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Srimadh Azhagiya Singar's third Tele-Upanyaasam of February , 13:Part 2 ( Concluding Part )

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Dear BhakthAs :


The slOkam from Srimadh Rahasya Thraya Saaram

that formed the basis of this Tele-UpanyAsam is :


Vithamasi padhE Lakshmi-kaantham vichithra vibhUthikam

sachiva gamitha: sampadha aavirbhavath sahaja aakruthi:

sputa tadh apruthakithsaddhi: siddhyath guNAshtaka tathpalO

bhajathi PARAMAM SAAMYAM bhOgE nivrutthi kathA unjitham


The anvaya kramam for this slOkam is as follows :


(1)vithamasi padhE (2)vichithra vibhUthikam Lakshmikaantham

sachiva gamitha: sampadhya (3)aavirbhavan sahaja aakruthi

(4)sputa tath apruthakithsaddhi: (5)sidhyath guNAshtaka: tathpala:

(6)bhOge nivrutthi kathA unjitham paramam saamyam bhajathi



We will comment on each of these meaningful words

packed by Swami Sri Desikan in this powerful slOkam

and annotate the above six clusters in paranthesis

with passages from the pUrvAchArya granthams .


1.Vithamasi Padham :What is It ?


Swami Desikan starts with his tribute to that vithamasi Padham ,

which is beyond our prakruthi maNdalam that is devoid of

RajO and TamO guNams and is completely constituted by

suddha sathvam . Therefore this Srivaikunta padham is

Parama padham and stands for the abode of the sarva-prAkara

Visishtan ( who is assoicated with anantha kalyANa guNams

and divya mangaLa vigraham ), Sriman NaaraayaNan . This is

the Sri Vaikunta Divya RaajAdhAni , which was visualized

in a moment of blissful ecstasy by AchArya RaamAnujA

in Sri Vaikunta gadhyam following the inspiration from

JithanthE sthOthram of Sounaka Muni .


Swami Desikan quotes these slOkams fom JithanthE

sthOthram in the gathi VisEshAdhikAram chapter

of the RahasyaThraya Saaram :


lOkam Vaikunta-naamAnam divyam shAtguNya samyutham

avaishNavAnAm aprApyam guNa-thraya vivarjitham


nithya siddhai: samAkeerNam tanmayai: paanchakaalikai:

sabhA prAsAdha samyuktham vanaisccha upavanai: subham


vaapi koopa taDAkaisccha vruksha shaDaisccha manDitham

aprAkrutham surairvandhyam ayuthArka sama prabham


prakrushta satthvaraasim tham kadhA dhrakshyAmi chakshushA ?


--JithanthE sthOthram : 2.18-20.5


(meaning): The aprAkrutha Sri Vaikunta lOkam

is self-luminous from the radiance arising from

BhagavAn's six guNams( Jn~Anam, Sakthi et al);

it is beyond the reach of those , who are not VaishNavAs;

it is devoid of the three guNams (Satthvam ,Rajas and Tamas);

it is populated by the nithya sooris and those ,

who have performed pancha kaala prakriyAs and

Prapatthi thereafter ;it shines with beautiful

assembly halls , great mansions ,dense green forests,

beautiful flower gardens ,deep big and small wells

with nectarine waters and charming groves ;it is

praised by the dEvAs and shines with the effulgence of

tens of thousands of rising Suns ( Udhyath Bhaanu-

Satha sahasram );it is entirely made up of suddha satthvam.

When am I going to see this Sri Vaikuntam with my own eyes

asks Sri Sounaka Maharishi .


One can map the chUrNikais of Sri Vaikunta gadhyam

to this descriptive prayer of Sounaka Maharishi .

AlavandhAr was equally inspired by the vision of

Sounakar and we hear the echoes of JithanthE sthOthram

in his SthOthrarathnam . AlavandhAr wanted to

reside in this aprAkrutha divya dEsam and wanted to

please the Lord there with his nithya kaimkaryam :


bhavanthamEva anucharan nirantharam

prasAntha nissEsha manOrathAnthara :

kathAham eikAnthika nithya kimkara:



AlavanthAr asks the Lord in this 46th slOkam of

his SthOthrarathnam as to when he is going to be

blessed to perform the nithya-niyatha-anavaratha-

niravadhya-eikAnthika kaimkaryam that will gladden

the heart of Sri VaikuntanAthan in His vithamasi padham .


Here at this visEsha sthAnam ,the Muktha-jeevan enjoys

the limitless auspicious attributes of the Lord , who

is of the embodiment of BrahmAnandham.The jeevan is

the enjoyer of that BrahmAnadham and in the words of

ChAndhOgya Upanishad ," sarvam ha pasya: pasyathi

SARVAM AAPNOTHI SARAVASA:". The muktha jeevan visualizes

everything all that were created from time immemorial

and with the power of its sankalpam alone enjoys all

of them at all times.


