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Sri VenkatEsa SuprabhAtham: Part II(SlOkams 5-16)

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(5)athryAdhi saptharishayas samupAsya sandhyAm

AakAsa sindhu kamalAni manoharANi

aadhAya paadhayugma archayithum prapannA:

SeshAdhri sekhara vibhO! tava suprabhAtham


Oh Lord standing on the top of SeshAdhri

hill ! The group of seven rishis headed by

Adhri have completed their sandhyA worship

and have arrived to take part in your suprabhAtha

sEvai and abhigamana( morning) aarAdhanam.They have

brought freshly blossomed lotus flowers from

the AakAsa Ganga .May it be an auspicious

dawn to You !


(6) Panchanana abhjabhava shaNmukha VaasavAdhyA:

ThraivikramAdhi charitham vibhudhA sthuvanthi

BhAshApathi: paDathi Vaasarasuddhim aarAth

Seshadhri sEkhara VibhO! tava suprabhAtham


Oh Lord standing on the top of Seshadhri hill!

The leaders of the DevAs such as MahEswaran, BrahmA ,

ShaNmukhan and Indran are eulogizing your heroic deed

of measuring the the worlds with just three steps .

The Lord of languages, Brahspathi (Deva Guru)

is standing at a distance reading the panchAngam

for this day .May it be an auspicious dawn to You !


(7)yeeshath prapulla sarasIruha naarikEla-

pUgadhrumAdhi sumanOhara pAlikAnAm

aavAthi mandham anilassaha dhivyagandhai:

SeshAdhri Sekhara VibhO tava suprabhAtham


The gentle breeze carrying the invigorating fragrance

from the partly blossomed lotuses ,tender ears

of the coconut and arecanut trees is blowing

gently . Oh Lord of the SeshAdhAri hills !

May it be an auspicious dawn to Thee!


(Comments): This slOkam reminds one of the passage

from the third paasuram of ThoNDaraDippodi

AzhwAr's ThirupaLLIyezhucchi: " --Paimpozhil

kamuhin , madalidaikkeeRi vaNN paaLaikaL naaRa

Vaikarai koornthathu maarutham ithuvO--".


(8)unmeelya nEthrayugam utthama pan.jarasthA:

pAthrAvasishta kadalee phala payasAni

bhukthvA saleelamaTha kElisukhA: paTanthi

SeshAdhrisEkhara VibhO! tava suprabhAtham


Oh Lord of the peak of SeshAdhri hill! In Your

temple, the parrots inside the high cages are

singing Your sahasra naamams to gladden the hearts

of Your BhakthAs after partaking your banana

and paayasam prasAdhams from the previous

night . Please awaken and May this be an

auspicious dawn for You !


(9)tanthrI prakarsha madhura svanayA vipanjyA

gaayanthi ananthacharitham tava NaaradhOpi

bhAshAsamagram asakruth karachaararamyam

SeshAdhri sEkhara VibhO! tava suprabhAtham


Oh Eternal One! Sage NaaradhA , who never stays

too long in one place is standing still in front

of Your temple and is playing on his VeeNA

(Mahathi) Your dhivya charitham eulogized

in the AzhwAr's prabhandhams with fast

moving hands .He is singing along with his

veeNA music. Oh Lord of SeshAchalam ! May

this dawn be an auspicious one for You !


(10) bhrungAvaLi cha makarandha rasAnuviddha-

JhankAragita ninadhai: saha sEvanAya

niryAthupAntha sarasee kamalOdharEbhya:

SeshAdhri sEkhara VibhO! Tava SuprabhAtham


Oh SeshAdhri Sekhara VibhO ! The day is brightening.

The Lotus flowers have fully blossomed in the nearby

ponds .The bees that have been imprisoned inside

these closed lotuses during the long night are

happy to gain their freedom to come out and

sing Your praise and to offer worship to You.

Oh Lord ! May it be an auspicous day for You !


(11) yOshAgaNEna varadadhni vimaThyamAnE

ghOshAlayEshu dadhimanThana theevraghOshA:

rOshath kalim vidhathE kakubasccha kumbhA:

SeshAdhri Sekara VibhO! tava suprabhAtham


In the colony of cowherds, the young maidens

are churning milk for fine curds .That loud sound

is echoing in all directions .Have those sounds not

yet reached Your ears? Oh Lord of SeshAdhri peak !

Please arise and may it be a divine dawn to You !


(Comments): This slOkam has the echo of ANDAL's

seventh Thiruppaavi paasuram , where She reminds

Her dozing friend about the churning for curds at

BrundhAvanam ( Vaasa naRum kuzhal aacchiyar,

matthinAl Osaippadutha Thayir aravam kEttilaiyO).


