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naanEthaan aayiduga- Some reflection of Athma guNAs

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Srimathe Ramanujaya Namah:


Dearest sisters and Brothers,


On this great day of Sri GodhA PiraaTTi's (Sri AndAL) Thirunakshathram, let

us pay our obeisance to the Lotus Feet of Sri AndaL by dwelling on Her word

"naanEthaan ayiduga" (in 15th pAsuram of Thiruppaavai) (meaning: may be -I

am at fault). NaanE than aayiduga means: Let naan (“I”) be what “I” should

actually be- i.e. being eternal servant- daasan of Emperumaan. (naan )

naanEthan aayiduga.


Please forgive me for my free translations (though not error free). This

article elaborated mainly on "naanEthaan ayiduga" is based on one of the

pamphlets that are released regularly under "Project Popularization of Swamy

Desika's works" by Sri U Ve. C Seshadri of Chennai. This particular one was

released on the 80th Thirunakshathram of asmadhacharyan Srimad

PaRavaakkOttai Andavan Sri Gopaladesika Mahadesikan (8.4.2000). This is

from Srimad Rahasyathrayasaram of Swamy Desikan - SwanishTa abhignaana

adhikaaram. (Chapter-14).


(This is ONLY intended to remind ourselves of these Athma guNAs that we need

to inculcate and cultivate- for us, Srivaishnavas, who have surrendered to

the Lotus Feet of Sriya: Pathi Sriman Narayanan. This is srivaishnava

lakshaNam to DEVELOP cultivating these guNAs. I always relish referring to

Sri KooratthAzhwAn's glory again and again on his GREATEST ATHMA guNAs.


This post is more of my loud thinking to rectify myself.. Or at least

attempt.- start attempting. It is NOT an overnight phenomenon. It requires

us to have the "real" feeling of "jIvan's" true nature of belonging to

Sriya: Pathi as His sEshan- His vasthu, His possession- His eternal servant


Swarupa nishtai:


1. If we happen to listen to the statements (derogatory) about us, like "He

is short; He is dark; He is of ugly face; He is lame; He is stupid- not

intelligent; He is of low caste" and any other abusive statements, do not

worry. These statements are all for our body (sarIram) and nothing of that

sort relates to our AthmA, which is permanent, pure always. Hence, we do not

need to scold back or howl at them for such statement; nor we need to sulk

and feel remorseful.


2. Further, if someone really scolds or abuses us with such statements as

above, or any other disparaging remarks against us, feel sorry for him that

he unnecessarily incurs paapams (sins) by such statements and pray to

Emperumaan to have krupai on him (remember Sri KooratthAzhwAn forgiving



3. Sometime, we may not adhere to saaasthras (I always fall in this

category) and due to laziness, or exertion, may skip some deed; if someone

finds us with that defect and corrects us, we should not get angry for being

caught red handed; instead, we need to feel thankful and be grateful to him

for correcting us at the most appropriate time. (Once ThirukkOshithoyoor

Swamy due to feeling tired, leaned on a pillar in Srirangam temple during

VaikuNTa EkAdashi festival, another person (like me, waiting to find someone

at fault), approached Swamy and pointed that Swamy should not do that being

an AchArya. (One is not supposed to lean on and relax in Bhagawath

Sannidhi). Immediately Swamy apologized and thanked him for correcting him.

He felt indebted to him for preventing him do that apacharam which he had

committed without even realizing that he was doing.) What a quality! -I

would have said "sardhaan pOm Swamin.. Unga vElayai paathuNdu pOvIngaLaa?")


4. Even when one finds us committing apacharams and tells us, we need to

consider as if Emperumaan is speaking to us through him to correct us and

consider it a Divine will. We should not think of any ill against such

people. Even when it is false accusations, we should think that Emperumaan

is only testing us for balanced mind to face insults.


