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PiLLai anthAdi

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Sri :

Srimate Sri Lakshmi Nrusimha Para Brahmane Namaha

Srimate ShatakopAya Namaha

Srimate Bhagavad RAmAnujAya Namaha

Srimate NigamAntha MahAdesikAya Namaha

Srimate Sri Lakshmi - Nrusimha Divya PAdukA Sevaka -

Srivan Shatakopa Sri NArAyana Yateendra MahAdesikAya Namaha



(of Sri NainArAchAryA alias Sri KumAra VaradAchAryA)


Mertric Translation in English by Sri M.K.Srinivasan

(appeared in Sri Nrusimha PriyA Samputam 56 sanchikai 7)





May VaradAyA's feet be our guide

Who wrote in Tamizh , rich and chaste

At the feet of his illustrious father,

The redoubtable Sree VedAnta Desika ,

After a deep and thorough understanding,

A classic called "piLLai anthAdi"

Which carries the quintessence of the VedAs

For the redemption of the entire world .


1. On my head lie the feet of Thooppul's son,

Who extols the illustrious sage RAmAnujA,

Who, in turn, spent his entire life

Joyfully, beneath the gracious shadow

Of mAran (or the one who was different)

Who eternally wore on his head

The lotus feet of the Lord on whose chest

Gladly resides His consort on the Lotus .


2. The Lotus Feet of the Thoopul chief,

Will they adorn our heads and bend them ?

Will our eyes be ever moistened

With droplets of joyous tears ?

Ye men of wide open world ?

Will our future hells ever be quashed ?

Will we ever hope to taste

The bliss of Sri VaikuNTham in this life ?


3. This life is of no avail at all,

If we sing not the glory of Thooppul Lord,

Who blemishless , spread the message

Of Sage RAmAnujA, the loving master

Who well and truly taught us all

The mystic meaning of the scriptures ,

(Not a whit more, not a whit less) ,

And explained the meaning of SaraNAgathi.


4. SaraNAgathi and other profound thoughts ,

May we always keep in mind ,

As explained by that highly truthful soul ,

Following in the footsteps of RAmAnujA,

Cherishing in his heart, the Sacred Form

of PeraruLALan , who appeared in Uttharaveedhi

With His fair consort on His chest ;

His name is Thooppul PiLLai, our benevolent preceptor.


5. Our benevolent preceptor is none other than

A human form of the Lord of VEnkata Hills

Assumed to remove the ills of human race.

Earlier the Supreme One made the worlds,

Then He gave them the scriptural lore

But when these yielded not the fruits ,

He also came as Lord of VEnkata Hills ,

And tries to wean them all to His path .


6. To His path , I am wedded , for ever ,

As I chant the virtues of my preceptor,

Competent and well-versed in every art,

Master of VedAs , and its able exponent,

Born at Thooppul, due to our prayers true,

Perfect in every way, known as VEnkatanAthA,

His skillful words drives debators away ;

When I think of Him,I see the end of my sins .


7. My sins! Off you go and lodge elsewhere

No more can you tarry at my place .

No more will I bear your overtures

And succumb to your temptations .

For my mind and heart are ever filled

With thought of Thooppul's purest soul

Who followed the teachings of RAmAnujA

No fear have I in this transient world.


8. In this transient world, You crave to live

O men of sickly mind and petty desires,

Know You not that life in this world

Is but one step away from dreadful hell ?

Mark my words ! I shall tell the means

To get rid of this sinful world,once for all;

Offer unto the feet of the Thooppul-born

VEdAntha DesikA , Your utmost obeisance.


9. Utmost obeisance and humility true ,

Traditional values , discipline supreme,

Care and Concern for every living soul ,

These and more virtues will sure accrue ;

While evil company and ignorance dark

And sins of all shades will slink unseen

For them who choose the devotee of RAmAnujA

Born at Thooppul, as the AchAryA, to Surrender.


10. To Surrender at Your feet, here we are

O gracious Thooppul Lord and Master ,

We are drowning in the sea of life

Buffeted by desires and passions.

Pray remove our sins and save us ;

Drench us in Your cool rain of mercy ;

Show us Your feet, O KalpakA tree !

And keep us there for ever and ever.


11. For ever and ever will I desist

From flattering or praising to skies,

The wordly rich as wish-yielding trees,

Nor will I stand on mountain tops

Doing penances to gain other worlds.

O poet and Master, philosopher great !

O virtuos son of Thooppul land !

To reach Sri VaikuNTham I crave Your blessings.


12. Your blessings alone can see me through,

O VEdAnta DesikA of knowledge vast

O divinity of Thooppul who advented for us;

My mind is steeped in ignorance dark

And I tend to discard traditional paths

Shown by our forbears in their wisdom deep.

I know no useful means to follow

Except to clasp Your feet, seeking Your grace.


13. Seeking Your grace is the only route

Open to me to attain Sri VaikuNTham above;

No knowledge do I claim or have

Of the paths of KarmA, Jn~AnA and Bhakti ;

Nor am I inclined towards renunciation ;

Even easy surrender is beyond my reach

O Lord Of Thooppul of golden hue !

Rudderless, I have come to Your sacred feet.


14. To Your sacred feet, I donot easily bend

Nor am I devoted to Your followers

And worshippers, though they are all around;

I know not, therefore, what I can do

Except to pray in my despicable state

And hope that Your fount of mercy

Will sweep over me and make me worthy.

I bessech You, will You help me please ?


15. Help me please to shake off the inevitable

Twin fruits of good and evil deeds.

O shining chief of Thooppul race !

Bereft of support, I stand before You

And I know not about my morrows.

Help me then to grasp the meaning

Of the Most Sacred Eight-Syllable Word

Which leads to steady and intense devotion.


16. Intense devotion, bless me have

Towards the Beacon atop the VEnkata Hill,

Who lovingly bears on His lotus chest

His consort who rose from the lotus bloom,

Bless me also that my thoughts be pure

Towards those who stand and wait

On the Supreme Being with unshaken faith

O Thooppul-born protector mine !


17. Protector mine! Saviour of the World !

Who sat at the honeyed sacred feet

Of AppullAr, chief of KadAmbi Clan

And learnt by his immense grace

The import of Tamil and Sanskrit vEdAs.

O perfect resplendent genius great !

We pray and seek Your gracious glance

O Benign Lord of the Thooppul race !


18. O Benign Lord of the Thooppul race !

Ever loving and kind, full of grace !

O Master of poesy and dialectics !

O VEdAnta DesikA handsome and fair !

I join my palms aloft and high

And make my prayer unto You

" May my mind be filled with devotion

Towards the devotees crowding at Your feet".


19. The devotees crowding at Your feet ,

May they flourish with love and reverence !

May Your pure and smiling face flourish !

May Your kind expository hand flourish !

O effulgent jewel of Thooppul race !

May the bright mark on Your face flourish !

Wearing the sacred thread and basil beads

May that immaculate form flourish !


20. May that immaculate form flourish

In the hearts of million of devotees !

These linked verses have I composed

With great humility and devotion

So that all may daily chant

His name and remember His grace

And bend their heads at His lotus feet

Which is ever in my heart and on my head.


Srimate NigamAntha mahAdesikAya namaha


namo nArAyaNA

adiyEn rAmAnuja dAsan

anantha PadmanAbha dAsan

sarvam sri KrishnArpanamastu

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