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Mantra Recitation - Part - 3

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Mantra Recitation- Part 3

Anbil Ramaswamy


Mantra language is not a senseless prattle merely because it is not

intelligible to us. Thus, mantra should not be confused with Kavacha

(protective formula) or with Yamala (a Mantra based on a certain text) or with

Dharani (Mnemonic magic formula that are similar to Mantra but much longer)

containing mantras which also sound as mere babbles and probably are so.


"`Mantras' are relics of an eon old language; Naturally, their real meanings

are lost to the modern man. But, the value of mantra lies in its antiquity -

an apparently meaningless mantra handed down for generations are inherited,

preserved and passed on in its `pristine' form and are never altered.


The power of the mantra is in its effect on the invisible forces of nature. A

mantra properly delivered and repeated often enough can tear through the

material sphere to derive power from the occult planes for the Sadaka - one

who practices the mantra.


How mantras came to acquire such enormous significance can be better

understood by the fact that `oral' transmission was the only means of

communication in the early days of Vedic tradition. The oral tradition was

called `VAC' which means `language of speech' (i.e.,), the sounds (Sabda)

produced vocally as a means of communication. Lack of a written language in

early Vedic times made oral transmission the only way of communicating the

sacred truths of the Veda `heard' by holy men. *Thus, arose the necessity not

only for correct words but also for correct intonation and accent without

which the mantral and sacrificial rituals would be ineffective.*


Whether it is Mantra (esoteric chants) or Tantra (secretive mnemonics) or

Yantra (diagrammatic exposition)- it should be used only for good and never

for harming anyone. It lends itself to both purposes like a double edged

weapon. If misused it will recoil on the practitioner. He who digs a grave for

another may indeed himself fall into it.


The words in prayers (mantra) have a magical power since the right form of

words, the right tone and right delivery by themselves would confer the

desired effect.

Let us see how it works: A note created by a mere touch on the strings of an

instrument may not be more than the sound of a monosyllable hardly audible.

But, a constant playing at a high pitch with certain specific decibel cadence

can and have in reality been seen to generate vibrations say in a glass

cubicle that a point is reached when the elasticity of the glass cannot bear

any further vibration and actually breaks. The power of Mantra similarly

increases vibrations of an astral kind

(for good or bad) and impacts on the psyche of the person uttering it

(favorably or adversely as the case may be).


To ensure the correctness of recitation, hymns were taught in several ways -

with the words connected in their isolated forms (Padapatha), with the words

interwoven as in AB, BC, CD pattern (Krama patha) and other complicated ways

like jata, gana, varnakrama, mala, ratha, sikha, danda, rekha etc.


This system of mnemonic checks combined with the admirable patience and razor

sharp memory power of many generations of Guru - Sishya tradition preserved

the Vedas for posterity in the same pristine form in which they were

`captured' by the ancient rishis millions of years back


Brihadaranyaka up. considers `Vak' to be an aspect of the eternal principle

(BRAHMAN) for only by means of language can sacred knowledge (or any

knowledge) be apprehended. Without it, the Vedas, legends (Itihasas), ancient

lore (Puranas), magic doctrines (Upanishads) and the sciences (Vidyas) would

have remained unknown.



"Not only should anyone repeating a Vedic hymn know the name of the `Rishi' to

whom it was revealed, the name of the God (Devata) to whom it was addressed

but also be aware of the proper accents (Chandas) to be used and the correct

interpretation (Viniyoga) of the mantra"


We can see all these requirements fulfilled in Sri Vishnu Sahasranama Stotram:

Sri Vedavyaso = Bhagavaan Rishih (Its Sage)

Anushtup = Chandah (Its Meter)

Sri Maha Vishnu:Paramatma Sriman Narayano = Devata (Its Presiding Deity)

Amrutamsutdbhavo Banu Iti = Beejam (Its Seed)

Devaki Nandana Srashteti = Saktih (Its Power)

Trisaamaa Saamaga Saama Iti = Hridayam (Its Heart)

Saanthyarthe = Viniyujyah ( Its Purpose)

Udbavah kshobano Deva iti = Paramo Mantrah (Its Essential Part)

Sankabrun Nandaki Chakree iti = Keelakam (Its Pin)

Saarnga Dhanvaa Gadaadhara iti = Astram (Its Weapon)

Rathaangapaanirakshobya iti = Netram (Its Eye)

Trisaama Saamagah Saameti = Kavacham (Its Armor)

Anandam Para Brahmeti = Yonih (Its womb)

Ritus Sudarsanah Kaal Iti = Digbandah (The Enclosure binding the directions)

Sri Viswaroopa iti = Dhyanam (Contemplation)

Sri Maha Vishnu Preethyarte SriSasranama Jape = Viniyogah (Its purpose/



SAYANACHARYA continues- " Anyone not knowing these and attempting to repeat a

portion of the Vedas is called `mantra - kantaka' - a thorn whose ignorance

and carelessness assuredly cancel or obstruct the efficacy of the recital"


(To Continue)


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