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nAcciyAr tirumozhi IX - Sindurac cempoDi - Introduction

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SrI ANDAL samEta SrI rangamannAr tiruvaDigaLE SaraNam


nAcciyAr tirumozhi IX - Sindurac cempoDi - Introduction



A. Translation from SrImAn SaDagOpan's tamizh treatise


ANDAL had always had a special liking to

sundararAjapperumAL stationed in tirumAliruncOlai.

>From her early childhood, she had heard her father's

devotional pASurams expressing his anubhavam of

this perumAL. In particular, the following pASuram

where periAzhvAr sings the words of the young girls

of AyarpADi who are in deep love with kaNNan,

was fixed fresh in her mind always:


"cuRRi ninRu tazhaigaL iDac curuL pangi nEttirattAl aNindu

paRRi ninRu Ayar kaDait talaiyE pADavum ADak kaNDEn

maRRavaRkku ennai pESal oTTEn mAliruncOlai em mAyaRkku allAl

koRRavanukku evaLAm enRu eNNik koDumingaL koDIrAgil kOzhambamE"


In this pASuram, periyAzhwAr becomes a tiruvAippADi

girl and declares his love for kaNNan through her

words; he describes, how he as the AyarpADi girl

watched through her window the scene of kaNNan's

pals making umbrellas out of leaves and holding them

over His head to protect Him from direct sunlight,

decorating His dense hair with peacock feathers making

Him stand in front of their houses and doing dr*shTi

SuRRal for Him, and dancing in glee around Him. Having

seen such great beauty of kaNNan, the girl vishNucittai

(the AyarpADi girl whose character periAzhvAr has assumed),

declares that she will marry only tirumAliruncolai manan

and no one else. She declares that if her parents

try to marry her to anyone other than this Great Lord

of tirumAlirum Solai, the world will laugh at them

saying that they are out of their mind.


godai never forgot this pASuram; treading in her

father's path, she also declares to the world through

the coming 10 pASurams that she will marry only

tirumAliruncOlai kaNNan. In the previous 10 pASurams

(viNNIla mElAppu), she tried to send the clouds as

her messenger to tirumalai, but they did would not

cooperate. Instead, as if to show how much they

enjoyed her 10 pASurams, they showered profusely in

tirumAliruncolai and cooled the ground. Butterflies

started flying around; flowers started blooming; bees

started singing after drinking the nectar in the flowers.

Watching all this, godai becomes even more intensely

aware of her separation from the tirumAliruncOlai kaNNan.

In the next 10 pASurams, she declares her love for

tirumAlincOlai kaLLazhagan in sundarattamizh. The

thoughts expressed by godai in these pASurams closely

reflect the bhagavad anubhavams portayed by godai's

anju kuDi (ancestors) - periyAzhwAr, nammAzhwAr,

kulaSekara AzhwAr, tirumazhiSai AzhwAr, pEi/bhUtam/poigai

AzhwArs. Cross-references will be given as we go along.


B. Some additional thoughts (from SrI PVP):


SItA pirATTi tells hanumAn as she sends him back

to Lord rAma with her message - "pRANAnAapi sandeho

mama syAt nAtra samSayah - I may not be alive by the

time you come back. At least sItA pirATTi had hanumAn

to go and give this message to rAma. Here ANDAL has

no one who will go and give her message to bhagavAn. She

pleads with the clouds to go and give her message to

tiruvE~nkaTamuDaiyAn, but they don't listen. They

stayed stubbornly where they were; not only that,

they showered heavily right then and there, making the

fragrant flowers blossom. Some flowers bloomed well,

and some were just in the form of buds, and all this

beauty around her only helped to remind ANDAL of

bhagavAn, His tirumeni, and His beautiful eyes even

more intensely, and made her suffering increase even more.

This worsening state of ANDAL finds expression in the

next 10 pASurams. Even further deterioration, leading

to a stage where ANDAL is unsure if she can continue to

hold on to her life, is described in the 10th tirumozhi

which will follow. The ninth and tenth tirumozhis

together convey the state in which nammAzhvAr finds

himself as expressed in tiruvAimozhi 9.5 - innuyirc

cEvalum. Here nammAzhvAr says that the cuckoos around

him are enjoying themselves with their mates, and as if

this is not enough, they keep cooing merrily, while he

is suffering intensely because of his separation from

kaNNan. It look as though the cuckoos are doing all

this only with the intent of making nammAzhvAr feel

miserable, and in the process kill him through

intense mental suffering.


sarvam SrIman nArAyaNAyEti samarpayAmi.



Kalyani Krishnamachari





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