(12) PadhmEsa mithra sathapathra gathAlivargA:

harthum Sriyam kuvalayasya nijAnga-lakshmyA:

bhEri ninAdhAmiva Bhibrathi theevranAdham

SeshAdhri Sekhara VibhO ! tava suprabhAtham


Oh Lord of SeshAshri peak ! Both the bees and the blue

lotus share Your divine blue hue. The swarms of bees

are making a loud sound like the beating of drums to

announce to the world that their bluish hue is far

superior and beautiful compared to the hue of blue

lotuses. This jealous reenkAram is filling the morning

air . Won't You arise from Your sleep to stop this feud

between these two, who are Your dear ones ?


(Comments): In the previous slOkam , the poet referred

to one kind of "theevara GhOsham" coming out of the cowherd

colony. Here , he refers to another kind of "Theevra-

naadham " in the lotus ponds near the temple of the Lord.

The ThiruppAvai paasura Vaakhyams that come

to adiyEn's mind are the ones that ANDAL addressed to

Her friends : " InitthAn yezhunthirAi, Ithenna

peruRakkam ?" and " Senkazhuneer vaai nehinzhnthAmbhal

vaai koompina KaaNN" in the fourteenth verse.


(13) Srimann AbhIshta Varadha ! akhila lOka bandhO!

SRISRINIVAASA ! jagadEka-dayaikasindhO!

SridEvathA-gruha-bhujAnthara-dhivya mUrthE !

Sri VenkatAchalapathE tava suprabhAtham


Oh VenkatAchalapathi! Oh Lord of MahA LakshmI!

Oh the relative (bandhu) in every way to all

the chEthanams and achEthanams ! Oh SrinivAsA !

Oh matchless auspicious ocean of DayA ! Oh Lord

housing Your divine consort in Your broad chest !

Oh Lord of exquisite beauty! May it be an

auspicious dawn to You !


(Comments): This prayer is to the Lord with the chest

adorned by the Lotus Lady , who never leaves His

side even for a fraction of asecond (ahalahillEn-) .

The poet reminds the Lord that he should think about

the reason why He left parama padham ( VaikuNta virakthAyA)

and arrived at the seven hills and appeals him to

arise as the dawn is nearing a quick end . This passage

reminds adiyEn of the ThiruppAvai passage:

" Yaam vantha kaariyam aarAyntharuLElOrempAvAi".

The extension is " DevarIr yaam vantha Kaariyam

aarAynthu aruLa vENum ". The other reference is

"Suptham udhbhOdhya KrishNam " words of ParAsara Bhattar.


(14) SriSwAmi PushkaraNikA-plava-nirmalAngA:

SrEyOrthinO Hara Virinchi SanandhAdhya:

DhvArE vasanthi varavEthra-hathOtthamAngA:

Sri VenkatAchalapathE ! tava SuprabhAtham


Oh ThiruvenkatamudayAn! The Gods of high status

appointed by You - Hari, BrahmA- and the sages of

great tapas like SanandhA have taken their sacred

abolutions in Swami Pushakarani and are pure from

inside and outside . They have crossed Your temple

gate after being touched by the staff of VishvaksEnar

on their heads and are waiting at your garbhagruham to

have your darsanam . Oh Lord! Please arise quickly

and bless them !


(15) SrisEshasaila GaruDasaila VenkatAdhri-

NaarAyaNAdhri VrushabhAdhri mukhyAm

aakhyAm tvadhIya vasathEranisam vadhanthi

Sri VenkatAchalapathE tava suprabhAtham


Oh Lord of Sri Devi! Your devotees like Haran

praising the glory of your seven hills--Sesha sailam ,

GarudAchalam , VenkatAdhri ,NaarAyaNAdhri ,

VrushabhAdhri and VrushAdhri--stand at Your

sannidhi. Please awaken and May it be an

auspicious dawn for You .


(Comments): There is the mention of the six of

the seven hills of Thirumalai in this slOkam .

The name of SimhAchalam has to be added to

the six to complete the count of Seven .


(16) sEvaaparA: Siva surEsa krusAnu dharma-

rakshOmbhunATha PavamAna DhanAdhinATha:

BhaddhAnjali pravilasan nija seersha dEsA:

Sri VenkaTaachalapathE ! yava SuprabhAtham


All the eight dhig-paalakAs ( Lords of the eight

directions) are waiting with folded hands and

bent heads to perform the Kaimkaryams desired

by You . Please awaken and command them to serve

You appropriately .May it be an auspicous dawn

for You .


To be continued..

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