Guest guest Posted December 18, 1998 Report Share Posted December 18, 1998 Dear BhagavathAs : Sri Anbil Swamy's comprehensive posting on Sri AnjanEyA has covered in an engaging and beautiful manner His mahimai .I must confess that I had forgotten that today is Hanumath Jayanthi and Sri Anbil Swamy's posting was a timely reminder .I hasten to add my humble tribute in a complimentary manner a la Saint ThyagarAja SwamigaL and Sri Purandara Daasar . The key aspect of AnjanEyA's glory is as a Raama Bhaktha par excellence .Great Raama BhakthAs like Saint ThyagarAjA have saluted HanumAn's Raama Bhakthi and wanted to emulate Him . On this occasion , I would like to share with You the two krithis of Saint ThyagarAjA saluting Sri AnajnEyA's Raama Bhakthi and Kaimkaryam . One is set in RaagA vasanathavarALi ( Paahi Raama DhUtha ) and the other is in Raagam Purna Lalitha ( KalugunA ) .They cover the svarUpa , GuNa lakshaNams of this great Raama BhakthA , Sri AnjanEyA . They are set in beautiful Sanskrit vAkhyams , although Saint ThyagarAjA composed mostly in Sundara Telengu , a highly sanskritized version of colloquial Telegu . VasanthavarALi krithi ********************** Palalvi: Paahi Raama dhUtha JagathprANa KumAra ! maam (paahi) Anupallavi : vAhinisataraNa!Dasavadhana sUnutanuharaNa ! CharaNam 1: taruNAruNa vadhanAbhja tapana kOti SankAsa ! Karadhrutha Raguvara SucharaNa ! kalimalAbhra gandhavAha ! CharaNam 2: goOrAsuravAraannidhi kumbhatanaya krutha Kaarya ! PaarijAtha TarunivAsa ! Pavana Tulya vEgha ! CharaNam 3: Paadha Vijitha dhushta graha! Pathitha lOka paavana! vEda saasthra nipuNavarya ! Vimala chitha sathatham ! CharaNam 4: KaruNArasa paripUrNa ! KaanchanAdhri SamadEha! PARAMA BHAAGAVATHA VARENYA ! Varadha ! ThyagarAjanutha ! This krithi is like a Archanaa for Sri AnajnEyA . Just as the Nattai pancharathnam , JagadhAnandhakAraka is linked together as the AshtOthra Satha NaamAvaLi starting with (praNavam ) JagadhAnandhakAraakaya Nama: , (PraNavam ) JaanakI PrANa nAthAya nama ; et al , this krithi can also be considered as a limited Vimsathi (20) nAmAvaLi for the use of AnjanEya BhakthAs : Pallavi NaamAs (2) ****************** 1. Raama dhUthAya nama: ( Salutations to the messenger of Sri RaamachandrA ) 2. JagathprANa KumArAya nama:( Salutations to the son of the mukhya PrANan of the world ; the reference is to the incident ,when the broken-hearted Vaayu , the father of AnjanEyA retreatd into a cave with his stricken son and the whole world came to a standstill and could not breath ) Anupallavi NaamAs (2) ******************** 1. VaahiIsa TaraNaaya Nama: ( Salutations to the one who jumped over the immense ocean: Reference is to Sundra KhAndam , first sargam , Saagara Lankhanam ) 2. Dasavadhana sUnutanUharaNaaya nama: ( Salutations to You , who killed in battle effortlessly the son of the ten-headed RaavaNA , Aksha KumAran :Reference is to Sundara KhAndam , Entire Sargam 47 ) Four CharaNams 16) ********************** 1. TaruNAruNa VadhanAbhjaaya nama: ( Salutations to the one with a countenance that shines like the fully risen Sun ) 2. tapana kOti SankAsAya nama: ( NamaskArams to the One , who is resplendent like the crores of Suns that have risen together ; this naama is from the HanumAn's dhAyana slOkam : SarvArishta nivArakam Subhakaram PinkAkshamakshApaham SitAnvEshaNa Tathparam Kapivaram KOTEENTHUSURYA PRABHAM LankhA dhvipa Bayankaram Sakaladham Sugriva SammAnitham dEvEndhrAdhi Samastha dEva vinutham KAAKUTHSTHA DHUTHAM BHAJE ) 3. Kara Dhrutha Raghuvara SucharaNaaya nama: ( Salutations to the One , who holds the sacred feet of Sri Raamachandra in his hands with reverence). 