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Contents Of Brahma-Sutras

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Dear Shree Vaishnavaas,


Namaskaaram. I present to you the contents of the Brahma Sutra

summarised as told by Shreeman Nigamaantha Mahaa Desikan in

his famous and unparalled work called "Adhikarana Saaraavali".


The BrahmaSutras are aphorisms composed by Veda Vyasa to explain

the Brahma-Kaanda the upanishads which enlighten us regarding

the Brahman's swaroopa(reality), roopa(form), guna(Attributes),

vibhuthi-ashiwaryam(lordship). Shree Bhagavat Raamaanuja has

written commentry on BrahmaSutras and explained that only

Visistaadvaita Shree Vaishnavam's philosophy and practice is

the purport of the Veda and the philosophy of Veda Vyasa. Shreeman

Nigamaanta Maha Desikan who is an extraordinary Aachaarya in our

tradition has composed "Adhikarana Saaraavali" wherein, he has

composed a hymn for each Adhikarana explained in Shree Bhaashya

in a condensed form.


Aadhikaranam is a sub-section in paada of an aadyaaya in Brahma sutra.

Each aadhikaranam has five components. They are Vishayam (Subject),

Samsayam (Doubt), Poorvapaksham (Opponent view), Sidhaantam (Established

truth with proof) and Prayojanam (Benefit of establishing the truth

with proof).


Each chapter in BrahmaSutra has sections called paadas and each paada has

sub-sections called the aadhikaranas. Each aadhikarana has one to many

sutras. The first chapter is samanvaya which deals with establishing

Shreeman Narayana as Brahman who is the only cause of universe

(all living and non-living things), having the universe as his

body and he being the soul of the universe. The second chapter is

avirodha, which establishes that the Brahman thus established in the

first chapter, cannot be refuted, or rejected by any system. The third

chapter is saadana, which deals with the means to attain the brahman's

lotus feet. The fourth chapter is phala, which deals with the goal,

which is eternal bliss and service to the lotus feet of Lord Shreeman

Narayana in the Paramapada Vaikunta, which is the transcendental

eternal & ultimate place.


One sloka(Sanskrit) from Swamy Desikan's Adhikarana Saaravali (almost

in the begining of the work) which explains the meaning of entire Brahma

Sutras is going to be presented along with its meaning by me as follows:


"Srashta Dehi Swanishta: Niravadhi Mahimaa Apaasta Baadha: Sritaapta:

Kaaatmaa Dehendriyaadehe Uchita Jananakrut Samsrwtow Tantra Vaahi

Nirdhoshatvaadi Ramyo Bhahu Bhajana Padam Swaarha Karma Prasaadya:

Paapachid Brahma Naadi Gatikrut Athivahan Saamyadascha Atra Vedya:"


Meaning with chapter-paada summary is as follows(in brief):




Paada 1 : "Srashta" - Shreeman Naaraayanan is the Brahman who is the

creator (& sustainer, destroyer) of the universe

Paada 2 : "Dehi" - Shreeman Naaraayanan has all the sentient and

insentients (chit & achits) as his body and He is the soul

Paada 3 : "Swanishta:" Shreeman Naaraayanan is the Supreme Self and

is the supporter/controller/sheshi of the universe and is

unparalled and unsurpassed

Paada 4 : "Niravadhi Mahimaa" - Shreeman Naaraayanan is infinite

with infinite supremacy.




Paada 1 : "Apaasta Baadha:" - The supreme self thus established in

the first chapter cannot be refuted or rejected by any

system like Saankya, Yoga, Charuvaaka, Vaishesika,

Bowdha, Jaina, Paasupata and others.

Paada 2 : "Sritaapta:" - The supreme self Shreeman Naaraayana is

the only dependable for those who surrender to him as

He is the author of Shree Paancharaatra Aagama which

alone is recognised by Brahma Sutra to be in accordance

with the Veda and equivalent to Veda.

Paada 3 : "Kaaatmaa " - Shreeman Naaraayana is the creator of ether &


Paada 4: "Dehendriyaadehe Uchita Jananakrut" - Shreeman Naaraayana is

the creator of the body of Jeevas and the Jeevas sense organs

according to the individual Jeeva's anaadi karma.




Paada 1 : "Samsrwtow Tantra Vaahi" - Shreeman Naaraayana is the

controler of the entire universe's actions and inactions.

Paada 2 : "Nirdhoshatvaadi Ramyo" - Shreeman Naarayana is identified

by ubhaya-lingam - the two identifications namely

"Infinite with infinite divine qualities/attributes" and

"Untouched by all impurities" though He is present inside

and outside of all chit and achit tatvaas always.

Paada 3 : "Bhahu Bhajana Padam" - Shreeman Naaraayana is the goal

of all Bhakthi Vidyaas mentioned in the upanishads. He alone

is meditated upon by people who wish to get liberation(moksha)

Paada 4 : "Swaarha Karma Prasaadya:" - Shreeman Naaraayana alone grants

the results to all as per their karma. He alone grants all

the four purushaarthas namely Dharma, Artha, Kaama and





Paada 1 : "Paapachid" - Shreeman Naaraayana destroys the obstacles

(paapa and punya) of those who practice Bhakti or Prapathi

and purifies them and thus makes them to be qualified for

getting Moksha.

Paada 2 : "Brahma Naadi Gatikrut" - Shreeman Naaraayana makes the

jeevaatman (who has done Bhakthi or Prapathi) to leave the

material body through the "Brahma Naadi" when the Jeeva's

papa and punya are removed.

Paada 3 : "Athivahan" - Shreeman Naaraayana leads the Jeevaatman

in the Archiraadhi Gathi to Shree Vaikunta Paramapada.

Paada 4 : "Saamyadascha Atra Vedya:" - Shreeman Naaraayana grants

"Saaloka", "Saaroopiya", "Saameepya", "Saayujya" to the

Mukta Jeeva. "Saaloka" - Jeeva reaches the Shree Vaikunta

Loka which is trancendental and immperishable. "Saaroopiya"

- Jeeva gets divine body of SudhaSatva like that of Shreeman

Naaraayana. "Saameepya" - Jeeva goes near Shreeman Naaraayana

in the Paramapada. "Saayujya" - Jeeva eternally does service

to the Lotus feet of Shreeman Naaraayana along with Nitya

soories and other muktas and never returns to the material

world. Thus Shreeman Naaraayana who is the ParaBrahma Butha

is known from the Saareeraka Saastra which is the Brahma

sutra - the purport of entire Vedas.


Dear Bhaagavatas, having read this, please do get back to me if

you have any doubts/questions. I am waiting for your valuable

comments and suggestions.



M.S.HARI Raamaanuja Daasan











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