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Mumukshu-ppadi vyAkhyAnam extract

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Dear Mani


Anything said in praise of Sri EmberumAnAr is honey

to my ears.

However good the translation might be, it cannot capture the

music of the "mani-pravAlam" language nor the grandeur

and felicity of Sri ManavAla MAmunigal's style.So I

reproduce below for your delectation the original of

the extract:


"AdhikAri-dur-labhatvattAlum, artha-gauravattAlum, ittai

veliyidAthE, maraittu-kkondu pOndArgal EmberumAnArukku

munbullAr; samsArigal dur-ggati kandu porukka-mAttadapadi

krupai karai-purandirukkaiyAlE, arthattin sIrmai pArAdE,

anartha-ttaiyE pArttu, veliyitt-arulinAr EmberumAnAr."





With respect to this, Sri Manavala Mamunigal writes:


It is very hard to to find those who are qualified

for [receiving the inner meaning of the carama sloka].

For this reason, and because of the venerable importance

of its meaning, Ramanuja's predecessors had kept it a

secret, without making it public.


But Ramanuja's overwhelming compassion made him unable

to bear seeing the distress of those in samsaara. Thus,

regardless of the preciousness of the carama sloka's meaning,

when he saw their suffering, he publicized it.


[Translation of the Introduction to

Mamunigal "carama sloka adhikaaram",

Mumukshuppadi, by Patricia Mumme.

Unfortunately, I do not have the


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>Anything said in praise of Sri EmberumAnAr is honey

>to my ears.

>However good the translation might be, it cannot capture the

>music of the "mani-pravAlam" language nor the grandeur

>and felicity of Sri ManavAla MAmunigal's style.So I

>reproduce below for your delectation the original of

>the extract:


>"AdhikAri-dur-labhatvattAlum, artha-gauravattAlum, ittai

>veliyidAthE, maraittu-kkondu pOndArgal EmberumAnArukku

>munbullAr; samsArigal dur-ggati kandu porukka-mAttadapadi

>krupai karai-purandirukkaiyAlE, arthattin sIrmai pArAdE,

>anartha-ttaiyE pArttu, veliyitt-arulinAr EmberumAnAr."






dear bhAgavathAs,


Nothing is more sweeter than reading and enjoying

the anubhavam of emperumAnAr's parama krupai for

us samsAris. My heartfelt thanks to maNi and sri. Bharat for

having reinforced to all of us what is probably the most

important feature of our dear sampradAyam - its

inclusiveness of all people. That is one important thing that

we all need to keep in our minds. Speaking

for myself, I am totally unqualified to even be near

this sampradAyam. But our AchAryAs and elders,

following in the tradition of our dear emperumAnAr have

made the sampradAyam accessible to even me. If

we were born before emperumAnAr's time, it is very

questionable if we all will be able to enjoy our dear

emperumAn's kalyANa guNas even to the small extent

that we do nowadays.


No wonder thiruvarangaththu amudanAr says


"iruppidam vaikunTham vEnkatam, mAlirun chOlai ennum

poruppidam mAyanukku enbar nallOR - avai thannodum

vandhu iruppidam, mAyan irAmunusan manaththinravan

vandhu iruppidam, endhan idhayaththuLLe thamakku inpuravE"


Let us all recite what thiruvarangaththu amudhanAr says


"palkalayOr thAm manna vantha irAmAnusan saraNAravindham

nAm manni vAzha - nenchE solluvOm avan nAmaNgaLE"..


This posting also reminds me of thirRukkuRungudi -

the perumAL there - ninRa nambi, (mUlavar), vadivu azhagiya

nambi (utsavar) is considered to be a sishyA of emperumAnAr.

Our pUrvAchAryAs say that nambi was astonished to see the

number of people following Him and His commands through

the srI vAishNava sampradAyam during emperumAnAr's time.

So, He approached emperumAnAr and asked him this question.

Since, nambi was asking a question, He gave emperumAnAr

an Asanam (table like thing that is very much common in all

the temples) and requested emperumAnAr to sit on that so that

emperumAnAr was sitting higher than nambi. Then, with lot

of bhavyam, nambi asked this question to emperumAnAr. To that

emperumAnAr replied "nambiyE, the reason why so many people

did not follow You before me was because You were saying to

people that 'I am great', 'I am perumAL', 'I will give you mOksham

if you surrender' and similar things. So, people were looking

upon you as an empty boaster. That is ulaka vazhakku. To me,

it is very easy - I say that perumAL is great, nambi is kind etc.. and

so people join me in becoming Your adiyArs". Some AchAryAs also

say that along with this, emperumAnAr "taught" perumAL the

thirumantrArtham as he explains to his sishyAs to enable perumAL

to understand the why more people followed him rather than

perumAL when He gave us the bhagavad gIta.


Even to this day, in ninRa nambi's sannadhi, there is an empty Asanam

to the left of perumAL that signifies that upadEsam that emperumAn

received from emperumAnAr.


My thanks especially to Sri. Bharat for having quoted the actual

mUlam from mumukshuppadi which is like adding sugar to

the taste of honey that we already have in our mouths after

reading maNi's posting. Reading jIyar's vyAkhyAnams and his

upadEsams is probably the sweetest and most satisfying

thing that one can experience..



AzhvAr emperumAnAr jIyar thiruvadigaLE saraNam,

adiyEn madhurakavi dAsan,

Thirumalai Anandanpillai Varadhan

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