4. KalimalAbhra GandhavAhaaya nama: (Salutations to the One , who serves as the powerful wind that disperses the cloud of Kali dhOshams ). 5. gOrAsura vArAnnidhi Kumbha TanayAya nama: ( Salutations to the one , who is a veritable AgasthyA/Kumbha Muni to the ocean of fearsome RaakshasAs : References to Incidents in Sundara KhAndam and Yuddha KhAndam ) 6. Krutha Kaaryaaya nama: ( Salutations to the One who always carries out successfully the tasks assigned by His king , SugrivA or His Lord, Sri RaamachandrA : Saagara lankhanam , Bringing of SanjIvi parvatham et al ) 7. PaarijAtha tarunivAsaya nama: ( Salutations to the One , who dwells under the PaarijAthA tree and performs Sri Raama Naama Japam incessantly . The reference here is to another Hanumath DhyAna SlOkam : AnjanEyam athipaatalAlanam KaanchanAdhri kamanIya Vigraham PAARIJAATHA TARUMOOLA VAASINAM bhAvayAmi PavamAna Nandhanam ) 8.Pavana tulya vEghAya nama: ( salutations to the One , who moves as fast as the Vaayu BhagavAn ! His father gave him this power , which he used in crossing over the Ocean to reach LankhA as Raama dhUthA ). 9. Paadha Vijitha Dhushta grahaaya nama: (Salutations to You , who defeat the evil spirits or the ill effects of nava grahams with Your feet (i-e) those , who worship your feet are protected from the Graha dhOshams ). 10. Pathitha lOkapAvanAya nama:( Salutations to the One , who is th eredeemer of the fallen ) 11. VedasAsthra nipuNa varyaaya nama: ( Salutations to the One , who is in the front rank of those , who are proficient in Vedams and Saasthrams) 12. sathatham vimala chitthAya nama:( Salutations to the One , who is always pure-minded ) 13. KaruNarasa pUrNAya nama:( Salutations to the One , whose mind is filled with compassion for Raama BhakthAs ) 14. KaanchanAdhri Sama dEhAya nama:( Salutations to the One , who has an immense , resplendent body like the golden Mount Meru : This name is from the DhyAna slOkam referred above ). 15. Parama Bhaagavatha VarENyaaya nama: ( Salutations to the One , who is the foremost among the Lord's devotees ) 16. VaradhAya nama: ( Salutations to the One , who is the munificient grantor of auspicious boons ). Saint ThyagarAjA read everyday Srimadh Vaalmiki RaamAyaNam and performed in his life 96 crores of Sri Raama naama japam . He aspired to serve Sri Raama like AnjanEya .This aspiration is set in the next krithi set in pUrNalalithA raagam :KalugunA padhaneerajasEva ? GandhavAha Tanaya . I will sumamrize the meaning alone here . Oh GandhavAha Tanaya ( Vaayu PuthrA )! Shall I ever be blessed with the Bhaagyam of witnessing Your service to Sri RamachandrA ? You are indeed the foremost among the Lord's bhakthAs and Your face shines with BrahmAnandham as a result of Your frequent darsanam of Sri RamachandrA . Oh Bhaktha SirOmaNi AnjanEyA ! Can I ever have the good fortune of have the direct darsanam of the Lord of the Universe , Sri RaamA , observing His daily anushtAnams , getting up at Brahma muhUrtham , enjoying His amrutha snAnam , holding Your hand , performing AarAdhanam to Sri RanganAthA , presenting BhOgyams , partaking Bhagavadh prsAdhams through Devi SitA's blessed hands and commanding You to read the holy purANAs ? As Sri Anbil mentioned , Sudara KhAndam is AnjanEya KhAndam . Saptha sarga PaarAyaNm of Sundara KhAndam ( 7 sargams per day