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Control of mind - Part 2

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Dear Bhagavatas,

Presented below is Part 2 on Control of mind


Anbil Ramaswamy


Control of Mind - Part 2

As we mentioned earlier, to keep the body hale and healthy two factors are

essential - Firstly, Physical exercise and Secondly, the dietary habits which

have direct effect on our body system. Hinduism has laid down elaborate

guidelines through Ayurveda and Yoga Sastra - to take care of both these


We will consider here the role of physical exercises in disciplining the body

and mind helping in the process of integration with Brahman.

Control of breath:

We have seen people in trying to lift a heavy burden find it easier to do it

while holding their breath than otherwise. Though this cannot, in the strict

sense, be called Praanaayaamam, it underines the fact that with breath control

we can achieve what we cannot without it..

It is said that breathing involves gathering and dispersing the atmosphere

confirming in the process our connection with the all pervading Universal air-

whatever air is exhaled has to return to be inhaled and whatever air is

inhaled has to be expelled- and this is at the bottom of all action.


TRISHIKHI BRAHMOPANISHAD MANTRA PARTS 77 TO 81 describe the location and

functions of 10 Pranas of which five are important.

YOGA YAGNAVALKYA IV 48-72, AMRITA NADOPANISHAD 34-35 also refer to the

efficacy of Pranayama. ( breath control) ATHARVA VEDA VI, XXX12, XI, IV-10,

XI15 also describe the `Pranayamas' as the fundamental basis of "Whatever is,

was or will be" and as a technique silencing the breath.

i. Prana : (Life Sustaining Vital air) the most important vital activity so

long as a person lives

ii. Apana : (Excretory) Expulsion of impure air from the body.

ii. Vyana : (Circulatory) helps in circulation of air within the body.

iv. Udana :(Respiratory) helps in respiration process and

v. Samana : (Digestive) helps in digesting the food consumed.

The `Pranayama' is the exercise of breath - control by which these vital airs

are regulated. This itself consists of three steps :

i. Rechaka (Releasing or Exhaling) : Letting out air in an orderly fashion

through the right nostril done usually by closing the left nortril with the

ring and the little fingers of the right hand.

ii. Puraka (Filling on Inhaling) : Inhaling fresh air through left nostril by

releasing the two fingers.

Brihad Yogi Yajna Valkyasmrithi VIII. 9 `Puraka' as 'sucking in the Vayu from

the atmosphere through the nose and making it fill all the Nadis in the body.

iii. Kumbaka ( lit. ) potting up ; bottling up)

Again closing both the nostrils with the respective fingers (as in the Rechaka

and Puraka steps) - the air so inhaled is allowed to be kept circulating,

suspending the process of respiration of air so bottled up so long as one

could do so comfortably without panting for breath. By constant practice and

steady progression, we can prolong this process of `bating the breath' to

incredibly long periods.

MUKTIKOPANISHAD II 51.52 AND BHAGAVAD GITA IV 29-30 explain in detail the

Kumbaka part of Pranayama.

After the Kumbaka, the breath is released slowly and steadily through Rechaka

to be followed by Puraka and Kumbaka again. And the cycle is repeated for a

prescribed number of times. The ratio of Puraka , Kumbaka and Rechaka is

generally 1: 4 : 2 matras 2

Humans are believed to breath under normal circumstances 15 times in one

minute or 21,600 times in 24 hours. Animals have their own rates; (e.g) a cat

24 times a minute; a turtle 3 times a minute.This is probably why they say

that the cat has 9 lives;The turtle might probably live longer. May be each

individual is destined to breath a cerain specified number of times during his

/ her lifetime. By Pranayama or breath control the breathing is delayed to

the extent of the duration of the exercise. Assuming that it is possible to

reduce the rate from 15 to say 8 times (i.e) 50%, may be one could live that

longer to complete the allotted quota. Cumulatively reckoned, the amount of

time to which life could be extended to reach the destined number of breathing

would indeed be breathtaking. This view , however, is not supported by any

scientific or scriptural authority. May be researchers can go into this and

come up with startling discoveries and statistics.

(To continue)

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