

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