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Periya Thirumozhi 1.6- Oh My Father! The Lord of naimisaaraNyam

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Dearest Sisters and Brothers,


Let us proceed to NaimisaaraNyam Divya Desam along with Thirumangai

mannan. In this sthalam of Naimi, Bhagawaan shows Himself as the araNyam

itself (araNyam means: Forest- Remember AraNya kaaNdam of Ramayana).

Once, few sages went to BrahmA and asked him "In this vast world, which

place is the best place for thapas (penance)?". BrahmA took few thruNam

(dharbhaippul- grass) and joined them to make a circle. BramhA rolled

the circular (nEmi- circular) dharbhai on the ground and said "Wherever

this nEmi stops, let that be the best place for performing thapas". And

it rolled .. rolled and rolled…. & finally stopped at this sthalam of

dense forest; and hence, thereafter called NaimisaaraNyam. It is in the

banks of the river Gomathi and is reported to be the place where Veda

vyAsa maharishi performed his thapas (penance) for very many years. This

sthalam is situated on the way between Calcutta and Dehradoon. Moolavar:

Devarajan- Sri Hari. NinRa thirukkOlam (Standing posture). Thaayaar: Sri

Harilakshmi (PuNdareeka valli). Prathyaksham to Indran, Sudharman,

Devarishi, SoothapurANikar, and VedavyAsar. There is also a place called

VyAsaghatti, where Sukhabrahmam narrated Srimad Bhagawtham, Bharatham

to King ParIkshith. There is also another temple in this place, called

PurANa mandhir wherein Sukhar's bronze vigraham with parrot nose is

consecrated and besides this temple, there is a Hanumangatti temple,

where HUGE HanumAn shows himself in standing posture carrying Sri Rama,

Lakshmana on his shoulders.


ThirumangaiAzhwAr sings on this Emperumaan as "thEnudaik kamalatth

thiruvinukku arasE!" (the King of PiraaTTi, who is born on honey

dripping Lotus flower!) and performs sarangathy to Divya Dampatis, with

PiraaTTi for Purushaakaaram (recommendation). It is an excellent set of

pAsurams describing AzhwAr's outpourings on his naicchiyam again,

lamenting on his past trespasses and running behind women seeking carnal

pleasures. Yet another emotional outpour from AzhwAr.


1. Oh my father! The Lord of NaimisaaraNyam! This stupid self lowly

self- I- was considering and seeking only the bright beaming smile, the

small forehead, the shoulders and the tender breasts of women as my

destination and refuge for a long time. Till this time, I had never

thought and understood/realised that this is a blunder and never gave

any thought to get rid of this birth and death cycle. Now I (am blessed

by You to) have realised. I hate those carnal desires now! I am terribly

embarrassed and ashamed of what I was till this date. I have surrendered

to Your Feet here!


2. Those beautiful legs that wore anklets,- those dark, long eyes of

women were the only targets for my mind and I forgot all dharmA; I ran

only after sensual enjoyment to the greatest extent as the only

pleasure; I have wasted all my days! DevAdhi dEvA! (Chief of all DevAs!)

The One who has long Hands that can grant huge biggest fruits

limitlessly and unbounded! The Most wonderful Lord! My Father! The Lord

of NaimisaaraNyam! Today, I have reached Your Lotus Feet that are always

worshipped by NithyaSooris lovingly and devotedly.


3. Oh My Master! The One who churned the Ocean for DevAs! My father! The

Lord of NaimisaaaraNyam! I gambled; I stole people as a highway robber;

I ran amuck after sensual desires and went behind women; I loitered as a

vagabond; Such lowly I- now have come to Your Lotus feet, with a spine

chilling fear from those Yama dhUthars (Yama's attendants) and pains

from their cruel punishments.