5. When one accuses without proper analysis, and without any reason, only

based on prejudices, we should feel delighted that our praarabhdha karma is

getting dissolved by through his such false accusations and be thankful to

Emperumaan for enabling us get dissolved of our praarabdha karma so easily.


UpAya nishtai:


1. Except for SarvEshawaran, Sriya: Pathi Sriman Narayanan, we and our

family (wife, children) are not servants or daasa bhUthars to anyone else.


2. Even when we are in the evening of our life, or suffering from deadly

disease, and are going to die, since we have already surrendered to

Emperumaan, we should feel happy that the time has come to unite with Him at

SrivaikuNtam through archiraadhi maargam. (soozhuvisum panimugil thhoriyam

muzhakkina.- TVM 10.9) and gladly welcome death with smiling face. We should

know fully well that we are going to be sitting on the soft lap of our

Father Sri Parama padha nAthan looking and enjoying His red coral like lips

and be along with His samastha parivaaram.- Nithyars and mukhthars.


3. Having surrendered to the Sriya: Pathi, we should not worry about our

protection and not be scared of any event happening. He is there to protect

us and whatever happens is His Divine will. (It need not be what we desire.

It will be what He desires for us.)


4. Having surrendered to the Sriya: Pathi, we should not undertake any other

means (like bhakti yOgam). We have surrendered to Him with an unflinching

faith (mahAviswaasam). He has already taken a pledge to save us from all

sins and has assured us Not to worry. (so why worry?) We should not do some

yaagams /homams or any other karmas simply because it is going to give us

some puNyam, but simply as Bhagawath preethyartham.


5. Having surrendered to the Sriya: Pathi, We should always think that it is

all in Emperumaan's will to alleviate our sorrows and to grant us something

good until our death. Whatever happens is for good.


Purushaartha nishtai:


1. Having surrendered to the Sriya: Pathi, we should NEVER ever seek for

material comforts, nor should we unduly be worried about some problems

occurring at home with our family, - with a thinking that everything is

happening only due to praarabhdha karma.


2. By worrying about anything, nothing gets resolved. It has to happen as

per Bhagawath sankalpam. - With that jnAnam, we should not brood about the

domestic problems occurring.


3. If there is some unexpected wealth or comfort comes our way also (of

course through dharmic way), we should not shun them. We should consider

them as Bhagawath sankalpam and think that that is way to get rid of

(praarabdha karma phalam) puNyams as they will also be stumbling block for

SrivaikuNTa prApthi.


4. We should view both happiness and sorrows equally with a balanced mind

and have ruchi (taste) only for kaimkaryam to Emperumaan Sriya: Pathi Sriman



5. Having surrendered to the Sriya: Pathi, we should develop an intense

desire (tvarai) for the Paramapadha prApthi and utter Dwayam, (contemplating

its esoteric deep meaning) at all times.


All above qualities are for us, Srivaishnavas, who have surrendered to

Emperumaan Sriya: Pathi Sriman Narayanan.


If we attempt to inculcate and cultivate these guNAs, Sri AndAL and AchAtya

saarva bhouman Swamy Desikan will be pleased.


Any mistake in the above writing is only mine; anything good is due to the

great article written by the author.


Before winding up:


As Bhagyasaalis (fortunate ones) belonging to Sri Ramanuja dharsanam- our

Srivaishnava Sampradayam, let us remind ourselves of:




(1) Sentient soul- Jeevathman;

(2) achith – Insentient matter

(3) Iswaran- Emperumaan Sriya: Pathi Sriman Narayanan- sEshi (master- owner)

for both Chit and Achit


Hitham- (means- way) the Lotus Feet of Emperumaan Sriya: Pathi Sriman

Narayanan, through Bhakti yOgam or Prapatti (saraNAgathy)




Purushaartham- Eternal ceaseless service at the Lotus Feet of Sriya: pathi

Sriman Narayanan.




Sri AndAL ThiruvadigaLE SaraNam

Swamy Desikan ThiruvadigaLE SaraNam


Narayana Narayana


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