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sharadah shatam

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Dear Bhagavathas,


I like to share this Fall season message (even for those who live in

Fall-less places)!



Fall or Autumn can be looked upon as a process of undressing by Mother

Nature. Likewise Spring as the process of dressing.

Hinduism (Sanatana Dharma)has attached deeper significance to Fall.

The trees with fresh leaves start in Spring and assimilate all through the

Summer and look bountiful. When Fall arrives, they let go this bounty, in

such a majestic and graceful manner (all the wonderful color changes covering

almost every hue one can imagine). There is an important message for us here:


We are born, just like those Spring tender leaves. We should carefully

assimilate all the goodies to the fullest of OUR abilities (yatHa shakti,

yatHa ruci), just like those trees that assimilate and become fruitful (make

hay while the Sun shines) and when the time comes let go that assimilated

treasure/position gracefully (not like the way most of us grudgingly send our

taxes to IRS in April), just like those trees that drop off the very same

leaves that nourished the fruits, making ground for the next batch.


We didn't make this world we only use this world to earn whatever

(Power/strength, knowledge, wealth) and we should let that go for the good of

the world. This is our obligation for this wonderful world and our Maker we

take for granted!


The Vedic mantras are full of reverence and reference to Fall (Sharad).

Everyday, gazing at the bright Sun, a Vedic seeker utters:

Let me live a hundred autumn

(Jeevema sharadahshhatam)

Let me see a hundred autumn

(Pashyema sharadahshhatam)

Modama Sharadahshatam

(Let me enjoy a hundred autumn)

ShriNavama sharadahshhatam

(Let me hear a hundred autumn)

Ajeethasyama sharadahshhatam

(Let me live invincible a hundred autumn)


Importance given to Autumn season can also be seen in the wedding vow. A very

important symbol of Hindu marriage is Mangal sutra (auspicious yellow thread)

that is tied by the bridegroom around the neck of bride like a garland. While

doing this, bride groom says:

oh! The auspicious bride, you live a hundred autumn. I am tieing this thread

which is a symbol of my life.

(Mangalyam tantu naanena

Mama jeevan hetuna.

KanTe badhnaami subhage

tvamjeeva sharadahshhatam).


To mark the Autumn season, we have many festivals. We have , Dussarah

(Navarathri), Deepavali, Skanda Shashti, Karthigai (Karthik month)

festivals, culminating in Bhagavadgita Jayanthi and Vaikunta Ekadashi. Fall

festivals are common in different traditions and cultures around the world.

In the U.S., we have Halloween, Thanksgiving followed by Christmas season.

Besides, I am sure many of you had some kind of a Fall Fling at your school.

Let us RAISE ourselves to the message of the FALL season!




K. Sreekrishna Tatachar

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