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NithyAnusanthAnam Tape by Sri MukkUr Lakshmi NrusimhaachAr Swamy and Acharya Vandhanam on the occasion of Telebridge UpanyAsams : Part 1

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Dear BhakthAs :

In addition to the listening of the blessed

upanyAsams of the two illustrious AchAryAs

through the tele-bridge , AdiyEn had the Bhaagyam of

receiving a copy of the above tape recently . For the purposes of

invoking auspiciousness in every household ,

the great Nrusimha UpAsakar has recorded a set of

essential slOkams from AchAryAs and Veda manthrams

recited in the Ghanam style .This tape is 60 miutes

long and is a delight to listen to besides being sacred .


The tape begins with Ghanam rendering of a Vedic prayer to

confer Sukham, Jn~Anam , Sudinam , Yasas , Keerthi

and other soubhAgyams .


It is followed by excerpts from Sriamth RaamAyaNam ,

BhAgavatham , BhU sthuthi , VishNu purANam , the first

slOkam of Bharatham , AlavandhAr's prayer to Sri VaradarAjA ,

Gopala Vimsathi slOkams , KrishNa KarNAmrutha Slokams

and many more .


Manthra Raaja Padha Sthothram in its entirety

is recited therafter.BhIshma sthuthi , which was

the nithyAnusandhAnam of H.H. the 42nd Jeeyar of Ahobila Matam

follows suit .Lakshmi Nrusimha SaraNAgathi , KaamAsIkAshtakham

are recited with feeling by this great MahAn . One item included

in the tape that captured my particular attention is the recitation

of the excerpt from Swami Desikan's PaadhukhA Sahasram in

the most sampradhAyic manner .This reminds me that

we should get a recording of the PaadhukhA Sahasra

SlOkams by the well trained ladies at Poundarika Aasramam .

Tis paadhukhA sahasra slOkam puts in perspective

the AchArya Anugraha Vachanams that we have been

blessed with recently .


Three slOkams from the glorious Chithra paddhathi

have been selected by Sri MukkUr Swami for this

nithyAnusandhAnam tape . It is a sheer joy

to listen to them and recall the genius of

Swami Desikan , who playfully composed the 1000 plus

verses on the Mahimai of Sri RanganAtha PaadhukhAs .

These three are set in chithra paddhathi

to show his talent as a chithra kavi.


I will focus on the three slOkams that this Mahan

chose for recitation and give the meanings of these slOkams

in the sampradhAyic way in which they are intrepreted by

PeriyAsram ( Srirangam Andavan ) and Sri UttamUr swami.

To the AchAryAs of this Andavan paramparai , Sri Ranganaatha

Paadhukhais and PaadhukhA sahasram are pivotal in worship

and upadEsam .These threee slOkams are the 933rd, 935th and 936th

in Swami Desikan's Sri PaadhukhA Sahasram .I will start with

the 933rd slOkam as a preface to the recent Acharya UpadEsams

summaries .


The 933rd slOkam



The key features as pointed out by the AchAryAs

of PeriyAsramam are :


1. Use of just two Uyir Yezhutthus ( A and Aa )and two

Mey yezhuthus ( pa ,dha )to construct this chithra Paddhathi

slOkam .Two Vowels and two consonants were alone

used to produce the different sandhis

to provide the enormously significant meanings.


2. These four alphabets are joined to form

anulOma-prathilOma Yamakams . AnulOmam means

in regualr order; prathilOmam means reverse

order. Yamakam means repetition in the same line

(stanza ) of words or syllables similar in sound ,

but different in meaning , a kind of rhyme celebrated

in uttama Kaavyams ( aavrutthim varNa sanghAtha gOcharAm

yamakam vidhu: ).AnulOma-prathilOma is a way

used to render pallavis in Carnatic music as well .

As Sarvathanthra Svathanthrar and kavi Simham ,

Swami Desikan has excelled once again .


3. These interwoven anulOma PrathilOma yamakams

are bound in a SarvathO-bhadra bhandham ( bhandha Chithram).

This bhandham or pattern of geometry (Yanthram )

and is hence auspicious in every direction of the square that

it constitutes .It is a 8 by 8 square shaped chithra Bhandham

shown below .


The 933rd slOkam of PaadhukhA sahasram is as follows :


paapaadhapaapaadhapaapaaapaadhapaadhadhapaadhapaa I

dhapaadhapaapaadhpaadhapaadhapaa dhadhapaadhapaa II


Stops have to be made at the right places ,

when reciting it.


The words (padhams ) that come out of the above

conglomeration of letters A ,Aa, pa and dha are :


paapAth (5) apApAth (6)) , apApA (1)

apAdhapaadhadhapaadhapaa(2) ,

dhapaa dhapaa paadhapaadha paadhapaa (4)

and dhadhapaadhapaa (3).


