Guest guest Posted April 30, 1999 Report Share Posted April 30, 1999 Dear Learned Bhaktas, Most of us are familiar with the second anuvAka of the purusha sUktam. In this anuvAka, the last Rk contains the line: hrIS ca te lakshmIS ca patnyau | aho rAtre pArSve | nakshatrANi rUpam | aSvinau vyAttam | Hri and Lakshmi Are your consorts, your Two sides, Day and Night, The stars your form, The Healing Ashvinis your words. Who exactly is Hri? 'Hri' generally means modesty; naturally then, modesty and opulent wealth, represented by Lakshmi, are opposites that are reconciled in the Supreme Purusha, just as day and night are. However, 'Lakshmi' is not simply wealth. Lakshmi is the universal mother, the eternal consort of the Purusha. 'Hri' therefore, cannot simply mean 'modesty', if we are to accept this meaning of Lakshmi. Who then is 'Hri'? One guess would be Bhumi Devi (mother earth)? However, in all of Sanskrit literature, Bhumi is never known as 'Hri'. Can someone clarify? It is unfortunate that Nanjiyar commented only on the first anuvAka of the purusha sUkta. Mani Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted May 5, 1999 Report Share Posted May 5, 1999 Dear Sri Mani VaradarAjan : > >Who then is 'Hri'? One guess would be Bhumi Devi (mother earth)? >However, in all of Sanskrit literature, Bhumi is never known as >'Hri'. Can someone clarify? Sriman TatachAr , Sri ParthasArathy of Singapore have now shared with us their views on the meaning of Hree ( Modesty/ BhUmi Devi ). The meanings of Sanskrit words used in the Vedic parlance are quite different than the current day usage . In today's usage , Hree indeed means modesty and the embodiment of Modesty , BhUmi Devi . Hree also means "ashamed ". We will focus on the meaning Modesty as the essential trait of Bhumi Devi , the patta mahishi of Lord Oppiliappan of ThiruviNNagar divya desam . One has to go back to PurANams and sthOthrams in this context , since the Vedic meaning of Hree is beyond us to get hold off. I have however requested Sri Venkatesh Eklayavalli to look at the tenth MandalA of Rg Vedam to check on what SayanA says about Hree in his Bhaashyam . is The Vedic passage declares majestically that the Lord's pathnIs are Bhu dEvi and Sri Devi and the day and night are His sides ( AhOrathrE PaarsvE ) . Our Bhumi Devi and Sri Devi are with ThiruviNNagarappan on the banks of AhOrAthra PushkaraNi at Oppilaa appan Koil . Bhumi Devi is kneeling before Him with folded hands praying modestly for the Lord's karuNai for their children and Sri Devi resides on His chest and is after the same mission . Srimadh Bhaaghavtham , VarAha PurANam and Swami Desikan's BhU sthithi connect closely as to why Bhumi Devi is associated with the name Hree . As the Lord VaraahA lifted Bhumi Devi out of the praLaya jalam with His gigantic form and placed Her on His left shoulder for the whole world to see His beautiful bride. Our Mother , who is not used to such public celebrations out of Her own innate modesty sat there uncomfortably on the perch of Her Lord's shoulder and received His (BHUVARAAHAN"S ) public adoration .She did not seem to like the public spotlight as His Queen . He went on further and took the form of AdisEshA and carried Her on His head according to Swami Desikan's poetic vision to prove to the world about Her supeerior status compared to MahA Lakshmi , whom He carries only on His vakshasthalam .The Lord carrying her to reveal Her superior status is alluded by Swami Desikan in the 10th slOkam of BhU sthuthi : " SeshAthmanA thu Bhavatheem SIRASAA dhadhAthi " . Srimadh BhAgavatham ( Canto 5.18.33 and 35) houses the eulogy of a shy and "embarassed " BhUmi dEvi to thank Her Lord fr His great act of valour in rescuing Her form under the Oceans . Swami Desikan's description of the tender scene of the Lord ( Sri VarAha mUrthy )hugging Bhumi Piratti and placing Her on His shoulder and the DhyAna slOkam of bhU sthuthi(SlOkam 32 ) gives us the clues for Her naamam celebrated by the vedam as Hree .Vedam salutes ThrivikramaavathAram . By inference then, the avathAram as VarAhA that happened before Trivikrama is Veidc in significance . Swami Desikan refers to " pOthra sparsa lasath kapOla palakA " while describing the sparsam of the mirror like cheek of BhUmi dEvi against the rough cheek of the Lord in VarAhavathAram . She was overcome by Her normal sense of modesty and she had rOmAnjali . Bhumi PirAtti's other name is KshamA or Sarvam KshamA .That name goes well with the name Hree. One can go on , but I will stop here . Bhumi PirAtti ThiruvadigaLE SaraNam . V.SadagOpan Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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