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ajAmilan's moksham ; Was: Indonesia's Ramanuja

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SrI Lakshminrusimha ParabrahmaNE namaha

SrI Lakshminrusimha divya pAdukA sEvaka SrIvaN-

SatakOpa SrI nArAyaNa yateendra mahAdESIkAya namaha


Dear devotees,

namO nArAyaNA.



SrI Raghu wrote :

Can't recollect the slokam exactly but it goes like this.

Sanketyam Parihasyamcha Sobam Helanamevava...

Vaikunta Nama Grahanam Asesha Agha Aram Vidhuhu

Basically even while addressing a person using his NAME, or if you are

mocking a person using a NAME, or if you are praising a person using


NAME, if that NAME is of our Dear Vaikuntanadha he will receive



Dear SrI Raghu :

This issue has already been discussed in the past. Please refer to

the "bhakti and prapatti" thread. Hari nAma sankeertanam will


make one attain moksham. There is no doubt in this. But, it is not a

direct means for moksham ie. it is not a sAdhyOpAyam. Upanishads

while describing the Brahma vidyAs to attain Brahman, enlist two

categories of upAyAs - bhakti (upAsana) and Prapatti (nyAsa Vidya).

nAma sankeertanam is not a direct brahma vidya, though it certainly

helps one to advance in adopting either of the sAdhyOpAyams.


Kindly go through the previous two postings, esp. the quote in which

BhagavAn categorically says that He will not grant moksham for any

other means other than bhakti and prapatti (In other words, nAma

sankeertanam is not a sAdhyOpAyam). This issue is dealt by SwAmi

dESikan with ample clarity in His SrImad Rahasya traya sAram.


SrI Raghu wrote :

A story from Bhagavatam....( a slokam from Krishna Satakam in Telugu


AjaMeela Upakhynam )



Because of his qualities he was reserved a

seat in Narakam not once

but several times. He had a son called Narayana and right before his



he called his son using his NAME "Narayana". That's it. Yama Kinkaras

couldn't even touch him.

His doubly reserved round trip seat in Narakam was released and was


a free one-way ticket

to His abode.


SrI Sudarsan Partasarathy wrote :

As for Ajaamilan, when calling his son(Ninth) Naarayana, he

thinks for a fraction of a second, the Lord, and that lets him

perform Prapatthi, to attain Moksha.



AjAmilan attained moksham not merely because of

chanting the name "nArAyaNa". He later performed bhati yOga

and attained moksham. But, that chanting of the sacred name

"nArAyaNa" was the turning point in his life, which lead him

progressively to attain moksham. Thus, the chanting of the

name "nArAyaNa" is said to have made AjAmilan attain moksham.


Relevant verses from SrImad BhAgavatham ( Canto 6, chapter 2) :


Verse 14 (referred by SrI Raghu) :


sAnkEtyam pArihAsyam vA stObham hElanam yEva vA |

vaikuNTha nAma grahaNam aSEshAgha haram viduhu ||


This verse explains that, learned mahAns know that the sins

are vanished, if one chants the holy name of SrIman nArAyaNa

(VaikuNTha) even indirectly to mean something else, jovially, for

musical beauty/entertainment or even neglectfully.


ajAmila after listening to all the arguments from the viSNu dUtAs

and the servants of yama dUtAs became enlightened.

Verses 24 to 38, describe as to how ajAmila very severly repented for

his past sinful deeds and obtained great vairAgyam etc and became

well determined to perform bhakti yOga.


Verse 39 :

" iti jAta-sunirvEdaha kSaNa saNgEna sAdhushu |

gangA dwAram upEyAya mukta sarvAnubandhanaha || "


"AjAmila with determination detached himself from materialistic

life, due to a moment's association (kSaNa sangEna) with

exalted devotees (sAdhUs referring to ViSNu dUtAs) and thus

went to HaridwAr (gangA dwAram / Hari dwAram), being

freed from all kinds of materialistic attraction / bondage" .


This also means that, association with bhAgavathAs/AchArya

leads one to moksham (implying that, it will lead to one of the



Verse 40 :

"sa tasmin dEvasadana aasInO yOgamAsthitaha |

pratyAhrutEndriya-grAmO yuyOja mana aatmani || "


< At a temple in haridwar, he performed yOga ie. upAsana

/ bhakti yOga, completly withdrawing all the senses, with

his mind fully absorbed in meditating upon SrIman nArAyaNa

(aatma / Supreme-Self) >.


Then, it is explained as to how ajAmila attained samAdhi with

rigorous meditation on SrIman nArAyaNa, and then obtained

moksham, with the viSNu dUtAs arriving to take him towards

SrI VaikuNTham.


Thus, when one says that various things like nAma sankeertanam,

association with bhAgavathAs, residence in a divya dEsam etc

will fetch moksham, it actually means that, it will lead one

to perform one of the Brahma VidyAs and thereby attain moksham,

mercifully granted by the siddhOpAyam SrIman nArAyaNa.


adiyEn rAmAnuja dAsan

ananthapadmanAbha dAsan


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