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Placement of Lord rAma, sItA pirATTi etc.

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Dear Sir

My reply was based on a research made after examining the position occupied by

Sri Sita in the various Divyadesams and not on pictures by picture artists who

may do whatever suits their imagination.


It was noticed that invariably in almost all the DDs, the Piraatti is seen on

the RIGHT side of Lord Rama. This, I believe, has nothing to do with which

hand she holds the flower.

There are however two exceptions:

1. In Pattaabhisheka Thirukkolam, Sage Vasishta placed her on the left side of

the Lord. Only he will know why. If in any particular instance, she is found

on the left side of the Lord, the presumption would be that it represents this

Pattaabhisheka Thirukkolam.


2. Even in our marriages, we can notice that the Vadhoo is placed on the left

of the Varan BEFORE Maangalya Dhaaranam. Once this is over, she is directed to

occupy the RIGHT side of the husband. When Dhampatis do Pranaamams to elders,

the lady is always required to be on the RIGHT side of the husband.


I even mentioned that this has nothing to do with the saying "Pendaattikku

Idam Kodukkak Koodaathu"- meaning "Do not give indulgence to the wife" 'Idam'

also means Left side.


On the other hand, it is a recognition of the fact that on marriage, the wife

becomes (or should be) the RIGHT HAND person of the huband.


Hope this helps.


Anbil Ramaswamy

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> --------------- MESSAGE bhakti.v003.n254.8 ---------------


> Ramanbil

> Fwd: rAmar sannidhi Agamam

> Wed, 3 Feb 1999 12:00:14 EST

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> Ramanbil

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> Re: rAmar sannidhi Agamam

> Wed, 3 Feb 1999 11:14:07 EST

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> Dear friend,

> The very same question was raised before by Sri Vijay Srinivasan at the

> time

> of Prathishtai of Sri Rama Parivaram in Buffalo temple and I answered the

> question.


> Except in the case of Pattabhisheka Kolam Sri Sita is always seen to be

> on

> the RIGHT side of Sri Rama. I do not recollect the exact date when this

> was

> answered but you may refer to Bhakti archives or better still contact Sri

> Vijay Srinivasan himself.

> Dasoham

> Anbil Ramaswamy


> --Related to the question that was raised on this a few days back, the

> priest at our temple here informs me that sItA pirATTi holds a lotus

> flower in one of Her hands, and Lord rAma is always on the side of pirATTi

> where She holds the flower. I have found this to be consistent with all

> the pictures I have seen. I do not know the explanation for what decides

> which hand the flower is held in.


-dAsan kr*shNamAcAryan

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Dear Bhaktas,


Sri. kr*shNamAcAryan wrote...

> --Related to the question that was raised on this a few days back,


> priest at our temple here informs me that sItA pirATTi holds a


> flower in one of Her hands, and Lord rAma is always on the side of


> where She holds the flower. I have found this to be consistent

with all

> the pictures I have seen. I do not know the explanation for what


> which hand the flower is held in.


I think both Sri. kr*shNamAcAryan & Sri Anbil Swamy are RIGHT.


Sri Sita Piratti holds the lotus flower in her left hand and is on the Right

side of Sri.Rama.


We (our family) are caretakers of Sri. Rama temple in Nellore, for the past

40+ years and the

temple is believed to be in existence for over 80+ years. The Vighrahams

date back to more than

100+ years and as Sri. kr*shNamAcAryan points out Sri. Sita Piratti holds a

lotus flower in her left hand

and is placed on the right side. I have also observed this in many other Sri

Ramar sannidhis.


Usually Thayar moolavar vigrahams, are such that, the left hand/palm points

down to the Thiruvadi, and the right hand/palm

in blessing posture, indicating surrender to me and I will take care.




Sriram Ranganathan

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>Usually Thayar moolavar vigrahams, are such that, the left hand/palm


>down to the Thiruvadi, and the right hand/palm

>in blessing posture, indicating surrender to me and I will take care.



>Sriram Ranganathan


Dear Bhakthi list members,


This is my first mail to this group. I am just a reader of the postings.

I just found this yesterday and felt like sharing it.

When I visited the Malibu temple near LA, I found that in the Sri rAmar

sannidhi at one of the corners of the temple, the Thayar vigraham had

the left hand/palm pointing down to the ground, instead of the Thiruvadi

(as the Thayar vigraham was placed to the left of Sri rAmar) and the

right hand/palm in blessing posture.



Anantha Krishna



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