Guest guest Posted January 28, 1999 Report Share Posted January 28, 1999 Sri: Dearest Sisters and Brothers, ThirumangaiAzhwAr after bursting out with the glory and greatness of Thirumanthram and Narayana naamam, enters to enjoy its greatness and presence in Sri Vaishnava Divya dEsams. He starts to enjoy Thiruppirithi Divya Desam in Himalayas. (presently called "Joshimutt"- about 154 miles from badrinath. Vasudeva PerumAL- Paramapurushan – in NinRa thirukkOlam- standing posture- prathyaksham to Parvathi. PiraaTTi- ParimaLa valli Naaacchiyaar. There is also a Narasimhar temple built by Adisankarar.- Since Thirumangai AzhwAr paid obeisance to about 80 temples on foot, and sang these mangaLaasaasanams on PerumAL, it is adiyEn’s intent to at least write about these Divya Desams, as and when we recite and read the respective pAsurams.(and their meanings) - Erudite members of the group, please correct whenever I make a wrong statement. This ten is excellent even for its poetic value and the description of beautiful scenic nature and its charm) 1. The rainy clouds that spray little drizzles on the mountains which make gentle noise; Listening to these noises and looking at the rainy clouds, beautiful peacocks spread its feathers and dance gracefully; the ponds surround the lands everywhere; - such a place is Thiruppirithi which is full of fertile green trees and plants; At this sthlam, Sri Ramapiraan , who killed the king of monkey- Vaali, is showing Himself so mercifully; Oh nenjE! (mind!) please reach this place. 2. Elephants are huge like mountains; they are very strong; and show fearsome anger; - Even such elephants get scared of lions; These lions have huge cave like mouths; Such elephants and lions wander at this place Thiruppirithi where Sri Ramapiraan also is living (for us) – the One who destroyed rAvaNan and his all asurAs and his kingdom. Oh mind! Please reach this sthalam! 3. Slender waist, dark black tresses- the epitome of beauty- Nappinaai PiraaTTi- for her, Emperumaan KaNNan fought with seven oxen and tamed them; - Such Great Lord is here at Thiruppirithi, which is filled with humming bees singing lullaby to the male elephant sleeping on the bed of flowers with its mate on the scenic rocky mountains. (What a narration of picturesque beauty by AzhwAr!) Oh mind! Reach this lovely place! 4. Emperumaan Narasingha perumAn shows Himself here at Thiruppirithi, the Lord- who tore the chest of hiraNayan- the One, who is worshipped by DevAs. Thiruppirithi is full of huge varaahams (pigs), (in pAsuram referred to as "yEnam") tear open the strong rocks with its curvy horns, and the particles of minerals (maNigaL- precious stone-like particles like emerald, safire etc.. ) that come out of such breaking of rocks, mix with water falling from mountains and shine so beautifully! Oh mind! Reach this beautiful holy place! (Periya vaacchaan PiLLai says "even the name of Narasimham is enough for the rocks to explode (rocks- asurAs); these huge Varaaham (ordinary pigs), simply due to being Varaaham (due to its connection of Varaaha avtaar of the Lord), get their great strength to break even the rocky mountains, with their horns) 5. Emperumaan, whose Lotus Feet are worshipped by Devas, and who reclines on ThiruppaaRkadal, appears in the same dress and in same form with MahAlakshmi at Thiruppirithi. This place is where huge male elephants (similar to the shape of the mountain itself on Himalayas mountain), pluck the tender bamboo sticks, dip the corner of the stick in honey and offer to their mates; Such a fertile, lovely, beautiful, and holy place (like ThiruppaaRkadal ITSELF.) Oh mind! Reach this pace! 6. "Oh ParamapurushA! The One who reclines on AdhisEshan and has His YoghanithrA!" – thus Devas address Him coming in groups; they lower their heads (with their shining golden crown) looking at Emperumaan’s Feet at Thiruppirithi. This place is where clouds hug the top of the mountains and the most fragrant Kurukkatthi flower plants have grown taller than clouds; the bees jump from flowers to flowers (thereby in and out of clouds) and hum; such a marvellous place is Thiruppirithi; Oh mind! Reach this place! (what a description of scenic beauty of Himalayas!) 7. This place of Thiruppirithi, where Emperumaan is showing Himself so gracefully- is where ferocious tigers live inside the forest of these hills; the pepper creepers grow and spread among clouds on top of these hills and tie and hug themselves around huge trees;- In this place on Himalayas, where beautiful ponds are there, BrahmA, and other Devas take bath, offer various kinds of fragrant flowers (se~ngazhuneer, cheNbhagam, iruvaatchi, paadhiri, punnai, kurukkatthi, karumugai, and thaamarai) to Emperumaan’s Lotus Feet and recite Vedas and utter His Divine names to pay their obeisance; Oh mind! Reach this place! 8. It appears like it is always nights- like that there are huge caves at Thiruppirithi; inside these huge caves, there are snakes living in with terrible hunger; in such Himalayan mountain, where Devas, presided by BrahmA, come and address the Lord of Thiruppirithi as "Parama PurushA! AdhimoolamE (Primordial Chief!) MugilvaNNA! (Cloudy Coloured Lord!) and pay their obeisance to His Lotus Feet. Oh mind! Reach this place! 9. This place of Thiruppirithi on Himalayas – where Paramapurushan is showing Himself so gracefully- in order to save all those devotees (who utter His (thousand) names; who know the meanings and contemplate His greatness and pay obeisance to Him) from all sins and sorrows due to their past karmAs; and protect them for reaching His place- This such a Great place- Thiruppirithi is where foolish ignorant bees get scared looking at those red lovely charming mineral filled asOka flowers thinking that they are pieces of fire balls. Oh mind! Reach this place! 10. The dark huge black clouds are so heavy and are full of waters that they are not able to move fast; they appear to be stationary at one place on this Himalayas mountain at Thiruppirithi. The thunders that these clouds make, give huge pythons an impression that they are huge dark elephants that are standing and are for their (python’s) food and they slowly move to catch and trap these clouds; (Great! AzhwAr’s poetic narration is beyond my translation!) And in such a place, Emeprumaan show Himself so mercifully. Those who recite and sing these pAsurams of AzhwAr of Thirumangai, (the place where beautiful gardens are there with bees humming sweetly to pay their obeisance to Emperumaan) will not have any sorrow dare approach them. ThirumangaiAzhwAr ThiruvadigaLE SaraNam Narayana Narayana Narayana dAsan Madhavakkannan ____ Get Your Private, Free Email at Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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