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nAcciyAr tirumozhi XI – tAm ugakkum 7

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SrI ANDAL samEta SrI ra’ngamannAr tiruvaDigaLE



nAcciyAr tirumozhi XI – tAm



pASuram 11.7 (eleventh tirumozhi - pAsuram 7 uNNAdu

uRa’ngAdu )


tam nanmaigaLaiyE eNNugirArE


uNNAdu uRa’ngAdu oli kaDalai UDaRuttu

peNNAkkai AppuNDu tAm uRRa pEdellAm

tiNNAr madiL SUzh tiru ara’ngac celvanAr

eNNAdE tammuDaiya nanmaigalE eNNuvarE


A. Meaning from SrImAn SaDagOpan's tamizh treatise:


azhagiya maNavALan, the Lord of SrIra’ngam which is

protected by strong walls that won’t yield even during

the mahA praLaya, fell in love with a woman, sItA when

He had taken the incarnation as rAma. Being lovelorn,

He spent His time fasting and loosing His sleep over

her. He had to build a dam over the ocean to cross

lankA. He has forgotten all the humiliations He went

through for a woman and now thinks only of His

greatness, and keeps torturing me in the process.


B. Additional thoughts from SrI PVP:


The list of humiliations (tAm uRRa pEdu) is countless.



uNNAdu: After sIta was separated from Him, there was

no one to feed rAma with great affection, and so He

was not eating well. If you were to say that

lakshmaNa was there, the answer is “Not so”. As per

periya tirumozhi 8-10-1, He was mAmalar mangai maNa

nOkkam uDaiyAn – His food was to have sItA in front of

Him, and when she was gone, there was no food for Him.


uRa’ngAdu: He doesn’t sleep either.


“anidras satatam rAma: suptOpi ca narOttama: |

sItEti madhurAm vANIm vyAharan pratibhudhyatE ||

(rAmAyaNam sundarakAnDam 36-44)


oli kaDalai UDaRuttu: When He built the dam across

the ocean, it was after becoming the Sishyan of a

rAkshasa, namely vibhIshaNan, and surrendering to

samudra rAjan under his instructions.


peNNAkkai AppuNDu: He was so obsessed with the body of

a woman (He was bound to the tirumeni of pirAtti).

Akkai also denotes a creeper, and so perumAL who is

the kaRpaga maram is bound by pirATTi who is the

kaRpagak koDi.


tAm uRRa pEdellAm eNNAdE: He forgot all the

humiliations He went through.

He who is supposed to have the mental strength

comparable to the Himalaya

Mountain (samudra iva gAmbhIrye dhairyeNa himavAniva –

rAmAyaNam bAlakANDa 1.17), lost all that mental

strength in that state, and does not remember that

either. He had to resort to help from monkeys and

squirrels, and does not recall that also.


tammuDaiya nanmaigalE eNNuvarE: He thinks that it is

a sign of His greatness that those who are separated

from Him have to really struggle hard to get Him by

performing nOmbu, falling at the feet of kAman,

playing the kUDal game and sending messengers to Him.

Forgetting all the sufferings that He went through

when He was separated from sItA, and hot-headed by the

wealth of the ubhaya vibhUti that He has as He is

lying on His snake-bed in tiru ara’ngam, He watches

the pangs of separation that I am going through, and

thinks that it is a proof of His greatness.


SrI PVP gives the following from another vyAkyAnam:


uNNAdu etc: “If I am not eating and not sleeping now,

it is because He set an example for me by not sleeping

and not eating when He was separated from His beloved

sItA. So it is not my fault that I am not able to eat

or sleep being separated from Him; it is all His



Akkai AppuNDu: “He kept thinking about pirATTi’s

tirumEni and was not able to see her Atma svarUpam and

Atma guNam”.


tAm uRRa: “He was the disciple of the great sage

vasishTha, and could not get over His kAmam and

suffered so much because of it; what else can be

expected of a brainless girl like me except going

through the suffering that I am going through? He

even wailed to His own brother of how he was tortured

by the separation from sItA - “only those who are

blessed (to be with their beloved) can enjoy pampA

river’s breeze”

“dhanyA lakshmaNa sEavntE pampO pavana mArutam”

(rAmAyaNam kishkindAkANDam 1-115)


eNNAdE: “How is He able to forget all His previous

humiliation? It is the sheer possession of His

immense aiSvaryam of being the Lord of tiru ara’ngam;

nothing else”.


C. Additional thoughts from SrI UV:


SelvanAr – “He always has pirATTi in His vaksha

sthalam – this was true in His vAmana incarnation, and

it was true in His rAma incarnation also, and it is

true always no matter what His incarnation is. Still,

He could not be bear the separation of a bodily form

of pirATTi in the form of sItA. He ended up

surrendering to sugrIva first. Then the same

vibhIshaNa who first described Him as sarvaloka

SaraNyan directed Him to surrender to samudra rAjan,

and He complied with that. He fasted for three days

and prayed to samudra rAjan without sleep, and when

samudra rAjan did not comply, He had to resort to all

kinds of efforts such as throwing rocks and stones,

getting angry, building a dam, etc., before claiming

victory. Such was His desire for a woman at that

time. Why doesn’t He have the same desire for me now?

All because He now thinks of His greatness and

nothing else. May be He thinks that there is no

rAvaNan to take me away, and so He can just lie down

on His snake-bed and have me with no effort



Maybe He will always be unable to bear the separation

from the tirumeni of pirATTi no matter what form she

assumes, because they are both one tattvam together.

The SAstra declares “eka tattvam ivoditau””. Or, one

could argue that He might have gone to such a great

length to get back sItA because this was His

responsibility to His kulam. If it is argued that

this does not mean that He has to be interested in

ANDAL’s tirumeni now, she explains further in the next



D. Additional thoughts from SrI PBA: “People tell me

that it is unfair for an ordinary human girl like me

to accuse this Almighty emperumAn in these terms. Let

me tell you all what kind of mEnmai this emperumAn had

in His rAmAvatAam. He went around and behaved like a

mad person (pEdu), sleepless and hungry, building dams

across the ocean, etc., all because of desire for a

woman. Is this consistent with His greatness? And if

the answer is yes, then it is just as fine that He

should now take efforts in my case as well. It is not

fair that He now thinks that He is great and I have to

suffer to get Him.”


It is interesting to note the different meanings given

for the same word “pEdu” –

SrI PVP calls it “eLimai” (simplicity); SrI PBA calls

it “paittiyam” (madness); SrI UV calls it ”varuttam”





PVP= SrI periyavAccAn piLLai

PBA= SrI prativAdi bhayankaram aNNangarAcAriyAr

UV = SrI uttamUr vIrarAghavAcAriyAr


sarvam SrIman nArAyaNAyeti samarpayAmi.



kalyANi kRshNamAcAri





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