The numbers behind the split of the words

formed from the letters A, Aa , pa and dha

are indicativof the sequence in the order of prosody

(anvaya Kramam )of this verse : apaapaa(1)


dhapaa dhapaa paadhapaadha paadhapaa(4)

paapaadh(5)apApAth (6).


apaapaa(1)= one free from sins (paapam and apApam)/(1)


A=akAra Vaachya VishNu BhagavAn's {2}

paadha= at His sacred feet {2}

paadha = of the rays/kathir {2}

paa=that pair of feet storing the power of-

those rays for our protection {2}


dhadha =in the case of those , who offer unto Him ,

AchAryAs , who place the Jeevan at the feet of the Lord

through Prapatthi (3)


paath=that which protects (3)


apaa=that which is in the form of abhshEka jalam(3)


dha = of protction(4)


paadha = which it is capable of realizing(4)


paapa=of sin (4)


adha= that which removes(4)


paadha =those feet of VishNu( RanganaathA )/(4)


paadhapaa = those paadhukhAs that protect

such sacred pair of feet of the Lord (4)


paapAth = from sins(5)


apaapapaath= they saved me from my sins )/(6)


It is a profound construction to say the least .

One can not but marvel at the genius of this

great AchAryan . Sound and meaning are tightly

coupled to celebrate the mahimai of Sri Ranganatha

PaadhukhAs .


The chithra Bhandham is like this:


paa paa dha paa paa dha paa paa

paa dha paa dha dha paa dha paa

dha paa dha paa paa dha paa dha

paa dha paa dha dha paa dha paa

paa dha paa dha dha paa dha paa

dha paa dha paa paa dha paa dha

paa dha paa dha dha paa dha paa

paa paa dha paa paa dha paa paa


The English letters for the first P in Sanskrit

alphabets and the fifth D (as in Daya ,GOdhA)

makes the above bhandham look like a rectangle.

When the Sanskrit words are used ,

it will look like a 8X8 Square instead of

like a rectangle as shown above .When you check

against rows and columns in the above

Chithra Bhandham , we come across a world

of additional meanings . Sabdha Chithram

( sound pictures for the audio memory ),

Artha Vaachya chithram ( images based on

special meanings ) are evoked through this

mathematical (geometrical ) structures

(slOkams). It is a source of endless mystery

about the glories of the Lord , His AchAryAs

( paadhukhais ) , when we reflect on the

individual slOkams of Swami Desikan's

master piece of a KhAvyam , Sri Ranganaatha

PaadhukhA Sahasram .


Phalan of reciting this slokam 933 :



This verse and the yanthram is used by

Ladies of the household on Sundays and

causes auspiciousness from all sides ,

when worshipped ( sarvathO Bhadram ).

The importance of the Vedic Word , Bhadhram

has been explained to us by Sri Azhagiya Singhar

in one of the Nrusimha priyA upaEsams. It is

one of the key words of Sri Manthra Raaja

Padha Sthothram and NrusimhAnushtup

manthram :The particular passage

containing the auspicous word Bhadhram us :

"Bhadhram tamm namAmyaham ".Swami Desikan's

slOkma is therefore set in SarvathO Bhadhra

Chithra Bhandham . That Bhandham is

uRavu that can not be removed by any one .

( ozhikka OzhiyAthu ).


Essential Meaning of this slOkam :



The paadhukhAs of the Lord are sinless.

( the sadhAchAryAs /NammAzhwAr and his

successors are sinless ). The paadhukhAs protect

the lustre of the eternal jIvans , who are part

of the akhila Tanu, Sriman NaarAyaNan ( Sri Rangan ).

They protect the Lord's feet as well , the sacred feet ,

which destroy the sins of the jIvans . These PaadhukhAs

protect further those , who bathe them and

partake that Thirumanjana theertham . Swami Desikan

states that he has been protected by the PaadhukhAs

of the Lord and the Sri Paadha-PaadhukhA Theertham

and made sinless.


Additional meanings :



The divya paadhukhAs through their generosity ,

DayA and vaatsalyam bless one with all auspiciousness ,

when approached with reverence .Further they protect

the Lord's feet because of its wonderful love

( prEmAdhisayam) , which is the only upAyam for

the ujjIvanam of the jIva rAsis . It serves as a shield

against thorns et al during the Lord's sanchArams .

It removes the paapa raasis of the sajAthiyAL

out of immense compassion for them and restores in them

the enjoyment of the Lord ( Bhagavadh anubhavam ).

