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Vedas vs modern science

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Dear BhAgavatas,




Many BhAgavatas have expressed their views about theories

propsosed by scientists of recent centuries vs the metaphysics of

ViSishtAdvaitam (the rudiments of which I don't know).


vEdas are complete science revealed by BhagavAn to brahma at

the beginning of the creation (though He did not teach them like KrishNa

later taught gItA to Arjuna, we can't say they have an independent

origin).Again it is BhagavAn Who in the form of HayagrIva brought back

the lost Vedic knowledge. This is the knowledge which enables Brahma to

create.It does not deal with BhagavAn and chit alone but deals with matter also.

So to go on renewing our thought processes based on theories proposed by

scientists may not be a healthy practice. At the same time, we may not be

able to disprove them, due to our own limitations. To understand the

evolution of the universe, one needs to understand the role of

BhagavannArAyaNa, the creator, sustainer and destroyer of the entire



Suppose we can't accept what VEdas say reg. the chem.

composition of water, what is the guarantee that they speak truth about

even the existence of BhagavAn and soul? I somehow think BhagavadrAmANuja

suggests an integrated approach for reasoning, i mean we can't draw our

own conclusions reg. the evolution of species etc. without trying to

understand the tattvas of matter, soul and ParamAtmA at the feet of an



One more thing is we don't have the complete text of the "complete

science". More than 97% of vEda SAkhAs are lost over centuries for

different reasons. So quoting things from the remaining SAkhAs to prove

our vEdas to be unscientific (which none of our members has done) from the

modern physics point of view won't help. Even if all the SAkhAs exist, we

should have an AchArya like SrI rAmAnuja to interpret it properly.


I agree with Sri Anand that theories like that of

Darwin are immaterial to us. They should never come in the way of our

spiritual progress. Instead of pondering over such things, it is always

better to enjoy the ananta kalyANa guNas of the Paramapurusha, in Whose

existence all of us believe. I am sure that one day He will make us

understand every aspect of His wonderful creation.


dEvam hayagrIvamaham prapadyE

your humble servant


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