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Annual Sri Vaishnava Conference, Dallas, December 24-27,1998

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Dear Bhagavathas,


With our humble and loving praanaams at the Lotus Feet of our dear Lord, the

Sriya: pathi, we invite you to the second Annual Sri Vaishnava Conference to

be held at Dallas between December 24 and December 27,1998. Come one, come

all, with your family and friends!


The conference is organized by the Dallas/Fort Worth chapter of NAMA and is

co-sponsored by the DFW Hindu Temple Society. The conference will take place

starting December 24, 1998 and conclude on December 27. It will be held at the

large community center adjacent to the DFW Hindu Temple. The temple management

committee has kindly agreed to host the conference at the community hall at

no charge.


Summarized at the end of this email is a draft Agenda. We would like to ask

each and every one of you to review the agenda and volunteer to lead at least

one of the sessions or participate in a panel. The subjects have been chosen

based on comments received from last year's Denver conference and individual

requests. The topics were chosen so that the same subjects covered at the

Denver conference or the Sri Ahobila Mutt 6th centenary celebrations held in

September 1998 are not repeated. We appreciate all your help and suggestions.


There are nearly 45 families in the Dallas/Fort Worth area who are on the NAMA

list of which nearly 30 families participate regularly in the NAMA meetings.

We are all eagerly waiting to receive you all and several host families have

come forward to take care of the needs of out of town visitors. For your

information, we are dividing and sharing the work associated with organizing

the conference among the DFW members as follows. Please give your suggestions

and advice directly to the people listed below.


1. Overall Coordination -

Smt Vimala and Sri Rajaji (Rajaji)

2. Religious Activities -

Sri Rajaji (Rajaji)

3. Perumal Prasadam -

Smt Vijaya Chakravarthi (Vijaya)

4. Cultural Activities

1 Evening (Children's/Young Adults Program) -

Smt Revathi Srinath(Mds)

1 Evening -

Smt Vijaya Chakravarthi (Vijaya)

5. December 26 Young Adults Program -

Smt Revathi Srinath (Mds)

6. Food -

Smt Radha Balaji(Radha) & Smt Vimala Rajaji


7. Finance -

Smt Radha Balaji & Sri Rajaji

8. Books/Handouts -

Sri Giri Chakravarthi ( giri_chakravarthi) & Smt

Vimala Rajaji

9. Invitations to out of town guests and follow up through email -

Sri Krishnaswamy & Sri Rajaji

10. Host Family Arrangements -

Smt Anusuya and Sri Krishnaswamy (skswami)

11. Souvenirs -

Smt Nirmala Chari(MChari) and Smt Vimala Rajaji


We are looking forward to receiving confirmation that you will be able to

participate in the conference. Even if you will not be able to, please give us

your thoughts regarding the agenda and how we can improve it. If you would

like to volunteer your services in one of the areas mentioned above or if you

would like to participate in the cultural programs or perhaps give a

thoughtful speech, please contact one of the members mentioned above.


For those of you who are travelling from out of town, please let us know your

travel plans as soon as possible, at either Rajaji or skswami.

If we can receive your confirmation by October end at the latest, that will

help us with the host family arrangments and allow us to get back to you in

early November.


After receiving your input on the proposed agenda, we will finalize and issue

it by October end.


Looking forward to seeing you all,


Smt Vimala and Sri Rajaji

For the Conference Organizing Committee






Srimathe Ramanujaya Namaha



What: Sri Vaishnava Philosophy Conference in Dallas, 12/24-12/27/98


When and Where: Christmas Holidays (12/24 -12/27/98), Dallas DFW Hindu Temple


Speakers: Learned Sri Vaishnava Scholars across USA from the Bhakthi List,



Sponsored By: NAMA Inc. (An Association for Sri Vaishnavas), Dallas/FortWorth



Participants: Anyone interested in learning about the vast and rich Sri

Vaishnava Heritage


Contact: Smt. Vimala Rajaji 972-596-0561 (RRajaji)

Smt. Vijaya Chakravarthy 817-428-6846



12/24 Thursday

1:00 - 2:00 PM Welcome and introductions

Salutations to Sri Vaishnava Guruparamparai

(Acharya Lineage)

(Thaniyans, Dedicatory Verses, Compiled by Sri. V.


2:00 - 3:45 PM History of Sri Vaishnavism & Acharya Lineage (Question &


3:45 - 4:15 PM Break

4:15 - 5:45 PM Life and Works of Sri Ramanuja (Question & Answers)

5:45 - 6:15 PM AnushtAnam/Break

6:15 - 7:15 PM Dinner

7:15 - 9:15 PM Life and Works of Sri Vedanta Desika and Sri Manavala

Maamunigal (Question & Answers)


12/25 Friday

8:00 - 10:00 AM ThiruvArAdhanai/NityAnusandhAnam/Thiruppaavai Recital

10:00 - 11:30 AM Prabhandam/Veda Paarayanam Recital

11:30 - 12:30 PM Explanation and Significance of Sri Vaishnava Rituals -

Punyavachanam, upanayanam, vivaham etc.

12:30 - 2:00 PM AnushtAnam and Lunch

2:00 - 3:00 PM Role of Women in Sri Vaishnava Society

3:00 - 4:30PM Open Forum Question & Answers

4:30 - 5:00PM Break

5:00 - 6:00 PM Bhagavan Naama Prabhavam

6:00 - 7:00 PM Paaduka Mahimai

7:00 - 8:00 PM Entertainment -children's drama/skit, dance and music

8:00 - 9:30 PM Dinner


12/26 Saturday For young adults and interested parties - Texas Ranch &

Horseback riding/ Downtown Dallas / Grapevine Mills Mall


8:00 - 10:00 AM ThiruvArAdhanai/NityAnusandhAnam/Thiruppaavai Recital

(For all others)

6:00 - 6:300PM Vishnu Sahasranaamam Recital

6:30 -7:30PM Open Forum/Entertainment

7:30 - 9:00PM Dinner


12/27 Sunday

8:00 - 10:00 AM ThiruvArAdhanai/NityAnusandhAnam/Thiruppaavai Recital

10:00 - 12:00 Noon Open Forum/Entertainment (Bhajans, Music, Dance)




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