It recognizes that the Lord being up in Sri Vaikuntam

does not help the Jivaraasis here and brings Him on

its back here amidst us to LeelA VibhUthi and gives us

the Jn~Ana chakshus through manthrOpadEsams to us

to see Him and His splendor here . Since it( Paadhukha)

is equivalent to the Lord in its glory ( AchArya

PrabhAvam ), it (the PaadhukhAs ) illuminate

the Lord's Thiruvadi further and blesses us with

Sri Paadha theertham and removes our ajn~Anam

and destroys our sins completely .It becomes

the AasrayaNam to reach the Lord and to receive

His anugraham .


AchAryAs are avathAra purushAs and thru their prEmai,

kAruNyam for us establish clearly the parathvam of the Lord

for us , clear our minds about the confusion caused by

kumathis , who are virOdhis to VedAntha Saasthra nirUpitha

tattvArthams and rescue us . They give us the pramANams from

the Sri Sookthis of AzhwArs and are bent on removing

the paapa raasis of the jIvaraasis , while being sinless

themselves . They bless those , who help them in

their Bhagavadh AarAdhanam through the prasAdham of

the Sri Paadha theetham of the Lord and sanctify us. They thus

remove our paapams and anishtams .That is what they (AchAryAs/

Divya MaNi PaadhukhAs ) represent and do .



Sri Ranganaatha MaNi PaadhukhE ! nama: Thubhyam !

Swami Desikan ThiruvadigaLE SaraNam

Oppiliappan Koil varadAchAri SadagOpan

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Dear Sri Sadagopan,


It is our BhAgyam to have you amongst us. What an explanation! Swami

Desikan's Padukasahasram is great. But your explanation is what makes us

realise that greatness.


That slokam you had explained so nicely:


The 933rd slOkam of PaadhukhA sahasram


paapaadhapaapaadhapaapaaapaadhapaadhadhapaadhapaa I

dhapaadhapaapaadhpaadhapaadhapaa dhadhapaadhapaa II


How nicely you had split the words and explained the words, and blessed

us with "padhavurai".


My mother and about 25 ladies learnt this Sri Padhuka sahasram at

Srirangam (North Chitra street_ Desikar sannishi, taught by Sri Asoori

Madhavachar (Sri Karyam of Srirangam Srimad ANdavan Ashramam). That was

during my college days. Our home was in front of this sannidhi. I used

to enjoy the collective one voice of all ladies reciting this

Padukasahasram, and especially, I remeber I enjoyed even much more this

particular slokam.


Thanks, Sri Sadagopan. May The Lord Bless you, hundreds of healthy years

to continue to bless us with such posts.


NamO Narayana




Narayana dAsan Madhavakkannan



Sri Sadagopan wrote:




The 933rd slOkam of PaadhukhA sahasram is as follows :


paapaadhapaapaadhapaapaaapaadhapaadhadhapaadhapaa I

dhapaadhapaapaadhpaadhapaadhapaa dhadhapaadhapaa II


Stops have to be made at the right places ,

when reciting it.


The words (padhams ) that come out of the above

conglomeration of letters A ,Aa, pa and dha are :


paapAth (5) apApAth (6)) , apApA (1)

apAdhapaadhadhapaadhapaa(2) ,

dhapaa dhapaa paadhapaadha paadhapaa (4)

and dhadhapaadhapaa (3).


The numbers behind the split of the words

formed from the letters A, Aa , pa and dha

are indicativof the sequence in the order of prosody

(anvaya Kramam )of this verse : apaapaa(1)


dhapaa dhapaa paadhapaadha paadhapaa(4)

paapaadh(5)apApAth (6).


apaapaa(1)= one free from sins (paapam and apApam)/(1)


A=akAra Vaachya VishNu BhagavAn's {2}

paadha= at His sacred feet {2}

paadha = of the rays/kathir {2}

paa=that pair of feet storing the power of-

those rays for our protection {2}


dhadha =in the case of those , who offer unto Him ,

AchAryAs , who place the Jeevan at the feet of the Lord

through Prapatthi (3)


paath=that which protects (3)


apaa=that which is in the form of abhshEka jalam(3)


dha = of protction(4)


paadha = which it is capable of realizing(4)


paapa=of sin (4)


adha= that which removes(4)


paadha =those feet of VishNu( RanganaathA )/(4)


paadhapaa = those paadhukhAs that protect

such sacred pair of feet of the Lord (4)


paapAth = from sins(5)


apaapapaath= they saved me from my sins )/(6)


It is a profound construction to say the least .

One can not but marvel at the genius of this

great AchAryan . Sound and meaning are tightly

coupled to celebrate the mahimai of Sri Ranganatha

PaadhukhAs .


