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The Vinjamoor Lineage

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Sri Srimahavishnu wrote



> --------------- MESSAGE bhakti.v003.n103.6 ---------------


Dear Bhagavatas,

............We are SriVaishNavas of Tamil origin but I and my

parents don't know Tamil.As per the details in our family

tree,mUlapurushan of VinjamUr lineage in Andhra region is SrImAn

Pandita SabhApati VinjamUr VenkatAcharyar SwAmigal.I don't know to

which VEdam do we belong.I request SrImAn T.V.VenkatEsh to tell me




As adiyEn had written earlier the details about the Vinjamoor

Lineage is as follows :- (This is whatever little I know)


Moola purusha :- Sri AruLALap perumAL emberumAnAr

(He is one of the 74 SimhAsanAthipathis appointed by Sri RAmAnujar.)

Gothram :- Koushika

VEdam :- Yajur VEdam.


If not for Sri RAmAnujar, the Vinjamoor lineage would never have been

following all the glorious Sri VaishNava SampradhAyam.


In poorvAsramam, AruLALa perumAL emberumAnAr was Yagnyamoorthi, an

advatin. He lost a tarkam with Sri RAmAnujar and got converted into

VaishNavite by Sri RAmAnujar.


His guru bhakti was very great. A small incident glorifies his

bhakti. Once a visitor came to Sri Rangam and asked a bhAgavathA as

to where is EmberumAnAr's madam. The bhAgavathA in turn questioned,

"which EmberumAnAr madam you want. There are two emberumAnArs here".


When AruLALa perumAL emberumAnAr heard this, he felt that this is a

great abachAram done to his guru. How can any body equate me to my

guru? He the immediately demolished his madam and took a place in

emberumAnAr's madam.


Just thought I will share this incident with all the bhAgavathAs.


adiyEn RAmAnuja dAsan


Thirumalai Vinjamoor Venkatesh




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