Here at this vithamasi padham , the muktha Jeevan enjoys

the limitless and the most glorious attributes of SarvAnandha

Brahman without let. The muktha jeevan sees and enjoys nothing

else at this vithamasi padham .It is but natural , since

all entities are totally incorporated in Brahmam and His glories .

This is the BhUmaadhikaraNa vishaya vaakhyam of ChAndhOgya

Upanishad:" yO vai BhUmA tath sukham yathra nAnyath

pasyathi nAnyath sruNOthi nAnyath vijAnAthi sa BhUmA".

That is the unmatchable and ultimate sukham and Aanandham .

The anubhavam of the Jeevan is ParipUrNAnubhavam and is

bhOgyatamam ( the supreme BhOgam )at this vithamasi padham .


2.Vichithra vibhUthikam LakshmikAntham sachiva gamitha:sampadhya


The muktha jeevan arrives at this vithamasi padham ,

where Sriman NaarAyaNan ( Lakshmikaanthan) , the Lord of

both the LeelA vibhUthi and Nithya VibhUthi resides.

This is His AasthAnam (supreme abode).The muktha jeevan was

brought by the Aadhi vaahikAs ( sachitha gamitha:)to this

vithamasi padham located on the other side of VirajA river.

There , the consort of MahA lakshmi sits on the throne

of Adhi sEshan at His ThirumAmaNi maNtapam and awaits

the Muktha Jeevan escorted by the AchAryAs and the nithya-

sooris .This Lord , BhUmi-NeeLA-Sri Devi samEtha VaikuntanAthan ,

is the master of both the LeelA VibhUthi and the Nithya VibhUthi .


3-5: What is the status of the Jeevan as it arrives ?

What kind of attributes does it possess?


3. aavirbhavath sahaja aakruthi: here , the muktha jeevan

shines with its natural aakArams ( attributes )that have

come to the fore: amalathvam ,Aanandhathvam , Jn~Anathvam

and aNuthvam .


4.sputa tath apruthaksiddhi: as it stands in front of

its Master at the Vithamasi padham ,the muktha jeevan

is in a state of total inseperable relationship( apruthak-

siddhi: ); The extraordinarily unique "ozhikka ozhiyAtha uRavu"

celebrated by ANDAL in Her Thiruppaavai Paasuram ( SiRRam

siRu kaalE vanthunnaic chEvitthu --)is permeating it .


5.sidhyath guNAshtaka tath phala: as the muktha jeevan

arrives in front of the divya paryankAsanam of the Lord ,

it has acquired all of the eight aathma guNAs and their

fruits .It is in a pefect state befitting a Muktha Jeevan

that is going to have the Bhaagyam of climbing the paryankam

of the Lord and to be embraced by Him .


6.BhOgE nivrutthi kathA unjitham PARAMAM SAAMYAM bhajathi


Here the unique aanandhAnubhavam of the jeevan is referred to.

It acquires all the bhOgams of its Master except jagath

vyApAram .It has become like Him ( taadhrukEva bhavathi).

It is never ever going to return to the karma bhUmi (anAvrutthi )

as decalred by the last Brhama soothram . It has acquired

the ultimate boon and goal (parama purushArtham ).It enjoys

the company of aathma sambhandhis like AchAryan and Isvaran

at this Vithamasi Padham .The jeevan repeats NammAzhwAr's prayer:

" meeLA adimaip paNi koNdaruLa vENum ".The Lord looks at His

dear consort , MahA lakshmi and says : " asthu thE ( May ALL

that you have prayed for come your way through our anugrahams)".

As the sarNya dampathis cast their merciful glances at the muktha

jeevan, it becomes the beneficiary of the ThiruvaruL

of the Parama sEshi and " pankayatthAL ThiruvaruL ".The muktha

jeevan remembers its journey via archirAdhi maargam (karai

yERum gathiyE senRu), and sings pallANDu to the SaraNya Dampathis:


" ViNNUlahil viyappellAm viLangak kaNDu

ViNNavar thamm kuzhAngaLudan Vedam paaDi

PaNNulahil padiyAtha isayil paadum

PallANDE PallANDum paaduvOmE "

-- Sri Parama Padha sOPAnam of Swami Desikan


(meaning ): After journeying to Sri VaikuNtam by

archirAdhi maargam , we witnessed all the wonderous

aspects of the Vithamasi padham , joined the nithya-

sooris and the other mukthAs in Veda PaarAyaNam and

ended up singing PallANDu to the Lord through divine

music , which has no parallel in the karma bhUmi .


This is the parama PurushArtham that was the theme

of the upanyAsam of the revered Sri NaarAyaNa YathIndhra

MahA Desikan of AhObila Mata samsthAnam .H.H. the Jeeyar

reminded us that this is the BhAshyakaara SiddhAntham ,

which in turn is rooted deeply in the Oupanishadha

siddhAntham ( the tenets revealed by the Upanishads

and Brahma Soothrams ).


AchAryan ThiruvadigaLE SaraNam

oppiliappan Sannidhi V.Sadagopan

BahudhAnya Samvathsara Panguni VisAkam

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