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SrI PerukkAranai SwAmi's Sanskrit Commentary on SrI BhAshya

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SrI Lakshminrusimha ParabrahmaNE namaha

SrI Lakshminrusimha Divya PAdukA SEvaka SrIvaN-

SatakOpa SrI nArAyaNa yateendra mahAdESikAya namaha


namO nArAyaNa!


Dear devotees,


adiyEn was fortunate to be there during the release of the first

volume of the commentary on SrI BhAshyam by

SrI U.Ve.PerukkAranai MAdabhUshi ChakravarthAchArya SwAmi

(77), an aastAna vidvAn of SrI Ahobila Mutt. It was held at

SrI DESika Bhavanam.


SrI PuriSai swAmi, dowhitrar of SrImad InjimEttu Azhagiyasingar

and the editor of SrI Nrusimha Priya Magazine released it and

spoke well about this excellent work by SrI PerukkAranai swAmi

(SPS) and the importance of publishing books. SrI SEva -

SrInivAsarAghavAchArya swAmi while praising this new and valuable

contribution, conferred the title "abhinava SudarSana Bhattar" to

SPS. This was because, while learning from SrImad InjimEttu

Azhagiyasingar, SPS recorded the daily kAlakshEpam as notes and

wrote them in an organized manner by referring to many other

source books as well during each night. It was well appreciated

by SrImad InjimEttu Azhagiyasingar as SPS would read them out

the next day. Similarly, the next H.H.Jeeyar SrImad DEvanArviLAgam

Azhagiyasingar also was very happy listening to this entire

manuscript. We know that, SrI SudarSana Bhattar wrote

SrutaprakASika by recording the kAlakshEpams of SrI NadAdUr



SPS then developed the manuscript by adding some more

new arguments and insightful informations.


SrI PayyambAdi VEnkatavaradAchArya (disciple of UttamUr

SwAmi) recalled the way SrI KOzhiyAlam swAmi praised the

efforts of his own disciple SrI abhinava dESika UttamUr

SwAmi, through the publications under the banner "Ubhaya

VEdAnta GranthamAla". SrI PayyambAdi swAmi then praised

the efforts of SPS and said that those words of SrI

KOzhiyAlam swAmi (a sanskrit verse) is also applicable to

SPS who has undertaken this very important publication.


SrI VillUr KarunAkaran swAmi lauded this commentary to be

an excellent addition to the sampradAya literature. In a

brief glance through the commentary (while he was in the

dias), SrI KarunAkaran swAmi(SKS) read the portion on

"apahata pApma" vichAra by SPS. SKS lauded that such an

in depth analysis on that issue, if were written in either

English Or tamil will by itself yield a Ph.D. degree in the

academic circles. SKS also remarked about the valuable

information in the commentary by way of explaining the

salient features of SrutaprakASika and references to

SrI BhAshyArtha Darpanam (commentary on SrI BhAshyam)

by SrI UttamUr SwAmi.


SrI MannArgudi RAjagOpAlAchArya said that the release of

this lucid and excellent commentary is certainly an "Historical

Event". After a brief glance over the commentary, SrI MannArgudi

SwAmi was praising in many ways SPS has made intellectual

arguments in certain issues. He particularly stressed and praised

SPS's expertise in NyAya SAstra and the ability to perform

"tarka" (logical arguments). By the way, SPS was well trained

in NyAya SAstra by none other than the undisputed giant of that

field and his own uncle (mAmA) viz. SrI abhinava dESika UttamUr

VeerarAghavAchArya SwAmi.


Few days later, in a private conversation, SrI MannArgudi SwAmi

(SMS) told me that, this commentary is an outstanding addition

to our Philosophy. The main feature of the commentary is the

lucid way in which many difficult passages/texts of esp.

SrutaprakASika are explained in a very simple sanskrit. He

remarked that, this commentary might as well be used in

kAlakshEpas henceforth due to its clarity by explaining the

difficult concepts in a very simple sanskrit, apart from

giving the salient features of previous commentaries.


You must have read the appeal by Smt VaidEhi and SrI RAja.

Please do contribute towards this noble cause, by sending a

cheque in favour of "P.M.Chakravarthi" and send it to :


Sri Desika Bhavanam,

27, Venkatesa Agraharam,

Mylapore, Chennai 600-004.



SPS is also publishing an excellent commentary on ThiruppAvai.

It will get published within a month. It is also an outstanding

work in very simple tamil running to more than 550 pages. Even

the padavurai for swApadEsams are given. More on it later when

it gets published.


Thus, even if you are not highly motivated to have a "Sanskrit"

book, however great the contents might be, please do send your

contributions to SrI PerukkAranai swAmi in recognition of his

great service to SrI Bhagavad RAmAnuja DarSana. Thanks in



adiyEn rAmAnuja dAsan,


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