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VibIshaNa saraNAgati

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SrimathE NArAyaNAya nama:


Dear BhAgavathAs,


Today morning I was talking to Sri M.A Venkatakrishnan swamy in

Parthasarathy swamy koil. He is one of the profound scholars in our

VisishtAdvaita philosophies and does a lot of kAlakshEbams.


In fact every Sunday, between 4 to 5, he is now doing upanyAsam on

Sri Vachana bhooshaNam. This Sunday I attended it for the first time

and he was explaining the 15th and 16th Soothram in which Sir PiLLai

LOkAchAryar explains, how purushakAram and upAyam are important,

together, for saraNAgati.


In continuation to that I asked the question about pirAtti's

purushakAram in vibIshaNa saraNAgati and whatever I am writing below

is as heard from him.


There are 3 ways in which we can say that vibIshaNA did saraNAgati

only thro' pirAtti. It is not necessary that pirAtti should do

purushakAram in the direct sense. As very clearly pointed out by Sri

Mani's friend, nowhere in the RAmAyaNam, it is stated that vibIshaNa

did saraNAgati thro' pirAtti or for that sake atleast like SugrIva or

Hanuman. What proves, the role of pirAtti in vibIshaNa saraNAgati is

as follows :-


1) When RAvaNa abducted pirAtti and kept Her in prison in AsOka

vanam, it was vibIshaNA who argued with his brother that this is not

dharma and that RAvaNA should not do this and decided to leave his

brother who is doing this adharmam. The reason vibIshaNA left RAvaNA

was because of pirAtti. Seetha pirAtti came to know about this and

blessed vibIshaNA for his good deeds. This blessing from pirAtti's

heart was enough to be the purushakAram for saraNAgati as Rama and

Seetha were only physically apart.


2) When all the rAkshashi's in the AsOka vanam used to trouble

pirAtti saying that RAvaNA was the most powerful and hence submit to

him etc., it was only ThirisaDai, daughter of vibhIshaNA who

consoled Her saying that "Please do not worry, PerumAL will reach

soon and free you from RAvaNA". Naturally any word of consolation

from a person, when one is trouble, will create an affection for that

person. So naturally our pirAtti blessed the family of vibhIshaNA

from her heart. Once again " mAnasIka purushakAram" from pirAtti.


3) In addition to the above to two, considering the one to one

presence of pirAtti at the place of saraNAgati, eventhough She was

not present in person, She is always present in the ThirumArbu of

PerumAL, be it RAman or VAmanan. So when VibhIshaNA did his

saraNAgati, pirAtti was still doing purushakAram from within the

heart of Rama.


These are the three proofs given by Sri Venkatakrishnan swamy to me

today morning when I asked this question. I am convinced. However if

there are any mistakes in my above reply, it is entirely due to my

misunderstanding and all the credit goes to Sri Venkatakrishnan



adiyEn RAmAnuja dAsan


Thirumalai Vinjamoor Venkatesh




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This is once again the same thing that we have been talking about. I

quickly browsed through sri rAmAyaNa thanislOki and "purushakAram - siRai

irun^dhavaL ERRam". They both discuss at length about everything else

where sIthA was present for the purushakAram.


There are basically two scenarios for the purushakAram. A. While

pirAtti is with the Lord (samslEsha dhasai) and B. While she is away

(vislEsha dhasai). The following two sUthrams of svAmi piLLai lOkAchAryar

are relevant here.


9. SamclESha vislEShangaL iraNdilum puruShakaarathvam



10. SamclESha thasaiyil Isvaranaith thiruththum vislESha

thasaiyil sEthananaith thiruththum.


- Sri vachana bhUshaNam


Our case is the vislEsha dhasai, where sIthA is away from the Lord.

She would advise the chEthanas and turn them towards the Lord. This is

what is the flavour of purushakAram here. Are there any instances in the

rAmAyaNam that talks about sIthA advising or atleast talking to

vibhIshaNa? How does he come to know that Rama is the Lord and what

Ravanan has done is wrong? is it because, by nature, he is good and he

realized it without anybody's advice? what role does thrijadai play here,

since she is close to sIthA?


There are pages of evidence of how sIthA advised ravanan which is a

true purushakAra attempt. But anything with vibhIshaNa?


I have a basic question. In both the cases mentioned above there is a

fault identified with one of them. In samslEsha dhasai, She advises the

Lord and in vislEsha dhasai she advises the chethanaAs, i.e, she corrects

them. What if both of them are perfect? What role does she play here? A

specific issue of this generic case is the vibhIshaNa saraNAgathi.


Any thoughts?





Looking at the "mithramowpayikam ..." and

the "iha santhO..." slOkams where she advises ravanan, she says, (as per

periyavAccAn piLLai') " Aren't there good people to advise you and

correct you. There are people like agambaNan, mAlyavAn, kumbakarNan,

vibhIshaNan. So you have good people around you. But they are just

physically there, they don't seem to have done anything. "


Prob'ly this is what is the imperfection on the part of the

chEthana, vibhIshaNa and prob'ly he corrected himself because of her

advise to ravanan. This could be a flavour of purushakAram done mentally

by the pirAtti (though its an indirect influence...)

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