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The Fifth SlOkam of the 99th Dasakam of Sri NaarAyaNIyam of NaarAyaNa Bhattadhiri

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Dear KrishNa BhakthAs :


In the fifth slOkam , Sri Bhattadhiri

describes the mahimai of Bhagavaan's nAmam.

He paraphrases his upadEsa slOkam on three

ancient Rg Veda Manthrams :


na thE VishNO jaayamAnO na jaathO dEvamahimna:


--First half of the Rg Vedam : VII.99.2


(Meaning ): Oh, Sarva VyApi VishNu !No divine or

human being that exists today or to be born ever

has been competent to utmost limit of Your mahimai.


prathatthE ahdya Sibhivishta nAmArtha:

SamsAmi vayunAni VidhvAn I

Tamm thvAgruNAmi tava samatavyAn kshayanthamasya

rajasa: parAkE II

Rg Vedam: 7.100.5


(Meaning ):Oh Omnipresent VishNu with the radiant halo

of light (Sibhivishta)! May I present myself before You

as the head of the family fully cognizant of my functions

that are to be known ( qualified YajamAnA of this Yaj~nam )

and commence the glorification of Your divine name today ?

Feeble as I am , I venture to praise You , who is

the most powerful One and who live even beyond the remotest

region of Your creation (in Sri Vaikuntam ).


The whole section of Rg Vedam Canto 7.99 and

7.100 provide inspiration for the 99th and the 100th

Dasakam of Sri NaarAyaNIyam .Each of the Rks of the 99th

and the 100th sections of Rg Vedam are profound salutations

to VishNu NaarAyaNan . Following are some examples

of the Veda sthuthi of our Lord :


parO MathrayA tanvA vrudhAna na thE

mahithvamanvasnuvanthi --Rg Vedam VII.991.1

( O All-pervading VishNU expanding Your

subha tanu( auspicious body ) beyond conceivable

limits , no one can comprehend the magnitude

of Your illustrious glories !)


iyam manIshA bruhathi bruhanthOrukramA

tavasA vardhayanthi --Rg Vedm: I.99.6

( This profound laudation is intended to salute

and celebrate the Lord as the Lord of Resplendence

and Omnipotence as the mighty , the wide-striding

ThrivikramA of incomparable strength ).


pra VishNurasthu tavasasthavIyaAnthvEsham

hyasya shtavIrasya Naama--Rg Vedam : VII.100.3

(May the all-pervading /sarva -VyApi Lord ,

the most powerful among powerful , rule over us.




Vi chakramE prthivimEsha yEthAm

KshEhtrAya VishNurmanushE dasasyan I

dhruvAsO asya kIrayO janAsa

urukshitham sujanimA chakAra II

--Rg Vedam : VII.100.4

(With the goal of giving a dwelling

for every one , the all-pervading

Thrivikraman traverses the earth

with one mighty stride(step). In His

benevolence , the humble aasthikAs

repose with confidence and seek

the safety of His lotus feet .

He , who is the noble progenitor ,

has made spacious dwellings for His

devotees .


We can thus begin to appreciate the great

Rg Veda manthrams on which Sage VyAsA based

his Srimadh BhAgavatham and the illustrious

effort of Sri NaarAyaNa Bhattadhiri to travel

along the same route shown by Veda VyAsA .


Now coming back to the 5th slOkam of the 99th Dasakam

celebrating the naama mahimai of Sri GuruvAtha pureesan ,

the Sri Vaikunta naathan , one can appreciate

the Veda Saara aspects of this slOkam :


nO jaathO jAyamAnOapi cha samadhigathasthvan mahimnOvasAnam

dEva srEyAmsi vidhvAn prathimuhurapi thE naama samsAmi VishNO

tam tvAm samsthoumi naanAvidhanuthi vachanairasya lOkathraysyA--

pUrdhvam VibhrAjamAnE virachithavasathim tathra VaikuntalOkE


Almost every word can be connected to the Veda manthrams

cited above . Since the length of this posting will get

even longer, adiyEn will just give the meaning of this slOkam:


(Meaning ): Oh GuruvAyUrappA ! There is no one born

or yet to be born , who will understand the full measure

of Your mahimai . Therfore ,Oh Lord KrishNA of GuruvAyUr !

I recite incessantly Your divya nAmAs knowing well

that they alone are the conferrers of the most auspicious

blessings . I recite Your glorious kalyANa naamAs of Yours

residing over the three worlds at Sri Vaikuntam and eulogize

You .


Sri KrishNa BhagavAn of GuruvAyUr nodded His head

to indicate that he accepts such naama mahimna sthOthrams

of His devotees and blesses them with His ParipUrNa

anugrahams .


Sri KrishNArpaNam

Oppiliappan Koil V.SadagOpan

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