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thirup pAvai - part 49 - "EkAram" - a tamil explanation

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Sri ANDAL thiruvadikaLE saraNam


nArAyaNaNE namakkE paRai tharuvAn.


thirup pAvai - part 49 - "EkAram" - a tamil explanation


Dear bAgawathAs,


The word nArAyaNA is also referred to state that sriman

nArAyaNan is the only siddha upAyam, prabAgam, ie., route or

means. The letter "yE" at the end of the nArAyaNa nAmam

is also known as "EkAram". It makes this nAmam very special,

in its context in this line or verse of this pAsuram. In some

simple tamil usage, the "EkAram" when used as an affix for

the nouns (peyars), can be understood in a couple of

different ways. ie, When it is said as "nArAyaNaNE, a literal

sense can bring in 2 meanings. ie the "EkAram" can be affixed

to a tamil noun for superior most person and as well for the

the inferior person. (periya oruvarE tharuvAr, ie., the

superior most person HIMself (EkAram) will provide, periya

oruvanukkAka kAkka thEvaiyillAi intha siRiyavanE tharuvAn, ie

you donot have to wait for the supeior most (Sri KrishnA to

ascend as a parabrahmam when the avathAram is complete as

similar to Sri RAma avathAram. ie Many ascended *along* with

Sri Rama at the end of the Sri rAma avathAram when Sri rAmA

revealed HIS para swaroopam and ascended to Srivaikundam).

But this "siriyAn" or small looking person (at the time of Aaychiars

doing this nOnbu Sri krishnan was very young) who

is the son of Sri yasOdhai and Sri nadagOpar will HIMself

(EkAram for a small person) will HIMself provide us our blessings.


Having talked about the kalyANa guNAs and paratthuvam

ahead, the use of "EkAram" here is mainly taken an affix to

emphasis the superior nature of the noun or person and such

person or noun here, is nArAyaNan. HE is the only superior

Lord. ie the meaning in this context is such that Sriman

nArAyaNan (the superior Lord) will HIMself stand as the

siddhO upAyam for those who surrendered to HIM by doing this



The meanings for the word nArAyaNan with EkAram as

"nArAyaNanE" is compounded as well as it uses "nArAyaNan

HIMself" in several different ways depending who reads it

and their own affiliations pakkuvam and anubavam. Some state

that nArAyaNaNE means, "nArAyaNan HIMself" will rush to give

the mOksahm to the surrendered. Combining the two it is some

times said that When We seek the blessings by doing the nOnbu

(saranagathi) and wait, the Lord will HIMself deliver moKsham

by HE HIMself acting as the siddhO upAyam. ie., This "EkAram"

indicates the ever readiness of the Lord and HIS nature to

act atonce when needed.



Sri ANDAL thiruvadikaLE saraNam

Sampath Rengarajan



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