The chithra Bhandham is like this:


paa paa dha paa paa dha paa paa

paa dha paa dha dha paa dha paa

dha paa dha paa paa dha paa dha

paa dha paa dha dha paa dha paa

paa dha paa dha dha paa dha paa

dha paa dha paa paa dha paa dha

paa dha paa dha dha paa dha paa

paa paa dha paa paa dha paa paa


The English letters for the first P in Sanskrit

alphabets and the fifth D (as in Daya ,GOdhA)

makes the above bhandham look like a rectangle.

When the Sanskrit words are used ,

it will look like a 8X8 Square instead of

like a rectangle as shown above .When you check

against rows and columns in the above

Chithra Bhandham , we come across a world

of additional meanings . Sabdha Chithram

( sound pictures for the audio memory ),

Artha Vaachya chithram ( images based on

special meanings ) are evoked through this

mathematical (geometrical ) structures

(slOkams). It is a source of endless mystery

about the glories of the Lord , His AchAryAs

( paadhukhais ) , when we reflect on the

individual slOkams of Swami Desikan's

master piece of a KhAvyam , Sri Ranganaatha

PaadhukhA Sahasram .


Phalan of reciting this slokam 933 :



This verse and the yanthram is used by

Ladies of the household on Sundays and

causes auspiciousness from all sides ,

when worshipped ( sarvathO Bhadram ).

The importance of the Vedic Word , Bhadhram

has been explained to us by Sri Azhagiya Singhar

in one of the Nrusimha priyA upaEsams. It is

one of the key words of Sri Manthra Raaja

Padha Sthothram and NrusimhAnushtup

manthram :The particular passage

containing the auspicous word Bhadhram us :

"Bhadhram tamm namAmyaham ".Swami Desikan's

slOkma is therefore set in SarvathO Bhadhra

Chithra Bhandham . That Bhandham is

uRavu that can not be removed by any one .

( ozhikka OzhiyAthu ).


Essential Meaning of this slOkam :



The paadhukhAs of the Lord are sinless.

( the sadhAchAryAs /NammAzhwAr and his

successors are sinless ). The paadhukhAs protect

the lustre of the eternal jIvans , who are part

of the akhila Tanu, Sriman NaarAyaNan ( Sri Rangan ).

They protect the Lord's feet as well , the sacred feet ,

which destroy the sins of the jIvans . These PaadhukhAs

protect further those , who bathe them and

partake that Thirumanjana theertham . Swami Desikan

states that he has been protected by the PaadhukhAs

of the Lord and the Sri Paadha-PaadhukhA Theertham

and made sinless.


Additional meanings :



The divya paadhukhAs through their generosity ,

DayA and vaatsalyam bless one with all auspiciousness ,

when approached with reverence .Further they protect

the Lord's feet because of its wonderful love

( prEmAdhisayam) , which is the only upAyam for

the ujjIvanam of the jIva rAsis . It serves as a shield

against thorns et al during the Lord's sanchArams .

It removes the paapa raasis of the sajAthiyAL

out of immense compassion for them and restores in them

the enjoyment of the Lord ( Bhagavadh anubhavam ).

It recognizes that the Lord being up in Sri Vaikuntam

does not help the Jivaraasis here and brings Him on

its back here amidst us to LeelA VibhUthi and gives us

the Jn~Ana chakshus through manthrOpadEsams to us

to see Him and His splendor here . Since it( Paadhukha)

is equivalent to the Lord in its glory ( AchArya

PrabhAvam ), it (the PaadhukhAs ) illuminate

the Lord's Thiruvadi further and blesses us with

Sri Paadha theertham and removes our ajn~Anam

and destroys our sins completely .It becomes

the AasrayaNam to reach the Lord and to receive

His anugraham .


AchAryAs are avathAra purushAs and thru their prEmai,

kAruNyam for us establish clearly the parathvam of the Lord

for us , clear our minds about the confusion caused by

kumathis , who are virOdhis to VedAntha Saasthra nirUpitha

tattvArthams and rescue us . They give us the pramANams from

the Sri Sookthis of AzhwArs and are bent on removing

the paapa raasis of the jIvaraasis , while being sinless

themselves . They bless those , who help them in

their Bhagavadh AarAdhanam through the prasAdham of

the Sri Paadha theetham of the Lord and sanctify us. They thus

remove our paapams and anishtams .That is what they (AchAryAs/

Divya MaNi PaadhukhAs ) represent and do .



Sri Ranganaatha MaNi PaadhukhE ! nama: Thubhyam !

Swami Desikan ThiruvadigaLE SaraNam

Oppiliappan Koil varadAchAri SadagOpan
















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