until completion ) concluding with Sri Raama PattAbhishEkam and TadhIyArAdhanam for BhaagavathAs is known to confer all blessings . There are specific sargAs that have been recited to overcome specific apachArams . For instance , the 38th sarga paarAyaNam is recommended for conscious or unmeant apachAram to our Lord and His BhagavathAs. Nava graha dasA bhuktidhOsha parihAra PaarAyaNa kramams have been in vogue for those seeking these kinds of relief .For instance,the 48th sargam is recommended for Sani DOshA parihAram.ParamaikAnthins just do paarAyaNam without specific desires to overcome one or other calamities and leave the burden of their protection to the SaraNAgatha Vrathi , Sri SitA dEvi samEtha Sri SaakEtha nagarIsan . Sri Purandara Daasar was a great AnjanEya BhakthA . He composed number of krithis eulogising AnjanEyA . Some of them are : 1. PrANa nAtha Paaliso : Raagam NaagasvarALi 2. Mukhya PrANa yenna Moola GuravE : Raagam ReethigowLai 3. Koosina KaNTIrA,Mukhya PrANana KaNTirA?--SaarangA Raagam 4. Anjikke YaathakaiyyA SajjanarikE-KalyANi Raagam 5. getthayO HanumamthA--Mohana Raagam Inview of the Maadhva SampradhAyam to which Sri Purandara DaasA belonged , Sri AnjanEyA is a very important deity for worship to him . I conclude this posting with a prayer to Sri AnjanEyA's Lord and sarvasvam . Sri Raamachandra ; Sritha paarijAtha: Samastha KalyANa GuNAmBhurAsi:I SeethA mukhAmbhOruha sancharIka: Nirantharam MangaLam aathanOthu II may the Lord RamachandrA remove all avinayam (immodesty& arrogance)arising out of presumption of Scholarship and grow th respect for all BhagavathALs and their well-meant kaimkaryams (*). Satyam satyam Puna; Satyam, YathirAjO Jagath Guru:(*) Daasaanu Daasan , Oppiliappan Koil V.Sadagopan (*)Our Jagath Guru spelled out for us what is BhagavathApachAram .As we post in this public net and blithely make sweeping statements , it is important to recall and reflect on YathirAjA's listing of the 12 Kinds of BhagavathApachArams: 1. Janma NirUpaNam ( Haughtiness from the thought that one belongs to a higher janmam ; saathina mudali versus saathAtha mudali et al ) 2. Sarira NirUpaNam( The differentiation and discrimation like Man , Women , Tiryak et al ) 3.Bhaava nirUpaNam ( Differentiation at a superficial level that one is young and the other is old ; young do not know and the old age is synnonomus with wisdom ) 4.Aasrama nirUpaNam ( BrahmachAri, SanyAsi et al ) 5. Avayava nirUpaNam ( One is lame , deaf, dumb et al) 6. Aalasya nirUpaNam (ViNNappam seyvAr , seyaa theriyAthavr yenRa paahupADu) 7.Vaasa nirUpaNam ( I am from Srirangam, Kaanchi, Thirumalai and claiming superiority on that basis) 8.Bhandhu nirUpanam ( He is related to me, She is not related to me and this kind of discriminatory apachArams to BhagavathAs ) 9. PrakAsa nirUpaNam ( Equating AchAryAs and those who perform Kaimkaryam to them as equal ) 10. prakaara nirUpaNam ( Considering the kaimkaryaparALs , who perform nandavana kaimkaryam for the Divya dampathis as lowly and inconsequential ones ). 11. Vardhaka NirUpaNam 12.DhOsha nirUpaNam ( Looking out for mistakes in others' humble kaimkaryams in the spirit of "PandithA; dhOsha Darsina:" ). Bhaagavatha apachAram is worse than BhagavathapachAram in YathirAjA's views . KUdi Irunthu KuLirnthElOrempAvaai would be the mesage from ANDAL for us in this month of Marghazhi . AdiyEn , SadagOpan Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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