4. When people, who ignore and desert their beautiful dark- fragrant

flowered-long haired spouses, and seek others' wives and others'

properties, die, the servants of Yama drag them, torture them with

severe punishments; Then, they are pushed to a corner; and are shown a

red hot burning statue of a woman. The yama dhUthAs shout at them,

angrily.. "Hmmmm… Now go and hug this statue… Go ahead…" and punish

them. Oh No! I am scared of such severe tortures; I have heard that You

are so compassionate and merciful and save any one who surrenders to

You, in spite of ALL THEIR UNWORTHY PAST DEEDS; I have heard that You

forgive once someone surrenders to You completely and You are so

credible and reliable ("nambhanE".. says AzhwAr). Oh my father! The Lord

of NaimisaaraNyam! I have now surrendered to Your Lotus Feet.


5. "AiyA! (Sir!) Please offer me one handful of food" poor people, when

they begged me like that for food, I simply ignored and even shouted at

them with an emphatic "no". Such a "neechan"- lowly self -I, had never

thought of the fruits of my misdeeds. Now I am terribly scared and have

got great fears of Yama dhUthAs' punishments and cruel words and actions

at me; My father! The Lord of NaimisaaraNyam! I have now surrendered to

Your Feet! (Save me!).


6. Oh ParamanE! The Lord who reclines on PaaRkadal (Milk Ocean)! My

Father! The Lord of NaimisaaraNyam! With my mind, bent upon going only

towards committing wrong deeds; Performing actions totally adharmic

(wrong and unsaasthric) towards others- Rejoiced hunting (going around

with my "pet" dogs) and killed animals with no sense of vivEkam; - Such

a lowly self- I have now (been blessed by You to have) realised and

longed for Your Lotus Feet and completely destroyed even an iota chance

of my going to Yama's hell.


7. Oh Lord, the One who, under the pretext of getting the fruits

(viLAmpazham) hit the asurA (who had come in the guise of a calf)

against the tree and destroyed the asurA! Oh DevAdhidevA, the One who

has entered into my heart and refuses to leave the same (in spite of),

which is full of cruel thoughts only! Oh my Father! The Lord of

NaimsaaraNyam! Those who think of doing only wrong and adharmic acts

(for material pleasures), who talk only ills and wrong things, who do

only misdeeds- and listening to the sufferings and tortures such people

undergo in the hell after their demise from this earth, I get terribly

scared! Oh Lord! I have surrendered to Your Lotus Feet.


8. Oh My Father! The Lord of naimisaaraNyam! The Lord of

ThirukkuRu~nkudi! The Ocean coloured Lord! Kalipurushan has sent all

five servants of his (namely the sense organs) on me to torture me and

drag me to sensual desires for aggravating my samsaaric ills. Is there

any way he can win? No. I am (blessed by You to succeed in) getting rid

of their influence. With my tongue, I am able to utter Your Sweet Divine

Names and perform my ArAdhanA offering these flowers of pAsurams

praising Your Feet. I have come here surrendering to Your Feet.


9. (A lovely pAsuram!). Oh King of Periya PiraaTTi, the One who is born

from the Honey dripping Lotus Flower! ("thEnudaik kamalatth thiruvinukku

arasE!") Oh Lord, who reclines on the wavy, huge vast milk ocean! My

father! The Lord of NimisaaraNyam! Keeping the flesh and muscles as the

walls in between, having the bones as pillars for support among those

flesh, covering these bones an fleshes with hairs, providing nine holes

in this hut of this sarIram (body)- and when my jIvan leaves this

sarIram, at the time of death, I need to meditate only on Your Lotus

Feet for my protection- this alone is my thought. I am blessed to have

realised this, due to Your enormous grace, and I have now come here

surrendering to Your Lotus feet.


10. "If we think that sorrows dare not come near us, then let us go to

NaimisaaraNyam and pay obeisance to Him"- says Indran to his DevAs and

they all have come to NaimisaaraNyam- About Such Greatest NaimisaaraNya

Emperumaan, Thirumangai mannan has sung these pAsurams, thinking of Him

with tremendous bhakti. Those who recite them (or read these meanings),

will first rule this huge world surrounded by Oceans here on this earth

before joining Nithyasooris in Paramapadham for performing eternal

service to the Lord.


Thirumangai mannan ThiruvadigaLE saraNam


Narayana Narayana


Narayana dAsan Madhavakkannan



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