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Last dip in the lovely pond of Ramanuja's glory!

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Srimathe Ramanujaya Nama:


Dearest Sisters and Brothers,


Today is the Thirunakshathram of Sri Ramanujacharya. Let us enjoy having the

last immersion

into the greatness of Sri Ramanuja sipping the nectar of Amudhanaar's



23. "Apath rakshakan" - That's how Sri Ramanuja is considered as, by the


and are kept very safely with all precautions in the core of their hearts

at all times during

day and night, as a treasure lovingly. About such Sri Ramanuja, I, the lowly

self, the one

who is addressed as "the worst sinner, the likes of whom can not be found

in anyone else",

have attempted to praise at all times days and nights, with a pretension of

sincerity (though

not in the mind!) (I have an apprehension that) will it do any harm to His

greatest glories?

(What a humility!)


24. For ages, time immemorial, for so many births, I had been suffering from


afflictions and karmic diseases, grieving terribly with sorrows and pains

right from the

foetus stage unto the death bed (in every birth), with tremendous karma

bhandhams, that

engulf the AthmA like flies sitting on the honey ; that never satisfy or get

saturated in spite

of (bad) experiences; that never ever get purified even when washed umpteen

times. Having

seen and realised the great dayA and grace of Emperumaanar, AudhAryam of Sri


(who had simply inert the other religions that were talking against Vedic

truths with false notions,

like that of a lamp killing the small insects) on me, I have become pure

and been saved.


25. Oh most merciful Sri Ramanuja! The One who does not the see the level or

status of recipient

of your mercy and showers it on him like the rainy clouds raining on all

areas! The Ocean of compassion!

I, the storehouse of all kinds of sorrows, too was considered as an object

of worthiness by You

and was saved by DevarIr. Hence, thoughts of your kalyANA guNAs bring a

great blissful Anandham

for the soul. In this vast world, surrounded by oceans, who is capable of

knowing your auspicious

qualities as they are fully! (None; the qualities are so great and

unbounded, unlimited!)


"KaarEy kaRuNai Raamanuja! ivvulagil yaarE aRivaar nin aruLin thanmai?"


It is our Bhagyam for being born in Sri Ramanuja Sampradayam. What the Lord

Sri RanganAthan

could not achieve, Sri ramanuja could achieve. He took so many avtaars! He

asked 12 AzhwArs to

go down to earth. They just cried with nAyikA Bhavam and daasya Bhavam with

Parama Bhakti.

They were more interested in writing. their enjoyment than reforming and

correcting us!

(Not that I love them less, but that I love YathirAjar more!)


Then the Lord thought we need someone who really works. I can not go again!

It will be

yet another attempt! He asked AdhisEshan who was ever ready

to perform kaimkaryam to the Lord! Also, He wanted AdhsEshan to be do a hero


He was an obedient LakshmaNan and a subdued Balaraman! Sri Ramanuja, the


avtaar appeared and took the world by storm with His firm establishment of

Sri Ramanuja

Siddhaantham, completely in line with Vyasar, Bhodhayanar's works.

Completely in tandem

with Vedic truths, not an iota of conflicts/contradictions; not a semblance


ambiguities or confusions. Assertive; Authoritative; Great!


Sri RanganAtha thought "why this person (Sri Ramanuja) is doing theertha

kaimkaryam at Kanchi?"

There are many who can do that. But he needs to act fast for establishing

the VisishtAdvaitham-

The Vedic doctrines; the Prapatthi maargam! If he stays with his parents

(Varadan and PerundhEvi),

he will not come up! Bring him to Sri Rangam! That's where everyone has

started acting spiritually!!

AzhwArs, Alavandhaar, Vedantha Desika, Pillai lOkacharya, Manavala maamuni,

everyone in Srivaishnavam

were (and are) more active only at SriRangam!


Though I have NO capabilities nor qualifications, to write on the greatness

of YathirAjar,

I gain a lot by jotting down these ramble(dips); and He does not lose any;


This series of ten dips in the glory of Bhasyakaarar, are reverent submittal

at the feet of Sri

Vaishnava Bhagawathas of this great list! (Please forgive me for any



Sri Ramanujar thiruvadigaLE SaraNam


Swami Desikan ThiruvadigalE SaraNam


Narayana Narayana


Narayana dAsan Madhavakkannan

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